
How to Control the Progression of Nephrotic Syndrome to Kidney Failure

Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of symptoms including proteinuria, low blood protein levels, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, and swelling. This disease may affect both children and adults, of both sexes and of any race. It is a complex immunological disease affecting the tiny blood-filtering units (glomeruli) in the kidney. If not treated in time, patients may progress to Kidney Failure.

Experience suggests that the conventional treatment alone is not enough to manage this disease. It has been proven that the most advance immunotherapy helps significantly towards better control and management of Nephrotic Syndrome. Under this treatment, we can achieve the following effects:

▪ A variety of symptoms can be alleviated gradually, so the protein leakage at glomerular level can be stopped .

▪ You can quit the steroid therapy after starting our treatment.

▪ The body's immune system is modulated, thus helping to give a long-term treatment.

▪ The recurrence of the disease can be prevented effectively.

▪ The personal healing force or vital force can be increased.

▪ There is not any side effects and addiction.

Immunotherapy can guarantee us the above obvious treatment effects, so we can control the Nephrotic Syndrome development effectively.

Since the disease is a chronic and recurring disease that is unable be cured in a very short duration of time like any other acute disease, patients need to prepare for a long-term treatment process.

Based on 26 years' experience and expertise in kidney disease treatment, our experts have fully grasp the pathogenesis and therapeutic methods, and they will work in team-and with you-to provide you the most successful chance of recovery.

A Remote Video Experts Consultation is on the way for foreign patients, and you can ask free help from the nation's top nephrologists. Contact our online service if you need any help.

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