
The elevated BUN Mean Renal

Commonly, blood urea nitrogen is used to measure kidney function. So no means elevated BUN kidney failure?

First, we will form a basic understanding of blood urea nitrogen.

BUN refers to the degradation product of organic nitrogen compounds in the body. Under suitable conditions, healthy kidneys can help excrete wastes, toxins, etc outside the body and keep it at a constant level. And the normal value is 1.75 8.05 mmol / L.

When the kidneys are severely damaged, the excretion of toxins will be affected as a result, the BUN level will increase accordingly. And various lesions of the renal parenchyma, including glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure or chronic renal failure, etc can all lead to this.

Does that mean I BUN elevated kidney failure?

To be honest, the BUN high level does not necessarily mean that the kidneys are severely injured and kidney failure. In fact, many factors may contribute to its development including, gastrointestinal bleeding, urinary tract obstruction, severe infections, heart failure, fever, dehydration, shock, corticosteroids, excessive protein intake, etc can cause a persistent elevation or temporary BUN.

If you still have nothing clear about the high level of BUN or kidney failure, you can inform leaving us message to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. Best wishes!

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