
What are Effective Treatment for Kidney Calcification

Kidney calcification, also known as kidney stones, refers to a condition in which the kidneys form small, hard deposits. These deposits are made up of acid and mineral salts, and look like small rocks. What are effective treatment for this disease?

People who are affected by kidney calcification may suffer from the following symptoms:

▪ Pain (in the side and back, below the ribs) occurs when the kidney stones move into the tube connection the bladder and kidneys-the ureter.

▪ Urinary symptoms: brown, pink, or red urine; persistent, strong urge to urinate; reduced urine or no urine at all.

▪ A fever or chills-indicates serious problem.

▪ Uremia-an increase in waste products in the blood.

Available treatments for kidney calcification include surgery, lithotripsy, and Chinese herbal remedy.

Under the first two treatment, the stones can be temporarily removed, but new stones will grow then. Both of the methods will damage your body and even impair the kidneys. The fundamental problem is not solved.

Chinese herbal remedy, known as Micro-Chinese Medicine, is a natural treatment. Through external application, we can change the internal milieu, remove toxins that produce stone in bloodstream, destroy the basis of stone formation. This therapy can also melt the bigger ones, smash them into smaller pieces, and then eliminate out of the body. With a purified and clean environment, we can avoid the recurrence of stones.

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