
Treatment for CKD secondary to diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a serious complication of diabetes. If no aggressive treatment is applied, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the result. What is the treatment for CKD secondary to diabetic nephropathy?

CKD secondary to diabetic nephropathy

Small blood vessels tinier holes in them act as filters in the kidneys. In the right conditions, small molecular waste products can pass through the small holes and are filtered urine. Large molecular useful substances will be preserved in the body because they can not squeeze through the holes.

However, diabetes, if blood glucose remains high over time, will cause additional stress on the blood vessels. With time, the blood vessels are damaged and holes will be made larger. As a result, protein in urine will be filtered. In the early stage of diabetic nephropathy, microalbuminuria is only present in urine. However, if no intervention treatment is adopted, the damage to the small blood vessels become more severe. CKD is the result. In that case, more clinical signs appear as heavy proteinuria, edema, hypertension, etc.

Treatment for CKD secondary to diabetic nephropathy

The first goal of treatment is to control diabetes aggressively. Effective control of blood glucose can reduce pressure on kidneys to slow deterioration of renal function. You can send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com for more tips to control blood glucose.

Furthermore, a series of risk factors can worsen kidney function as high blood pressure and proteinuria. If these conditions can be controlled aggressively improve the prognosis of diabetic nephropathy significantly.

CKD results in damage to diabetic nephropathy nephrons. To control completely CKD, patients must undergo treatment to restore the nephrons with disabilities and make the kidneys function better. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is an effective treatment for CKD in diabetic nephropathy. You can improve renal functional cells. If so, the structure will be restored kidney and CKD be inverted.

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