
Treatment for PKD with renal function 49%

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder with a cluster of fluid-sacs in the kidneys. It is a progressive disease and can result in decline of renal function. Therefore, aggressive treatment is quite necessary to treat the disease. What is the treatment for PKD with 49% kidney function?

PKD kidney function with 49%

As mentioned above, a number of cysts develop in kidneys in PKD. With age, the cysts grow in both size and number persistently. Enlarged cysts interfere with their ability to filter waste products from the blood. The growth of cysts cause enlarged kidneys and may eventually lead to kidney failure. PKD patients with renal function 49% had renal damage in moderation.

Treatment for PKD with renal function 49%

Complications occur frequently in PKD, such as high blood pressure, pain in the back or side, blood in the urine, urinary tract infection etc. Conventional Western medicine aimed primarily at controlling symptoms, but can not stop the decline of renal function. More than half of people with PKD develop kidney failure at 60 years. Therefore, Western medicines alone are not sufficient for treating PKD with 49% kidney function at all.

Is there any other treatment for PKD with 49% kidney function? Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for people with PKD. This therapy has been used in China for over 25 years. It works in the following ways to treat PKD.

First, effective drugs can kill epithelial cells in cyst wall and arrest cells produce cyst fluid. Thus, cysts extension stop.

Second, therapy may increase the permeability of blood vessels and increase the excretion of cyst fluid. So enlarged cysts will be shrunk.

Thirdly, drugs can stimulate self-regeneration of damaged renal tissues to improve renal function

If the above treatment is done well, renal function will stop declining and renal failure will be completely avoided.

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