
What are the Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a medical disorder whereby kidneys leak abnormally amount of protein through urine. This is an immunological disease leading to altered function of the nephron (cells of kidney). While, what are the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome may include edema (swelling of face, abdomen and body), proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia (low level of proteins in blood), and hyperlipidemia (high amount of lipids in blood). However, you should know that symptoms may vary with different person. Generally, common signs and symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome are as follows:

① Edema: It is the major clinical manifestation and presenting symptom in about 95~99% of cases with Nephrotic Syndrome. Edema is always subtle in onset so few people take it seriously. In the early stage, edema appears in areas around the eyes, feet and hands, face. Gradually, swelling may present in the abdomen. Eventually, the edema may become generalized and can be massive (anasarca). In most cases, edema is usually worse on the face in the morning and is found mainly in the lower extremities later in the day.

② High blood pressure: Nephrotic Syndrome patients, whether young or elderly, have raised blood pressure.

③ Hematuria: This means release of blood in the urine. Occasionally, patient may present with gross hematuria.

④ Oliguria: The individual with Nephrotic Syndrome may appear reduction in the quantity of normal urine, so he visits lavatory less often than before.

⑤ Diarrhea: Patients commonly complain of diarrhea, which is secondary to edema of the bowel wall.

⑥ Susceptibility to infections: At times, children with Nephrotic Syndrome present with fever and a septic picture. For most of them, the peritoneal cavity is the site of the infection.

Besides, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may also suffer from loss of appetite, become irritable, fatigue and appear pale, respiratory distress (with difficulty in breathing or shallow, rapid breathing), thromboembolism, etc.

If you want to consult more information about Nephrotic Syndrome symptoms, please contact us online. We are always ready to help you.

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