
Renal cysts grow up how to do

我患 肾囊肿和3.9 CM左右有4.0CM这是B超结果头两个月; 这一结果是符合肾囊肿生长4.3 CM B的,长大了,他们应该怎么办呢?
专家:您好答案,囊肿还是随着时间的推移增长,也可以是小囊肿有什么症状; 囊肿较大可引起不适,腰椎牵引肾囊,也引起肾缺血和肾压制缺氧,引起肾脏损害,引起血压升高等一系列临床症状。你现在应该有囊肿治疗囊肿认真对待一般有三种类型的临床方法1.剥脱术2孔技术手段3.中药保守治疗,手术有一定的风险,而且还容易复发。中国medicine保守治疗,并且没有危险,可以使孢囊逐渐返回到吸收,并抑制生长和修复畸形肾小管上皮细胞与纤维状放电。它使用了医院的免疫系统疾病的自然平衡,肾脏病治疗的治疗治疗,治愈了很多病人谁从肾囊肿受到影响。

Early symptoms of renal cysts


Western medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease


曾经治疗情况和一年:在正常情况下,病人检查 多囊肾,首先要保持乐观的心态,如果效果是不是已经对病人的自然生活,并且通常需要小心,不要降低盐的摄入量,热等刺激性食物,和法律的时候,你有手感光滑乐观,如果病人影响正常的生活,平时注意多了几个,也用于治疗,而且越早越好,只允许发展成肾功能衰竭和尿毒症,为时已晚。







8高血压:肾缺血和肾素 - 血管紧张素 - 醛固酮系统的激活,是主要的原因,血压高,应该相应地选择降压药。


How to reduce the levels of creatinine in blood

Creatinine is a waste that formed in the body during the process of energy production in muscle product. Creatine phosphate is a component of the skeletal muscles that are broken down to supply energy for the body's cells, and the formation of creatinine. And creatinine thus obtained then enters the bloodstream to reach the kidneys, from where it is discharged through the urine. This metabolic process rate is converted to creatine creatinine is fixed or static, and uses approximately 2% of the total creatine content of the body even daily. Therefore, in the regular session, there is no opportunity to increase daily production for.
Normal creatinine levels in the blood (in mg / dl)
Adult women: 0.5 to 1.1 mg / dL
Adult men: 0.6 to 1.2 mg / dL
Individuals with only one kidney: 1.8 to 1.9 mg / dL
Gets elevated level when the kidneys fail on this product secretion of waste properly. It can be run from a major potential health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gout, heart disease, and loss of excessive blood, etc. In some cases, it has some of the causes less dangerous as well, such as drought, and the side effects of drugs, etc. There are no specific symptoms with any one can determine the height of creatinine levels in the blood. Is diagnosed during a laboratory test involving blood and urine samples. Doctors prescribe medicines to treat the underlying cause is responsible for the defect in the kidney. Can not control sugar levels in the blood causing extensive damage to the kidneys. Therefore, described diabetic patients with insulin and other medications to control blood sugar levels. They also have to strictly follow the follow the diabetic diet. Due to high blood pressure, kidney and is capable of filtering waste properly. Therefore, it is to give people suffering from heart disease and vascular appropriate medications to lower blood pressure. Moreover, there are some dietary restrictions that they need to follow, along with the remaining stress-free. However, these levels need to fall naturally.
Drink plenty of water
When our body gets dehydrated, the creatinine levels tend to increase. You can reduce the chances of any further rise in consumption by about 8-10 glasses of water daily. In the morning, start your day by drinking 2-3 glasses of water. This will lead to increased frequency of urination, and as a result, you will get rid of most of the body creatinine.
A healthy diet
And include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole wheat, barley and oats, etc., to your daily diet. Can meet the protein requirements of the body with lettuce, cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and sprouts, and radishes, and cucumbers, cranberries and turnips. Drinks on caffeine, alcohol and carbonated bad for this condition, because of its diuretic effect, and may cause dehydration. Replaced with fresh fruit juice or aloe vera juice, and that will keep you hydrated, and at the same time provide you with good nutrition. Herbs such as eating dandelion, ginseng, sage, cinnamon, which are known to be useful in controlling the levels of creatinine. It should also avoid foods that contain refined sugar as an ingredient.
Reduce sodium intake
Sodium tends to promote water retention. Therefore, it would be better if you can stay away from all those foods that provide extra sodium to the body. Avoid salty foods, processed foods, canned foods, etc., in this case.
Avoid high-protein foods and dairy products
Should stay away from foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, etc., because of the content of a high percentage of protein. Creatinine, being a kind of amino acids, mainly found in such protein-rich foods. If you are looking for low creatinine levels, and foods such as chocolate, almonds, peanuts, beer, egg whites, and seaweed, spirulina, sesame seeds, and gelatin should also be avoided. And dairy products only serve to increase the level of creatinine, thus avoiding cheese, milk, and other dairy-based products. When you are providing less quantity, and will also produce creatinine automatically reduced by the body.
Avoid creatine supplementation and vanadium
Athletes and bodybuilders often consume creatine as a dietary supplement, in order to fuel the skeletal muscles and improve their performance. But this can be dangerous, as by providing additional creatine, and kidneys are not only swell or increase in size, but can also cause heart problems or muscle cramps. Therefore, for the fastest levels of creatinine in the blood to reduce warranty, one must avoid creatine supplements. Often consumed vanadium by diabetics, and can easily overdose increased creatinine levels in the blood, so one must be consumed only in small quantities.
Avoid strenuous activities
Strenuous exercises reinforce only creatine converted into creatinine greater than normal speeds. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid over-training or do strenuous physical exercises similar, and choose exercises for lower density. Healthy exercise is more beneficial than excessive exercise, and this is the reality for everyone.

How can I reduce my level of creatinine?

Creatinine is a metabolite of muscle breakdown, and depending on muscle mass, and produces a constant rate by the body. It is produced from creatine, which is important for energy production in muscle. The kidney is responsible for creatinine clearance from the blood in the urine and defecation. Thus, if the kidneys malfunction, blood levels of creatinine will rise. With that said, the measurement of creatinine levels in the blood are a good alternative for renal function.
Typical levels of creatinine in the blood range from 0.6 to 1.2 mg / dL in adult males and 0.5 to 1.1 mg / dL in adult females. Adult muscle may have more creatinine in their blood as a function of muscle mass, while the elderly often have lower levels. Creatinine levels in excess of 10 mg / dL in adults may be a sign of weakness in the kidneys.
The most common reason for the increased levels of creatinine is a weakness in the kidneys or any disease that causes weakness in the kidney, including high blood pressure, diabetes, dehydration, shock, congestive heart failure or bladder outflow obstruction. Creatinine levels can be falsely elevated because of certain medications (including ibuprofin and some blood pressure medications), and after eating large amounts of meat or food supplements and creatine during exercise. Limit your intake of protein and increased fluid in your body and two easy ways to reduce your level of creatinine. Moreover, it can deal with diabetes, high blood pressure and urinary tract health also help to reduce your creatinine levels.
Should be done creatinine levels are a way to measure kidney function, with a focus on reducing the level of creatinine your not going to be of the utmost importance. You should consult your doctor and discuss the options and the creation and completion of a plan to treat high creatinine levels.

How to deal with cortical renal cyst

Symptoms and Detection
Renal cortical cyst symptoms include pain in your back and abdomen and the length of your hand between your ribs and hip; frequent urination; bloody or dark urine; fever. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor, who can examine you and system tests that can detect renal cysts. The therapist will use ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to examine the kidneys and the search for cysts.
If you have a small kidney cysts that do not cause you any problems, and the doctor will generally left alone, even though they follow up with additional scans may in the six months to 12 months. But if you're experiencing symptoms of renal cortical bag, we will send you to the doctor may urologist, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney problems.
Will your urinary tract to determine whether renal cysts have grown at random, or whether they were caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)---遗传性疾病靶向肾脏并引起肾囊肿的生长。肾囊肿很小或很少,一般不会伤害你,但多个或大的囊肿可引起疼痛和感染,对肾脏的损害。如果你的泌尿科医生嫌疑PKD,调度检查每两年一次,以验证在肾脏的存在和囊肿。
The doctor can permanently drain and harden renal cortical cysts small by inserting a needle directly in it. The process of removing fluids and replaces it with alcohol, and that causes the tissues that form the cyst to harden.
May require more surgical removal of cysts. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves small incisions, shorter hospital stay and faster recovery. During surgery, the surgeon will drain the cyst fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.

Foods that should be avoided with high creatinine level

Creatinine blood test is ordered to evaluate kidney function. Can be used for this test, along with other factors such as age, sex, weight, and help doctors on glomerular filtration rate estimated expense (EGFR), which is a measure of kidney damage.
Phosphorus is often a problem for patients with creatinine. If your phosphorus levels begin to inch up, and your kidney disease refers to a low-phosphorus diet. High phosphorus foods to avoid include milk products, lentils, dried beans, chocolate and beer. Dishes such as macaroni and cheese and lasagna are off-limits because of the cheese content. The use of the word Kramer (nondairy) to replace the milk shop in recipes.
It also increases the levels of creatinine and approaching renal failure, the kidneys may be less able to produce urine. If this happens, you'll have to limit the amount of liquid you consume. Foods such as Jello desserts and frozen watermelon considered liquids. Stay away from orange juice if potassium problem, and avoid milk if your phosphorus levels are high. Relieve thirst with small cups of ice water is a safer bet.
Patients who suffer from high creatinine have almost always, high blood pressure, and often end up with four or five different blood pressure medications. Blood pressure control is easier if you follow a low sodium diet. Avoid processed meats and canned soup is a good start. Indian and Mexican dishes are very useful because these rely on spices for flavor instead of the salt shaker or a bottle of soy sauce. Just be careful to avoid the signifier or bean dishes that often accompany such a dish meals if your potassium or phosphorus levels are high.
Patients who suffer from high creatinine levels in often to change the amount of protein they consume. Many patients go on a low-protein diet to slow the progression of kidney disease and reduce the symptoms of the presence of nitrogen waste in the blood. Other patients go on a high-protein diet after the start of dialysis to prevent muscle damage and replace the amino acids that you get dialyzed of blood. Ask your doctor if you need to change the amount of your protein.


Protein in urine over 60 3+ and GFR in CKD Natural Treatment

This is no natural treatment to try to protein in the urine 3+ and above 60 in CKD GFR, so expect a good recovery. in this article we will discuss this issue in detail. Have a question? Consult our doctor online free advice.
Protein in urine over 60 3+ and GFR in CKD
Patients who have been diagnosed with this condition suffer from a severe loss of protein in the urine (2.5 mg / 24 hours), with about 60% of the left renal function. if cake on time, the symptoms will be eliminated and kidney damage can even be reversed. Then patients can regain their overall kidney function successfully.
What is the natural treatment of urine protein 3 + and above 60 FG in CKD?
In order to eliminate these symptoms, patients are advised to find a fundamental treatment that can help prevent further deterioration of the level of GFR and restore global renal function.
In Chinese herbal remedy known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can ensure that such healing effects. This is a novel development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) . Patients only nececitan to lie in bed for treatment.
Selected herbal medicines are micronized small molecules. With the application of modern osmosis device, the effective medications can reach the renal injury directly and work to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent the inflammatory response, eliminate blood stasis, repair cells and kidney tissues with disabilities. With time, renal function spontaneously recovered.
The kidneys can function properly, symptoms like protein in the urine 3 + and low GFR be alleviated naturally.
If you are interested in learning more detailed introduction about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please leave a message below or email us sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. Glad to share useful information!

ESRD may people avoid dialysis membranous nephropathy in

Membranous nephropathy is a kidney disorder with inflammation of nephrons. It is very difficult to control. Many patients eventually develop kidney failure and have to start dialysis. However, it is very hard to live on dialysis. Can people with ESRD on dialysis membranous nephropathy avoid?
Membranous nephropathy ESRD
Nephrons are the basic functional units of kidneys and each kidney is composed of about one million nephrons. Under suitable conditions, the nephrons can filter waste products and excess fluid from blood.
However, membranous nephropathy, the immune system fails to function normally, resulting in a large number of immune complexes to deposit in kidneys. Immune complexes can cause inflammation in the kidneys, resulting in gradual decrease of renal function. Without effective treatment, the nephrons become inflamed and scarred. ESRD is the final result in most cases.
Dialysis for ESRD in membranous nephropathy
Dialysis is also called artificial kidney. It may take more than a partial renal function to keep alive patients. However, it is not a cure for membranous nephropathy. The average life of dialysis patients is only 5 ~ 6 years.
Can people with ESRD on dialysis membranous nephropathy avoid?
Fortunately, some patients with ESRD on dialysis membranous nephropathy can be avoided if an effective treatment is applied. To achieve this goal, patients should be treated to restore damaged nephrons and improve the function of native kidneys.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and purification of blood are the recommended treatments for patients. Blood purification can eliminate pathogenic substances and metabolic waste products in blood. You can create a clear framework for the implementation of osmotherapy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a Chinese herb medicine externally applied. This therapy can improve renal function by restoring the damaged kidney structure. If the function of native kidneys can be improved, dialysis will not be required at all.
Above about people with ESRD on dialysis avoid membranous nephropathy, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!


I can drink wheatgrass juice with Chronic Kidney Disease

I can drink wheatgrass juice with Chronic Kidney Disease
The people with chronic kidney disease, they need to know in addition to effective treatment, proper diet also play a vital role. Well, can CKD patients take wheatgrass juice?
Promote blood circulation
It is reported that chlorophyll present in wheatgrass helps carry oxygen and other nutrients to the body.
Furthermore, it can also help lower blood pressure by expanding blood vessels. If patients with CKD are affected by high blood pressure, drinking in moderation can be helpful.
Stimulate metabolism
Due to its content of amino acids and enzymes, it can be suggested by doctors to improve digestion. For example, you can help detoxify the body and relieve constipation.
Relieve fatigue
For people with chronic kidney disease, due to the decreased renal function, symptoms such as anemia can easily occur. And the minerals can help increase red blood cells and relieve fatigue.
Skin Problems
By regeneration of skin cells, it can be suggested to treat skin conditions and promoting wound healing.
To add this drink in your diet plan, please weigh the pros and cons first. If you have no idea about this, please email us sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com test report. And get free medical advice from our experts within 48 hours.

You can eat pineapple patients with kidney transplant

It is well known, rich fruit has high nutrient for our bodies, pineapple is a typical subtropical fruit. It is not only rich in nutrients, but also has the functions of health. however, you can eat pineapple patients with kidney transplant? Come along to learn about the effect of pineapples' in the kidney.
During renal failure one could experience many limitations on the types of foods you could eat before a kidney transplant. You can advise avoiding some driver has much potassium. eg citrus and bananas. Pineapple is considered good for kidney transplant patients.
The pineapple can help digestion, because it contains bromelain, so we know we can promote appetite and improve quality of life. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that pineapple has many advantages such as strengthening the spleen and stomach, intestine relaxing, quench thirst, and induction of diuresis to reduce edema. For diseases nephritis, hypertension, constipation and edema. Pineapple there are indeed very good. But transplant patients still have to pay attention to the amount.
More importantly, after surgery to promote healing, you have to eat more lean meat, chicken, fish and low-fat dairy products, and also include a variety of grains, fruits and vegetables for the right amount of calories, vitamins and minerals .Two common problems in patients with renal transplantation are high levels of cholesterol and weight gain. By limiting fat in your diet and eat high-fiber foods, you may be able to control high cholesterol levels. If you need more tips diet after kidney transplantation, feel free to leave us a message or email below sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com.
In addition to reasonable diet, proper amount of exercise, adequate living habits such as avoid catching a cold, infection prevention, etc are equally important for patients with renal transplantation.


Creatinine 3.8 in FSGS, How to download it

Creatinine is the product of muscle metabolism and is typically filtered out of the body by kidney. The normal range for blood creatinine is between 0.6 ~ 1.3. Due to the potent kidney compensatory capacity, level of creatinine has not increased by more than 50% kidney function is lost. Obviously, creatinine 3.8 is associated with very severe kidney damage in FSGS.
How to lower creatinine 3.8 in FSGS?
Patients believe that if high creatinine can be lowered, his condition better. However, this is a misunderstanding about the relationship between creatinine and FSGS.
As mentioned above, high creatinine 3.8 is the impairment of glomeruli in the kidneys. Therefore, to reduce high creatinine, patients should treat kidney as a whole. If the kidneys may work better for filtering blood creatinine will be reduced effectively and fundamentally.
So how to improve renal function and increase the excretion capacity of kidneys? The combined therapy and immunotherapy Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for treating FSGS with creatinine 3.8.
Immunotherapy can suppress inflammation in kidney and correct immune dysfunction in kidneys. The immune system will recover to protect the body instead of attacking the body's healthy tissues and cells.
The Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the following curative effects in treating FSGS.
- The effective drugs can degrade immune complexes in the kidneys and degrade the extracellular matrix. Therefore, you can create a favorable environment for repairing damaged kidney tissues.
- The active ingredients of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can activate the self-healing system in the body to stimulate the regeneration of damaged renal tissues. Thus, renal function will be enhanced.
If the kidneys may work better for filtering blood, high creatinine 3.8 in FSGS will be completely and fundamentally undercut.
Creatinine above about 3.8 in FSGS, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness features all information If you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!

How to treat kidney enlargement in polycystic kidney disease

Kidney is bean shaped organ with length of about 10-12cm, width of 5-6cm and 3-4cm thick. In some kidney diseases can be shrunken kidneys and some other diseases of the kidneys may be enlarged.
Polycystic kidney disease is usually caused by bilateral renal enlargement common renal disorder. In some cases, the kidneys can be several times larger than the normal size. PKD is characterized by numerous renal cysts in both kidneys. Both the size and number of cysts will increase along with time, oppress and replace normal kidney tissues. Will greatly enlarged kidneys, kidney structures will be altered and kidney functions will be lost gradually and progressively terminal patients develop renal failure.
When kidneys are beginning to be extended, the greater the kidney is, the more severe the disease condition is less kidney functions will, therefore it is very necessary to seek proper treatment to get rid of these renal cysts to treat renal enlargement and recover certain renal functions.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, external application of Chinese medicine is the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease because it is effective and natural.
Active ingredients in drugs cyst wall can soften and increase permeability, on the other hand, can change the pressure difference inside and outside so that cyst fluid and cyst is draining the cyst be shrunk. After a period of treatment, renal cysts can be shrunk and enlarged kidneys ideal small size also will be reduced to a smaller size.
An advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is significantly lowered recurrence rate compared to surgery. This is due Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy not only total have shrinkage effects on existing renal cysts, but can also inhibit further secretion more fluid cyst inactivation of epithelial cells in the cyst wall that is the source of content renal cysts.
When renal cysts are shrunk, kidney enlargement will become more normal. Conditions of disease is stabilized and residual renal function can be protected.
Above on how to treat kidney enlargement in polycystic kidney disease, if you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send a e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!


I can have Parsley with ESRD

People diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) usually suggested to take early and effective treatments follow a scientific diet. Well, they may have parsley?
As a popular herb, parsley load in chlorophyll, vitamin C, folic acid and iron. It also has calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and so on.
Frankly speaking, parsley can benefit patients with ESRD in the following aspects:
Relieve anemia in ESRD due to decreased renal function, a number of symptoms including anemia can exist. And patients may experience fatigue, dizziness easily. Studies have shown that high chlorophyll content within this herb can help produce blood. Moreover, the iron content can also help relieve anemia effectively.
Help treat urinary tract disorders has been stated that the substances present in parsley can help excrete toxins from the body through urine. This way, you can help prevent kidney stones and some disorders of the urinary tract.
Cardiovascular Health Folic acid in parsley can help relax arteries and reduce the risk of heart attack. Thus, it can help significantly to cardiovascular disease. In addition, consumption of parsley juice may also help prevent atherosclerosis aa degree.
Increases immunity High vitamin C and immune-enhancing substances in parsley make it an important factor strengthening the immune system.
What is the proper method to parsley?
Experts in this field in our center indicate that the most effective way to enjoy the benefits is to take the juice of parsley. However, this does not mean that patients with ESRD can drink casually. For more information, welcome you to email, @ hotmail.com kidney disease-click access our immediate help.
Even if the parsley can benefit patients with ESRD much, this herb alone is not enough. And the best way is to find effective treatments early, here, hot compress therapy may be a good option. Since it can not only help revive symptoms like anemia, high blood pressure, loss of appetite, etc., but also improve renal function dramatically.

Is the only solution dialysis for patients with creatinine level 4.7

Dialysis is a treatment for symptomatic creatinine level 4.7, but not to cure this disorder. For patients with this disorder have alternative for disease treatment option of natural root. Read this paper to learn the most useful information.
Alternative to dialysis creatinine level 4.7
* Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Unlike symptomatic treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy aims treatment creatinine 4.7, mainly by repairing the damaged renal intrinsic cells and recovery of the global renal function.
As a natural therapy, Chinese herbal medicines are applied externally, no side effects to the human body. Patients are in bed for treatment.
* Medicinal Bath
Medicinal baths is an external application of traditional Chinese medicine. It is safe and convenient without adverse effects on the human body. This therapy can work to promote blood circulation, promotes the excretion of metabolic waste products such as creatinine, improve body immunity, and increase the residual renal function gradually. Talk to your doctor to confirm the safety in your situation for this therapy.
In addition, other natural solutions to the creatinine level 4.7 without dialysis may also include enema, cycle therapy, natural herbs, foot bath, and moxibustion
The most appropriate treatment options must be chosen according to individual diagnosis of the patient. This can ensure satisfactory curative effects. If you are interested in getting evaluated for our treatments offered, please feel free to send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com, for professional and free tips from our team of experts in the kidney. Thanks for your time!


Caring for nephrotic syndrome patients

Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is a common sign of glomerular disease and kidney disease usually occurs in children and adolescents. Typical characteristics are massive proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, edema and hypoproteinemia. If these symptoms are treated early and effectively, can slow or even halt the progression to renal failure. Treatment time, can cause inflammation and other complications. To reduce complications and promote treatment, care is more important. It is care includes the following:
1. Psychological Nursing
Patients with nephrotic syndrome usually have a sense of fear, anxiety and other signs of psychological disorder which is disadvantageous for the NS treatment. In this case, you should comfort their patients and give them sufficient sense of security and confidence. Psychological Nursing is most useful for treatment in nephrotic syndrome.
2. Infection Prevention
Severe edema due to insufficient protein and decreased auto-immunity, patients with nephrotic syndrome inflammation readily available. Therefore, patients can prevent inflammation of the following:
※ Pay attention to food hygiene and prevent diseases of the mouth.
※ Notice to keep the skin clean. Patients with nephrotic syndrome should take bath regularly and change clothes.
※ have reasonable rest
For NS patients with edema, moderate exercise should keep rest according to their status edema.
※ Follow a sensible diet
The incubation period of nephrotic syndrome patients should limit salt intake and eating high quality protein. When conditions are under control, you can change your diet gradually normal diet, while they should avoid eating foods high protein and high in fat too.
※ Measure water consumption and urine output
For edema and patients with renal dysfunction, measure its output water intake and urine every day. They must also weigh weight regularly used to choose foods and medicines.
※ Measure blood pressure regularly
The blood pressure is under control makes more sense to prevent and delay the development of renal function.
Nephrotic syndrome is effectively treated and nursed it can prevent spoilage. Learn more about nursing, you can click directly to our dialog box customer service and obtain necessary information.
Above is how to care for patients nephrotic syndrome, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, include rudimetos, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our online experts, kidney-support@hotmail.com us or leave message below!

What causes numbness in the chest of Kidney Disease

As we all know the symptoms of kidney failure is not only high blood pressure, bubbles in urine or inflammation, patients with renal failure may also experience other symptoms such as numbness in the chest, feet, fingers, etc. Since the introduction should know that numbness in the chest is a symptom of kidney failure. However, what causes numbness in the chest of renal impairment on earth, the following may give answers.
At the stage of renal failure, numbness is the partial or complete loss of sensation. People with numbness may be unable to sense light, touch, temperature or even know where body parts are. If numbness has been present for a long time, especially in the feet, patients may lose the ability to walk, drive and other sports that relate to the feet. So many patients with renal insufficiency want to know what causes numbness in the body on earth. In fact, many conditions can cause numbness in various ways. For example:
1. Put pressure on the part of the route
2. Reduce or block the blood supply to nerves in the body
3. Infect a nerve
4. Damage part of the pathway of sensation, as many result of injury or inherited disorders that affect nerves
5. Nerves causing part of the road that swell and lose its outer shell
Since the introduction above, you may basically see the reasons cause drowsiness in patients with renal insufficiency. In people with numbness, the following symptoms are of concern:
1. Numbness begins suddenly, within minutes or hours
2. Numbness or weakness extends up or down the body rapidly, involving more and more body parts
3. Loss of sensation in the face and other body parts
In conclusion, numbness may be caused easily in patients with renal failure, so you should treat kidney damage as possible. If you want to know some natural therapies, please leave your message below or send us an e-mail The experts kidney-support@hotmail.com kidney will help with care.


Pranayama Yoga is good for nephrotic syndrome

Is pranayama yoga is good for nephrotic syndrome? A mother says her son has nephrotic syndrome for the past 4.5 years, and the child is now 10 years old. They have tried many options such as homeopathy and ayurveda, but the child's condition relapsed and again. Now, the local doctor suggested pranayama yoga. Can Pranayama help treat kidney disease?
To find the answer, we must first make clear what the pranayama yoga.
Pranayama refers to breath control, and something that is useful for beginners to understand. Generally, pranayama yoga is a part of other practices of yoga and consists of four main stages. In the first stage, users may experience an interest in the control of breathing. Then, they can enter the second stage where the internal processes play a role in helping to control breathing. In third stage, lighting or knowledge is produced. Finally, pranayama yoga can open more human potential to achieve higher mental plane.
Is pranayama yoga is good for nephrotic syndrome?
Pranayama yoga, gentle exercise as is commonly a good choice for people with nephrotic syndrome. If you have this disease, you can get some benefits from the practice of pranayama.
1. Improves Breathing: Breathing is an indication of life. Through the regulation of breathing, pranayama can release the tension of the muscles of the heart and calm the brain.
2. Lower High Blood Pressure: Some people with nephrotic syndrome have high blood pressure. This type of yoga has an effect on the lower pressure, by improving blood circulation, relax the body and calm the nerves.
3. Improve the function of some organs kidneys, lungs, heart, intestines and pancreas.
4. Strengthens the immune system: Doing some gentle exercise for 30 minutes every day is a good way to boost immunity and fighting various diseases.
Above is Pranayama Yoga be good for nephrotic syndrome, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, include rudimetos, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our online experts, kidney-support@hotmail.com us or leave message below!

Goal of therapy for nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome can not be cured, does that mean we can leave it alone? Of course not. On the one hand with nephrotic syndrome should be treated as soon as possible and therapy you choose should be able to help them achieve the following objectives:
1. Mitigating the duration of symptoms of nephrotic syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is not a specific disease but a group of clinical manifestations that are related to proteinuria, edema, low blood protein and high blood lipid. Although these symptoms occur as a result of acute kidney injury, deteriorate and accelerate disease condition. Therefore, therapy for nephrotic syndrome should be able to alleviate these symptoms, to slow the progression of the disease.
2. Prevention of renal failure
To be honest, nephrotic syndrome is not mortally until it develops to the stage of renal failure. For this reason, stopping nephrotic syndrome developing kidney failure is one of the most important goals of treatment. In the clinic, the different therapies can be used to deal with nephrotic syndrome, very few of them can help achieve this goal, so choosing the right treatment is very essential.
3. Security therapy
Nephrotic syndrome was good at the expense of causing many health problems that can become the final cause of death of patients in many cases. In addition, for children with nephrotic syndrome, both mental and physical development are easily affected by many medicines. Therefore, therapy for nephrotic syndrome used must be harmless to the patient.
Different therapies can help achieve different goals of treatment. For nephrotic syndrome, you must choose the appropriate treatment according to their disease status and physical condition. Also, if you happen to be a patient nephrotic syndrome and still have some urine output, you can try Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which not only improves kidney function, but also strengthens the immune system. More importantly, are harmless to all people.
Above is goal of therapy for nephrotic syndrome, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, include rudimetos, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our online experts, kidney-support@hotmail.com us or leave message below!


Diagnosis and management of nephrotic syndrome in adults

Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific renal disorder can be primary or secondary. For adults, timely and accurate diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome allows patients to have a good handle on your illness condition. Therefore, here we will mainly present the diagnosis and management of nephrotic syndrome in adults.
The diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome in adults
Accurate diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome in adults is based on advanced medical evidence relates to:
1. Urine test routine
For an adult with nephrotic syndrome, massive protein (more than 3.5g / 24h) was found in his urine through urinalysis. For this test, patients need to collect urine samples over 24 hours for an accurate measurement of protein in the urine.
2. Blood Routine
In nephrotic syndrome, as many proteins are filtered into the urine, so that low protein levels were found through routine blood tests. Protein loss is generally associated with increased blood triglycerides. Furthermore, serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen can also be measured to assess the overall renal function.
3. Renal Biopsy
Renal biopsy is a medical procedure in which a small sample of kidney is removed from the body for examination and this test can help you learn show our kidneys are damaged and how well our now renal function.
Management of nephrotic syndrome in adults
Due to differences in disease condition, nephrotic syndrome patients need to take various measures to manage their disease. And these measures typically include:
1. Fluid
Fluid intake is a point of nephrotic syndrome patients should pay attention. The high fluid intake exacerbates the edema and kidney condition (See our doctors online about the right amount of liquid you) deteriorate.
Also, if the edema is severe enough, diuretics can be used to send this symptom.
2. Nutrition
Protein is an essential nourishment of our bodies. For an adult with nephrotic syndrome, when a large amount of protein lost in the urine, the replacement of certain proteins that the body will be very necessary. However, high protein intake will bring additional burden on the kidney, which is very harmful. For this reason, leans on the amount of protein ingested daily is very necessary for nephrotic syndromes.
3. Make sure your blood pressure and blood sugar are in the normal range
Persistent high blood pressure or high blood sugar can damage the kidneys directly, so to ensure that the nephrotic syndrome can be effectively controlled to maintain tight control of blood pressure and blood sugar is very essential.
4. Repair of injured renal cell intrinsic to improve renal function
Renal tissues dead can not be revived, but this does not mean intrinsic renal cell injuries can not be repaired. Medical studies show that effective ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine have the ability to activate injured kidney cells and help them recover. Therefore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is highly recommended for adults with nephrotic syndrome for their injuries repaired kidney cells. (Leave message to kidney-support@hotmail.com for more detailed information about this treatment).

Natural treatment for children with nephrotic syndrome

A natural treatment is urgently needed by children with nephrotic syndrome, such as long-term application of conventional treatments, such as corticosteroid therapy here will affect both your mental and physical development. Therefore, knowing what are the natural treatment for children with nephrotic syndrome is very important for parents with children suffering from this type of kidney problem.
Nephrotic syndrome is renal disorder that can cause massive protein in urine, swollen body and low in protein in the body and high blood lipids. Natural treatment for children with nephrotic syndrome should be able to help them reduce protein in the urine, excess fluid in the body, effectively consume protein and reduce blood lipids and meanwhile do not cause adverse reactions. In this sense, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is highly recommended.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine is an herbal treatment that herbs are used externally. These herbs are ground into powder and packed with special gauze. Before treatment, medicine packages are soaked with penetrating fluid and then put in places in the kidneys. After that, the osmosis device is used to work on the packaging of medication must support osmosis device, Chinese herbal ingredients effectively penetrate directly renal injury. Blood vessels extend, block inflammation, promote blood circulation and enable injured intrinsic renal cells. Compared with the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), it is safer and works quickly. After using this treatment for some time, not only all the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome may be submitted, but also be lowered creatinine level. What's more, the medical tests show improvement in renal function.
Finally, one thing should be noted is that the necrotic renal tissues can not be revived, and children with nephrotic syndrome can not be cured with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, but with this herbal treatment, patients can lead a happy life without relapse of the disease condition. Get more information about our doctors online. You can talk to them face to face and get your problems resolved quickly.

Creatinine level is 2.0 too high for hypertensive renal disease

No effective medicine can completely cure hypertensive nephropathy. However, there is treatment to relieve symptoms and stop the worsening of the disease. In this article, we will discuss the question: "Is the level of creatinine 2.0 too high for hypertensive kidney disease Read on to find more useful information or consult our doctor online free advice?.

Creatinine level normally

A normal result is 0.7 to 1.3 mg / dl in men and 0.6 to 1.1 mg / dl for women. A high serum (blood) creatinine level means kidney damage.

Generally, when the level begins to increase, about 50% or more of renal function is lost.

Creatinine level is 2.0 too high for hypertensive renal disease

We are afraid that the answer is "YES". In this case, more than half of renal function may have been damaged. Therefore, this is a critical situation that requires early and timely treatment. In favorable cases, kidney damage can even invest successfully.

What is the natural treatment to reverse the creatinine level of 2.0 in hypertensive renal disease?

Currently, the most effective for this natural remedy is kidney disorder Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a characteristic treatment of Kidney Disease Hospital in China.

According to the condition of the particular patient's condition, nephrologists choose correct herbs and medicines micronizar them into small granules. Using teams of modern osmosis, effective medications can reach the renal directly injury and then the function of inhibiting the inflammatory reaction, protect kidney function further decline, provide sufficient nutrients to improve the function of self-healing kidneys, and restore global renal function.

If you are other problems, please leave a message at the bottom or free with our customer communication online part. Our mailbox is sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com

Stage 5 chronic kidney disease: life expectancy with 10% of kidney function

Today, life expectancy of patients with renal disease has become a hotly contested issue. In stage 5 chronic renal failure, renal function decreases greatly. So what is the life expectancy renal function only 10%?

What the renal function of 10% means?

The kidneys are responsible for filtering the blood and do other work well enough to keep us healthy. In addition to filtering the blood, also responsible for balancing the electrolyte and fluid, regulating hormones, which helps produce red blood cells, maintain healthy bones and keep blood pressure under control. If the kidneys are damaged, there will be many disorders salud.Si this there are only 10% of the left renal function and no treatment, your life can be can not go far. You can be attacked by many ailments such as high blood pressure, itchy skin, muscle cramps, anemia, heart disease and so on. However, with proper treatment, it can also lead an active life.

What is the life expectancy renal function 10%?

We all know there is no cure for stage 5 renal failure, but with proper treatment, you may live longer. Then you can question that the time that you can live on earth. As a matter of fact, there is no exact answer. It depends on your own condition. There are many factors to be taken into account, such as age, complications, treatment, causes of disease, physical condition and state of mind. Among all the influencing factors, treatment matters most. Was dialysed someone. It is recognized that dialysis may prolong the life of 3-5 years on average. But there are also cases in which people die in the first months of dialysis. If dialysis can not control the disease, kidney shall apply, which can prolong lifespan of 6-10 years or even longer. However, both treatments are not ideal treatments to prolong life expectancy. If you want to live a fuller life, you should take natural treatments to improve the function of your kidneys. Once your kidney function is improved, you can live longer and better than you think.

For detailed information on life expectancy renal function 10% in stage 5 chronic kidney failure, you can send an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. If you want more in terms of their own condition, you can attach your doctor report. The nephrologist give you an answer as soon as possible!


The kidneys are functioning at 40% of diabetes that means

This means when the kidneys are functioning at 40% of diabetes? If you are in search of an answer to this question, you are in the right place to find the most useful information. Prefer to speak directly? Chat with our online doctor for professional advice.

The diagnosis of the kidneys are functioning at 40% of Diabetes

With diabetes, blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can damage the kidneys. Renal function was gradually reduced.

When you have 40% of the left renal function, which is currently at stage 3 kidney disease. At this stage, kidneys have been moderately damaged. If the damage continues, your kidneys may fail. Over time, dialysis or a kidney transplant is the only treatment option.

How to prevent kidney failure when the kidneys are functioning at 40% of diabetes?

The most important things for you to do now is to take all measures that can stop a further decline in renal function and maximally repair kidney damage. Effective strategies may include:

* Make changes healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor or dietitian for the best eating plan or email us at sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com to get free advice from our experts in the kidneys. Take regular exercise. Avoid smoking. Stay away from drugs that are harmful to the kidneys.

* Find a comprehensive medical treatment that can not only eliminate symptoms but also treat the root cause disease. Currently the most advanced treatment for kidneys are functioning at 40% of diabetes is the Blood Pollution Therapy. This therapy aims at clarifying the toxins from the body and restoring overall renal function. Over time, the structured kidneys can be reconstructed.

Why patients suffering from anemia in renal failure

Many patients with renal failure are occurring anemia, charactering as fatigue, memory loss, poor appetite, cardiac dysfunction, etc. Why patients suffering from anemia in renal failure?

In renal failure, renal function remaining is not more than 15%. As a result, he was attacked by many ailments such as anemia, which will be more severe in renal failure. The following are possible causes of anemia in renal failure.

- The kidneys are responsible for the secretion of hormones to keep us healthy. EPO is a hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. When the kidneys are damaged, EPO secretion decreases, so that production of red blood cells is not sufficient. Then produce anemia.

- With the decline of renal function, red blood cells can not be produced. Also more and more toxins accumulate in the blood, causing many problems. Toxins inhibit hematopoietic function of the bone marrow, so that some of the toxins, such as creatinine, the life of red blood cells is shortened, resulting in anemia.

- In renal failure, patients should follow a restricted diet to reduce the burden on the kidneys. By what may be the lack of some raw materials of hematopoiesis, such as proteins, vitamins and iron. Therefore, you may suffer from anemia.

- Some patients who are on dialysis are more likely to develop anemia because some red blood lost during dialysis.

These are the main causes of anemia in renal failure. If anemia is not well treated, it will lead to many complications that the disease condition will deteriorate further. So you should take immediate treatment to prevent further damage. For more information about treatment, you can send an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com or leave a message below. The nephrologist give you an answer according to their disease status within 48 hours!

Polycystic kidney disease and GFR 10 When we started dialysis

If in polycystic kidney disease and kidney GFR 10 patients have been seriously damaged and kidneys can no longer function properly to keep people alive. If this happened, when we started dialysis patients? For professional advice, chat with our doctor online for free help.

Overall, nephrologists advise patients to start dialysis when their level of GFR below 10-15 or severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, etc.

Once polycystic kidney disease and GFR 10 patients are on dialysis, your kidneys improve?

Our suggestions for complacent with this disorder is to take an alternative and holistic treatment that helps prevent the fall of the level of the kidneys and try to improve the remaining renal function. Do you see this kind of treatment?

In china, kidney experts have developed a natural choice for such healing effects. This is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a systematic option that can not only stop disease progression, but also help raise the level of renal function or GFR. While renal function can be increased to 15% or above, dialysis is no longer necessary. To learn more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, check here. our mailbox is sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com

Systematic treatment plans for patients with PKD

PKD is a genetic disease and congenital and patients have to live with multiple cysts in their kidneys lifetime time. Since these cysts will continue to expand and pose increasing threat to renal structure and function features, patients need a comprehensive and systematic treatment and nursing care.

The following is a systematic plan of treatment for patients with PKD.

1. General treatment. First, do not worry too after being diagnosed with PKD. Early stage PKD not affect normal daily life and patients need to have good humor and positive attitude, avoid salty, spicy foods and have jobs and regular. However, if the cysts begin to cause symptoms and discomfort, early treatment should be sought to delay progression to renal failure.

2. Surgery. Surgery to remove cysts in the kidneys include aspiration, decortication and laparoscopic decortication. Surgical removal can revive oppression renal parenchymal ischemia and hypoxia improve kidney, protect and reduce residual renal function deterioration rate of the disease. Yet we know that renal cysts in PKD genes are related and there are numerous cysts of all sizes, surgery can only help remove large cysts and can not solve the root problem.

3. Herbal medicines. Herbal medicines and natural PKD is conservative compared to surgery. Herbal medicines can not remove cysts and achieve rapid and obvious effects as surgery, but may shrink cysts of all sizes and achieve lasting effect.

4. Dialysis and kidney transplantation. For patients with end stage PKD, dialysis is needed to sustain life activities and hemodialysis is preferred.

5. Systematic treatment


If hematuria (blood in urine), patients should reduce activities have enough bed rest and receive appropriate treatment after making clear the exact cause of blood urine. If hematuria is too serious to be controlled, renal artery embolization can help.


Infections and renal parenchymal cyst infections are the major complications of PKD. Combined use of antibiotics will be prescribes by doctors.

Stones in the upper urinary tract

Different treatments and measures will be taken according to the size, component and location of the stones. However extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is not recommended in cases of cystic rupture due to shock.


Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is the main reason for high blood pressure in PKD. Treatment should aim to reduce blood pressure and treating enlarged cysts.

Above on systematic treatment plans for patients with PKD, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and the gym has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!

CKD can cause shortness of breath

You can accuse renal insufficiency breath? Many patients with chronic renal failure are suffering from lack of air. Do you know why you have this problem and how to deal with it? This article will give you the answer.

Why do you have trouble breathing in chronic renal failure?

When kidney failure occurs, not only renal function is severely damaged, other organs and physical function in general is affected too.

- The lowering immunity in chronic renal failure lead to infection, especially lung infection, which will cause shortness of breath.

- Due to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, kidney failure patients are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, including pericardial effusion, pericarditis, arrhythmia, heart failure, etc. Shortness of breath is one of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease .

- In addition to physical problems, psychological problems is also an inducer of shortness of breath. Many patients have a huge psychological burden due to illness. So they will feel depressed, tired. Shortness of breath is an external character in the depressed emotion.

How to deal with breathlessness in chronic renal failure?

Since you have a general understanding of the causes of shortness of breath, you should have some idea how to deal with it. That is to comply with the toxins in the blood and improve immunity. The most important is to improve kidney function. So what treatment can achieve this goal? Here the hot compress therapy is recommended. It is a natural therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine. Is used externally. For details about how it works, you can ask the doctor online.

That makes this therapy is different from the magic functions - impaired renal function repairing, restoration of kidney structure and improve renal function. Low immunity can be improved and toxins can be discharged with these functions. So it will get rid of breathlessness and condition of the kidneys will be improved a lot too. Do you have any follow-up question? If so, please send an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com, the nephrologist will give detailed explanation. Best wishes!

Natural Remedies For Polycystic Kidney Disease

We know that conventional resources for renal cystic disease are mainly surgeries including puncture cyst decortication laparoscopic nephrectomy.

Considering PKD pathologies, the above surgeries are not very satisfactory because surgeries are more suitable for simple and easy renal cyst which is located on the outside of the kidney that is greater than 3 cm.

While in PKD, both kidneys are full of cysts of various sizes, surgery can remove one or more large cysts, but can not eliminate all cysts because there are numerous cysts in the kidneys and the formation of cysts is gene-related. worse, the removal of large cysts provide more space and opportunity for smaller to experience accelerated growth and expansion.

So we can see that the long-term effects of surgery for PKD is far from satisfactory and many patients want to know is there are natural remedies for this hereditary renal disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine is an all natural cure for PKD. The drugs in this therapy is micronized and then dipped in a special solution. During treatment, patients only have to lie on their back with two bags medicated put into your kidney areas.

On one hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine can increase the permeability of cyst epithelial cells to promote reabsorption back cyst fluid in blood vessels, on the other hand, active ingredients may inactivate epithelial cells in order to block secretion more cyst fluid.

After application of Micro-Chinese Medicine, all cysts may shrink gradually weather is small or large cyst. When cysts are encogedos a small ideal, disease conditions will be very relieved and other renal function be protected.

Micro-Chinese Medicine can also promote blood circulation and provide nourishment needed to repair and rebuild damaged kidney tissues renal renal structure and function.

What is more important, Micro-Chinese Medicine can relieve symptoms and complications of PKD as high blood pressure, kidney stones, cysts live etc.

Although an external application, is not of surgery in all patients and not have to suffer from pain, trauma and additional risks that surgery can bring. During treatment, patients feel very comfortable.

We must say that natural remedies for PKD are more effective for those who have not progressed to end-stage renal disease. The Micro-Chinese Medicine is received early, the best curative effects are.

Above about natural remedies for polycystic kidney disease, if you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!


Stage 4 Kidney Natural remedies without kidney transplant

Many people who have been diagnosed with stage 4 renal insufficiency are looking for natural remedies for disease without a kidney transplant. Now here let's look at this issue together. Want to get personalized advice? Chat with our doctor online for free help.

Stage 4 Kidney failure is a serious condition in which patients have severely decreased GFR (15-29). When kidneys do not work well enough to sustain life with kidney function below 15% left, patients need dialysis or a kidney transplant.

However, if individuals with stage 4 kidney failure can receive timely and effective treatment, they can stop the continued progression of renal disease and avoid dialysis or transplantation.

Frankly speaking, there is still no cure for stage 4 renal failure in modern medical science. What we can do is treat the disease effectively and prevent spoilage. Thus, patients have great hope of living a full normal life with their own kidneys

Here, we'd recommend a type of natural treatment for Stage 4 CKD called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It has been applied clinically for more than 20 years to successfully manage kidney disease.

Compared to the kidney, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a fundamental solution in the long run, as it works to expand the blood vessels, promote blood circulation, prevent excessive inflammatory response in the kidneys, removing blood stasis, repair disabled kidney cells and tissue, and restore global renal function. With time, renal function can be improved greatly and no deterioration kidney disease in the future.

If you are other problems, please leave a message at the bottom or free with our customer communication online part. Our mailbox is sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com

TCM treatment for renal failure due to lupus nephritis

Still looking for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment for renal failure due to lupus nephritis? If so, you can find useful information in this article. Read on for more information or speak with a doctor online free advice.

While treatment of renal failure due to lupus nephritis, TCM therapies target the elimination of symptoms, stop the progression of renal damage, repairing damaged kidney's ability but reversible and try to improve overall renal function. Renal famous experts in the nation have developed several natural remedies such curative effects. These methods may include:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ?

As an innovative therapy TCM, Chinese herbal medicines are applied externally without adverse effects. While receiving treatment, patients only need to lie in bed with medicine packets putting his loins. It is safe and convenient to carry. Interested in learning more details, please refer here to watch the video.

Therapy bathroom and foot bath ?

As two forms of medicinal treatments for bathing, both treatments are the external application of Chinese herb medicine. Effective ingredients in the soup bathroom can function to promote blood circulation, relieve symptoms, promote kidney function and improve body immunity.

In addition, other TCM therapies for renal failure due to lupus nephritis may also include acupuncture and moxibustion therapy cycle, enema, Chinese medicine oral grass, etc. If you are interested in learning more. our mailbox is sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com

With the constant progress of modern medical science, dialysis or transplantation is the only treatment option for kidney failure. If patients can receive therapies of traditional Chinese medicine in time, there is great hope to avoid dialysis or transplantation. So all we have to do is have confidence in the fight against kidney disease!

Natural remedy for high creatinine caused by PKD

Patients with polycystic kidney disease have higher than normal creatinine level when more than 50% of their kidney function is damaged, therefore effective and appropriate treatments should be sought to avoid more high creatinine increase and worsening of PKD.

Effective prevention and early treatment for aggravating factors

Early prevention is the best treatment for patients with PKD. There are many pathological conditions that can increase creatinine and worsen renal function, including frequent infections of urinary tract infections, cysts, ruptured cyst, high blood pressure etc.

Adequate diets

Low-protein, low salt, avoid alcohol, snuff and food and beverages such as chocolate, coffee, strong tea with caffeine, less meat product and more fresh fruits and vegetables are all good modification of diet to lower high creatinine.

Beneficial herbs

There are many natural herbs that can help improve renal filtration capability in order to help reduce creatinine level and recover certain renal functions. What's more, since patients can not become dependent on these herbs (they are just as natural and safe that our daily food) and these herbs will not cause adverse side effects or injury to the body of patients.

Barberry and buchu can prevent kidney inflammation and improve immunity of patients.

Parsley and celery act as natural diuretics to reduce uric acid levels.

Blueberry is very good for PKD and natural antibiotic. For those who have high blood sugar levels, may have unsweetened cranberry juice.

Dandelion root and marshmallow tea can help cleanse the kidneys and reduce its load.

Goldenrod tea has natural inflammatory effects.

Flaxseed oil has been shown can help slow disease progression of PKD.

All these functions and effects of these natural herbs are good for patients with PKD. In addition, there are many other beneficial herbs.

For PKD patients with high levels of creatinine, increased water intake should be having. It is recommended that adult patients with PKD should have about daily intake of 4000 ml water to maintain urine output at about 2000-2500 ml. This may help shed more than creatinine and other metabolic wastes from the body in urine.

Here are some simple home remedies and tips to reduce creatinine level for patients with PKD. And if you need help or more specific suggestions, you can leave a message or email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. You can also consult our online doctors.


What is the life expectancy of 7% kidney function and diabetes patient

Life expectancy of renal function and diabetes 7% refers to the months or years someone with this disorder can live projected. Read this paper to learn the most useful information. For individual advice, chat online with our doctor for professional help!

Frankly speaking, there is no definitive answer to life expectancy renal function 7% and diabetes, as it varies according to the specific disease condition of the patient. One thing for sure is that the number of life cycle can greatly increase the time that patients can receive prompt and effective treatment.

If you are interested in getting an accurate answer, if any, please email us with your detailed sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com disease information. So our experts can do a complete analysis and we will reply with the answer. I hope this really helps!

Factors contributing to increased life expectancy of renal function 7% and diabetes may include:

? Age. Younger age was associated with improved survival.

? Good general health. Patients with accompanying diseases, known as comorbidities that affect life expectancy in general.

? Systematic treatment. The most effective way to prolong life with 7% kidney function and diabetes is adopting a systematic treatment that helps prevent worsening of kidney damage and try to promote the remaining kidney function. Currently, the latest development of curative effects is such therapy Blood contamination. This option has been clinically proven to be effective in helping patients with renal impairment should be avoided or get off dialysis.

I hope the above analysis of life expectancy renal function 7% and diabetes may be useful for better understanding of their disease. In case you still have anything is unclear, please let us know. We will do our best to help you!

GFR 12 PKD When I start dialysis

"Hi, I'm a patient of polycystic kidney disease in the last 15 years. My age is 62 years old male. Now I present GFR 12. Please give me suggestions in time to start dialysis. Thanks with best wishes."

Expert Answer:

Hello, sir, sorry to hear his diagnosis of GFR 12 PKD. Please do not worry. It is a pleasure to share more suggestions.

Generally speaking, when the level of polycystic kidney disease patient GFR falls below 15, physicians suggest kidney dialysis. But the exact time to start this therapy varies with different cases.

To give personalized and accurate response, we would like to know more about your illness condition. Please send an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com with your disease details such as your medical history, approved therapy, complications, kidney etc. Our experts will do a complete analysis and reply with individualized suggestions.

The good news is that if your diagnosis of GFR 12 PKD can get timely treatment, which helps improve overall kidney function, there is great hope for you to avoid dialysis or kidney transplantation. Do you see this kind of choice?

In China, a natural remedy has been developed to help patients with PKD prevent kidney failure. The option is widely known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. As an innovative external application of Chinese herbal medicine, this therapy can work to stop the expansion of renal cysts and reduce in size over time. Thus, the renal function can protect and promote naturally. Interested in learning more detailed introduction? Please check here to see the video. I hope that is helpful for a better understanding of our treatment offered!

What creatinine level you have to come down dialysis

Many patients have asked us about this question, 'What is your creatinine level has to drop down dialysis? Here today, we will discuss this issue and find the exact answer. Prefer to speak directly? Chat with our doctor online for free help!

Actually, there is no set level for creatinine to lower dialysis. The time at which the patient can get rid of dialysis depends on calculating the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), as subjects of different sex, weight and race may have different TFG even with the same serum creatinine.

In general, when GFR is raised to 15 or higher creatinine level of patients will be standardized and do not need dialysis to live a normal life with her own kidneys. Would you like to receive individualized analysis? Please send an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com with your test or details of the disease. Our kidney doctor will analyze it and give you prompt reply soon within 24 hours.

While another question, how to increase your level of GFR effectively?

As is known, dialysis is just a renal replacement therapy, which does not improve renal damage. Therefore, patients are advised to find an alternative treatment that helps preserve residual renal function and increase the level of GFR to its fullest extent.

In modern medical science, the most advanced developing such curative effects is Blood Pollution Therapy. In China, this treatment has been clinically applied to treat kidney disease and help patients avoid or get rid of dialysis. You can browse our website for more related content. Still have all clear? Leave your questions in the following message board. Please use caution and best wishes!


Chinese medicine can effectively treat polycystic kidney disease

Since polycystic kidney disease is gene-related present no complete cure for it, but effective treatments can help control its complications and delay its progression.

Chinese medicine is an effective treatment for PKD. Can achieve the following curative effects.

Chinese medicines actually call control and treat symptoms and complications of PKD to relieve pain and suffering, improve quality of life, slow down its progression in end-stage renal disease and prolong life expectancy of patients.

PKD patients usually suffer from back pain, flank pain, abdominal pain, cyst bleeding, blood in urine, hypertension, infection of cysts and frequent urinary infections etc. For each symptom or complication, no corresponding Chinese medicines that can help relieve discomfort and suffering.

Chinese medicines can shrink the size of the cysts to alleviate renal damage due to these enlarged renal cysts continuously. Moreover, once the disease is brought under control, further deterioration of renal function is impaired.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is originated from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) .It externally applied and combined with advanced technology osmosis greatly improve the efficiency of Chinese medicines.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has effects all shrinkage effect in all cysts in the kidneys, weather is larger than 10 cm or smaller than 1 cm. Cyst wall will gradually softened and its permeability will be increased so that it can promote the re-absorption of cyst fluid back to surrounding blood vessels.

What more, epithelial cyst wall cells will be inhibited so that an increased secretion of cystic fluid will be reduced or blocked.

Bioactive Components in Micro-Chinese Medicine have vasodilation functions in order to promote blood circulation and increase blood flow to kidneys. After application of Micro-Chinese Medicine, states of renal ischemia and hypoxia are much better and kidney tissues get adequate blood, oxygen and nourishment necessary.

Above on Chinese medicine to treat polycystic kidney disease, if you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness has all the information if you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!

Traditional Chinese Medicine for renal function of 42% in diabetes

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for the treatment of kidney disease for thousands of years. More and more patients are turning to Chinese medicine for treatment. In this article, we will see traditional Chinese medicine for renal function of 42% in diabetes. I hope it really helps!

Is renal function of 42% in diabetes seriously?

People who have been diagnosed with this condition are currently in stage 3 kidney disease. There is moderate kidney damage. As renal function declines, toxins and wastes accumulate in the body, resulting in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, etc. Without treatment, the disease will progress over time and eventually enter the fatal renal failure.

Fortunately, timely treatment of traditional Chinese medicine can help control renal function of 42% in diabetes well and stem deterioration in the future. Then the general introduction for your reference is made.

After research and clinical practice over 20 years, experts Celebrity Kidney nation have developed a number of choices of traditional Chinese medicine treatment for diabetic renal disease. These methods can include hot compress therapy, therapy full bath, foot bath, cycle therapy, enema, moxibustion and Chinese medicine of the herb. Based on a precise diagnosis of the situation of each patient's disease, some of these treatments will be chosen to form a systematic plan of treatment that can guarantee the best curative effects.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with kidney function of 42% in diabetes, it is recommended to consider getting TCM. If treated early, kidney disease, you can even invest successfully. Want to learn more detailed information? Do not hesitate to talk to our doctor online or email us to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. It is our pleasure to share useful information!

The elevated BUN Mean Renal

Commonly, blood urea nitrogen is used to measure kidney function. So no means elevated BUN kidney failure?

First, we will form a basic understanding of blood urea nitrogen.

BUN refers to the degradation product of organic nitrogen compounds in the body. Under suitable conditions, healthy kidneys can help excrete wastes, toxins, etc outside the body and keep it at a constant level. And the normal value is 1.75 8.05 mmol / L.

When the kidneys are severely damaged, the excretion of toxins will be affected as a result, the BUN level will increase accordingly. And various lesions of the renal parenchyma, including glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, acute renal failure or chronic renal failure, etc can all lead to this.

Does that mean I BUN elevated kidney failure?

To be honest, the BUN high level does not necessarily mean that the kidneys are severely injured and kidney failure. In fact, many factors may contribute to its development including, gastrointestinal bleeding, urinary tract obstruction, severe infections, heart failure, fever, dehydration, shock, corticosteroids, excessive protein intake, etc can cause a persistent elevation or temporary BUN.

If you still have nothing clear about the high level of BUN or kidney failure, you can inform leaving us message to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. Best wishes!

PKD: How to Lose creatinine 4.8 and avoid dialysis

For patients with PKD, may be plagued with increased levels of creatinine. Here, you can find more information about how to reduce creatinine 4.8 to avoid dialysis.

What does it mean creatinine 4.8 on PKD?

In this life-threatening disorder, fluid-filled cysts can grow bigger and bigger over time. Eventually, the enlarged cysts cause a decline in kidney function. And that's how high the level of creatinine occurs. Creatinine 4.8 indicate moderately injured kidneys if left untreated, dialysis was used to before.

How to lower creatinine 4.8 and avoid dialysis PKD?

As commonly used treatment, dialysis works done in the performance of waste from the body. However, there may be some side effects during or after the course, for example, low blood pressure, muscle cramps and so on.

To solve this problem in a natural way and avoid the discomforts experienced nephrologists here recommend patients with the following solutions:

Thus, patients should develop a healthy diet. Above all, the beginning of the diet may be low in salt, low in protein, high in fiber, fruits and vegetables. If necessary, the intake of potassium and phosphorus should also be restricted.

Let protein eg to reduce the burden on the kidneys and meet the needs of our body, which can take some foods rich in high quality protein such as milk, fish, egg, etc, and the amount can be 0.6 to 0.8 g / kg per day. As the disease varies from individual to individual, the specific amount to be different. Want to get individual advice? Please have a chat with our live Doctor!

Hot To lower creatinine 4.8 root cause compress therapy, the core of treatment should be directed at reducing both cysts and restoration of renal function. And Therapy hot compress is only a therapy. Furthermore, it is harmless, comfortable and easy to operate. If you are interested in this, please contact us by sending an email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com. We will reply within 48 hours.

Immunotherapy for polycystic kidney disease

How is a congenital and hereditary kidney disease, there is currently no cure for polycystic kidney disease, but patients can still live a normal life with timely and appropriate treatment. Current treatment options for polycystic kidney disease include surgery, dialysis, renal transplantation, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy (external application of Chinese medicines) and immunotherapy.

You may be unfamiliar with immunotherapy, To make it simple, is the combination of Chinese and Western therapy and therapy is effective in treatment of polycystic kidney disease and other renal cystic diseases. It can be adopted to treat both early stage and final stage PKD.Se can shrink renal cysts in PKD placientes to prevent development of renal failure and avoid dialysis and kidney transplantation. For those who have developed renal failure, immunotherapy can help purify the blood, relieve symptoms, restore certain kidney functions and improve immunity of patients.

Immunotherapy mainly has the following curative effects on PKD.

Immunotherapy combines Chinese medicine and western medicine. Western medicines are quick and obvious effects on relief of symptoms such as urinary tract infection, high blood pressure etc. Chinese medicines can solve the root problem and prevent recurrence of disease conditions. Active ingredients of Chinese medicines have full shrinkage effects on all bilateral cysts in kidneys, time is large or small, located in supeficie or deep in renal tissues. What is more, also in epithelial cells can inactivate cyst wall in order to prevent more fluid secretion and cyst growth blocking root cyst.

One advantage is that immunotherapy can be used in early stage even when PKD patients develop symptoms. Conventional surgeries such as aspiration of cyst decortication can only be applied to remove large and superficial cysts, dialysis and kidney transplantation is for patients with end-stage renal disease. Immunotherapy can be applied to patients of all stages.

Immunotherapy involves 6 steps between immune clearance to use various blood purification technologies to purify the blood system in order to relieve both symptoms and discomfort for patients and provide a clean and favorable domestic environment for Chinese medicine and western medicine to take effects. Immune regulation helps promote blood circulation, shrink renal cysts, kidney damage repair and improve kidney function. Immune protection is the consolidation of immune regulation that seeks to regulate immune disorder and improve immunity to protect the kidneys from potential damage. Other steps include immune diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance that can be applied according to specific conditions of patient disease.

Above on immunotherapy for polycystic kidney disease, if you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness features all information If you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!

Step 3 Treatment FSGS

FSGS is a kidney disorder immune mediated inflammation and scarring of glomeruli, filters in the kidneys. It is a very difficult disease to manage. Without effective treatment, renal failure will come soon. What is the treatment for Stage 3 FSGS?

Step 3 FSGS

The glomeruli in the kidneys act as filters having holes of certain size. Under proper conditions, they can filter more fluid and waste body and meanwhile keep useful substances including proteins in the body. However, FSGS, the glomeruli become inflamed, scarred, proteins pass through holes in glomeruli and end in urine.

As blood proteins can retain fluid in blood vessels, loss of blood proteins cause fluid loss from blood vessels. Fluid infiltrate the subcutaneous tissue, resulting in edema. Due to gravity, edema occurs mainly in lower parts of cuerpo.En a word, protein in urine and edema are two typical signs of stage 3 FSGS.

Step 3 Treatment FSGS

Prednisone, cyclophosphamide, and immunosuppressive agents are often used to suppress the inflammatory response in kidneys. Prednisone can reduce urinary protein by reducing the renal blood vessels permeability. These medications can help relieve the symptoms of Stage 3 FSGS and slow the progression condition.

FSGS may be primary or secondary to other conditions and diseases. However, the general cause is immune. Immune system can protect the body from foreign substances, but now kidneys mistakenly attacks. The abnormal immune response causes inflammation in the kidneys.

To try step 3 FSGS, patients should have first treatment to suppress inflammation in kidneys. You can help stop more immune damage to kidneys. Then, correction and reconstruction of immune dysfunction normal immune system can prevent renal tissues completely immune system attack. Immunotherapy can help patients with Stage 3 FSGS achieve the objectives of previous treatment.

Above on treatment for stage 3 FSGS, If you are interested in our items, still pay attention to us please! We articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatment, diet and fitness features all information If you have any problem, you can consult our experts online, send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or leave message below!


Is there any hope for 40% of renal function to avoid dialysis

After being diagnosed with kidney function 40%, patients always ask to see if there is any hope for them to avoid dialysis. If you have similar doubts, read the following document for more useful information.

Our kidney doctors are also available online to provide free and professional suggestions. Talk to them if you prefer to speak directly. Or, read on to learn more.

The good news is that if patients with renal function 40% can be effectively treated as soon as possible, you can certainly stop the continued deterioration of the disease in order to avoid dialysis successfully.

Natural treatments available that can work to stop the progression of renal function of 40% and avoid dialysis may include the following resources:

* Compress Heat Therapy

This remedy is also widely known as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. A new feature of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), applied externally, without adverse effects. Under this herbal remedy, residual renal function can protect and significantly improved.

* Bathroom Therapy

Also known as Medicated Bath, this therapy has been used in China for the treatment of renal diseases. In the treatment of renal function 40%, bathroom Therapy works to promote blood circulation, relieve symptoms (such as bloating, fatigue, etc), improve body immunity and improve kidney function.

In addition, there are other options in Chinese medicine that can be used to help patients of renal function 40% avoid dialysis. They are cycle therapy, enema, moxibustion, medicine oral grass, etc

If you are interested in getting evaluated for Chinese medicine, please leave a message below or email us kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.Thanks for your time!

How to Invest kidney failure in diabetes

Renal failure caused by diabetes can be divided into five stages according to clinical symptoms and severity of renal damage by calculating the kidney GFR.

For stage 1 and stage 2 patients with renal failure, kidney damage can be completely reversed, kidney functions can be recovered with timely and appropriate treatment and further deterioration is avoided if the diabetes is well controlled. If the conditions of disease progress in stage 3 or even more advanced stages, kidney damaged can not be completely reversed despite certain kidney damage can be repaired and certain kidney functions can be recovered.

The following are what to do to help patients with renal insufficiency with diabetes to reverse kidney damage and improve kidney function.

High level of blood sugar is the root cause of kidney failure so therefore, it is very necessary to control sugar levels in the blood to slow the progression of the disease from the root. It is important to seek early action before blood sugar gets too serious to be controlled. Hypoglycemic agents, insulin, insulin pumps, along with proper diet and exercise can help lower blood sugar. When blood sugar is improved greatly, proteinuria can be much smaller and more kidney damage can be avoided.

Most patients with diabetes develop kidney problems after 15 years. Once there is proteinuria, there is a progressive loss of glomerular filtration rate. Patients develop end stage renal disease after 5-20 years. Therefore, early treatment is often crucial to reverse kidney failure in diabetic patients.

In addition to controlling diabetes and prevent further kidney damage, is necessary for patients with diabetes to find a more effective treatment to repair damaged kidney tissues and to recover and improve kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a good treatment for patients with diabetic kidney failure. This can not only help regulate the level of blood sugar and blood pressure, but can also increase blood flow and supply nutrition to the renal tissues to promote repair and regeneration of new cells of renal function and tissues.

If you are other problems, please leave a message at the bottom or free with our customer communication online part. Our mailbox is kidney-treatment@hotmail.com

Heat Compress Therapy for hypertension in PKD

Hypertension in PKD has aroused great public concern in recent years. A lot of people who are suffering from this disease. Perhaps you wonder: How effectively treat hypertension in PKD? Now, here is an answer for it. That is the hot compress therapy.

Today, hot compress therapy is the most effective to treat hypertension in PKD method. This therapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). On one hand, this therapy can improve all levels of blood vessels according to the characteristics of hypertension in PKD, and then dramatically reduce blood pressure. A large number of existing vasodilatation factors in traditional Chinese medicine enters the imperceptible blood vessels and play a synergistic effect with the factors of vascular tension. Making the whole body and renal vascular more flexible. Therefore, it can alleviate hypertension in PKD caused by excessive voltage and inadequate vasodilation.

On the other hand, you can repair the damaged renal unit and improve kidney function. Traditional Chinese medicine comes once in the body, which act directly on the renal lesions to release the active ingredient of Chinese medicine and repair the immune complex and diseased tissue. When repaired the damaged kidneys, renal function begins to recover. By adopting hot compress therapy, patients can receive prompt curative effect in the treatment of hypertension in PKD.

Patients with high blood pressure in PKD should take regular treatment for the condition worse. If you want to know the details about the therapy of warm compresses, please contact our experts online or leave us a message below or send us an e-mail disease-renal @ hotmail.com, which will give detailed answers.

Life expectancy of Stage 5 Kidney failure on dialysis

Life expectancy of Stage 5 Kidney failure on dialysis
Stage 5 Kidney failure is the final stage of kidney disease in which the kidneys are severely damaged and kidney functions less than 10%. To sustain life, patients have to rely on dialysis or a kidney transplant.

As for treatments for stage 5 kidney failure, dialysis first think that can replace part of the kidney functions to help clear excess accumulation of metabolic waste and toxins out of the body to relieve suffering and lengthen life.

However, we also know that dialysis can not cure kidney failure or reverse the progressive and continuous deterioration of renal damage and loss of residual renal function.

The exact life expectancy of stage 5 renal failure on dialysis depends on a variety of factors --- constitution of the patient, the root cause of kidney failure, complications, treatment, nursing care, mood and attitude, etc.

In general, if patients still have urine output and complications are well controlled, there will be more chance of prolonging the intervals between dialysis, improve quality of life and prolong their lifespan. Urine is hope for patients with end-stage renal failure and mean that there are still functional renal units and there is still opportunity to improve kidney function.

Actually very small percentage of patients with renal failure die of kidney failure in the final, but complications in other organs and systems are the most dangerous risks to ESRD especially cardio-cerebrovascular complications. Therefore repair and improvement of renal function while prevention and treatment of complications to improve life expectancy by as much as possible should be the emphasis of effective treatments.

Whatever the root cause of kidney failure is common pathogenesis are ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys, and the onset of renal fibrosis. Micro-Chinese medicines have functions of dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation of the extracellular matrix to promote blood circulation, increase blood and oxygen supply to prevent further kidney yy renal fibrosis.

After application of Micro-Chinese drugs, hypoxia and ischemia can be improved and intrinsic renal cells can more blood, oxygen and other so nutritions necrotic renal cells can be repaired and can improve kidney function .If you are interested in getting evaluated for Chinese medicine, please leave a message below or email us kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.Thanks for your time!

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