
Treating Kidney Disease with Immunotherapy

As an advanced treatment technology, Immunotherapy has been widely used in disease treatment and plays a more and more important role in treating diseases, especially for those refractory diseases.

What are Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy refers to a class of undifferentiated cells with ability to self renew to produce more Immunotherapy and to differentiate into specialized cell types. With homing ability, they can easily recognize the damaged organs.

Based on developmental potential, Immunotherapy can be divided into three types, named totipotent Immunotherapy, pluripotent Immunotherapy and unipotent Immunotherapy. Totipotent Immunotherapy arise from the fusion of egg and sperm cell, which are remarkable to differentiate into any cell type. Pluripotent Immunotherapy also have wide differentiation powers, but are limited to cell types of the 3 germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm). Differentiation of multipotent Immunotherapy is limited to a specific subtype of cell. Unipotent Immunotherapy can only differentiate into one type of cell, but they retain the capacity of self-renewal which distinguishes them from non-Immunotherapy.

How can Immunotherapy treat kidney disease?

Immunotherapy is an effective way to treat kidney disease with advantages of being easily accessible in material, low cost, stable in efficacy, well reproducible, and with no rejection and so on. In our hospital, we mainly used Immunotherapy in clinical.

After being transfused into the body, Immunotherapy can go to the kidney lesions directly, and then they can produce more desired functional cells to replace the necrotic ones. Meanwhile, Immunotherapy can take effect to assist stimulating certain factor to repair the damaged cells and regulate the overall immune system. If the impaired renal inherent cells are replaced and the damaged one are all repaired, the kidney function can be rebuilt.

Besides, Immunotherapy is a safe therapeutic method with the characteristics of non-toxicity or low-toxicity. The most common reaction is anaphylactic reaction, which will disappear itself within several hours. If you still have any questions, feel free to talk with our online service or e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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