
Treatment for PKD with creatinine 3.5

Treatment for PKD with creatinine 3.5
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a progressive kidney disorder in which chronic kidneys fail. As renal function decreases, creatinine accumulate in the body. How serious is PKD with creatinine 3.5? What is the treatment for PKD with creatinine 3.5?

PKD with creatinine 3.5

PKD is highlighted with numerous cysts. With age, the cysts grow in both size and number persistently. As a result, the expanded compressed renal cysts tissues and replace more and healthier nephrons. When the kidneys fail, they will not be able to filter creatinine body properly, resulting in high creatinine.

Normal creatinine result is between 0.6 ~ 1.3mg / dL. Due to the large capacity compensatory kidneys no creatinine level increases until renal function becomes reduced to half. Creatinine 3.5 is three times higher than the normal range and involves very serious kidney damage.

Treatment for PKD with creatinine 3.5

Patients should receive treatment to stop the decline of renal function and improve residual renal function. If the kidneys may work better for filtering blood, high creatinine certainly reduced.

Traditional Western medicine can only relive the symptoms of PKD, but can not treat the disease effectively. Here Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is suggested to PKD patients with creatinine 3.5. It works in the following ways to treat PKD.

- The effective medicine ingredients can kill epithelial cells in cyst wall and prevent cystic fluid secreting cells. Thus, cysts stop growing.

- The therapy can improve the permeability of cyst wall and improve fluid excretion cysts. Therefore, cysts gradually shrink.

- The most important part of treatment is that the drugs can stimulate the regeneration of damaged renal tissues to restore damaged nephrons. If so, the kidneys will be able to work more efficiently to filter blood. As a result, high creatinine will be reduced.

The above are the treatment for PKD with creatinine 3.5. For more treatment information, you can email to kidney-support@hotmail.com.

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