
How can I reduce my level of creatinine?

Creatinine is a metabolite of muscle breakdown, and depending on muscle mass, and produces a constant rate by the body. It is produced from creatine, which is important for energy production in muscle. The kidney is responsible for creatinine clearance from the blood in the urine and defecation. Thus, if the kidneys malfunction, blood levels of creatinine will rise. With that said, the measurement of creatinine levels in the blood are a good alternative for renal function.
Typical levels of creatinine in the blood range from 0.6 to 1.2 mg / dL in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 mg / dL in adult females. Adult muscle may have more creatinine in their blood as a function of muscle mass, while the elderly often have lower levels. Creatinine levels in excess of 10 mg / dL in adults may be a sign of weakness in the kidneys.
The most common reason for the increased levels of creatinine is a weakness in the kidneys or any disease that causes weakness in the kidney, including high blood pressure, diabetes, dehydration, shock, congestive heart failure or bladder outflow obstruction. Creatinine levels can be falsely elevated because of certain medications (including ibuprofin and some blood pressure medications), and after eating large amounts of meat or food supplements and creatine during exercise. Limit your intake of protein and increased fluid in your body and two easy ways to reduce your level of creatinine. Moreover, it can deal with diabetes, high blood pressure and urinary tract health also help to reduce your creatinine levels.
Should be done creatinine levels are a way to measure kidney function, with a focus on reducing the level of creatinine your not going to be of the utmost importance. You should consult your doctor and discuss the options and the creation and completion of a plan to treat high creatinine levels.

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