
How to deal with cortical renal cyst

Symptoms and Detection
Renal cortical cyst symptoms include pain in your back and abdomen and the length of your hand between your ribs and hip; frequent urination; bloody or dark urine; fever. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can examine you and system tests that can detect renal cysts. The therapist will use ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the kidneys and the search for cysts.
If you have a small kidney cysts that do not cause you any problems, and the doctor will generally left alone, even though they follow up with additional scans may in the six months to 12 months. But if you're experiencing symptoms of renal cortical bag, we will send you to the doctor may urologist, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney problems.
Will your urinary tract to determine whether renal cysts have grown at random, or whether they were caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)---遗传性疾病靶向肾脏并引起肾囊肿的生长。肾囊肿很小或很少,一般不会伤害你,但多个或大的囊肿可引起疼痛和感染,对肾脏的损害。如果你的泌尿科医生嫌疑PKD,调度检查每两年一次,以验证在肾脏的存在和囊肿。
The doctor can permanently drain and harden renal cortical cysts small by inserting a needle directly in it. The process of removing fluids and replaces it with alcohol, and that causes the tissues that form the cyst to harden.
May require more surgical removal of cysts. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves small incisions, shorter hospital stay and faster recovery. During surgery, the surgeon will drain the cyst fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.

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