Diabetic Nephropathy (Diabetic Kidney Disease) is a progressive kidney
disease that results as a complication of Diabetes. It can be seen in patients
with chronic diabetes (mostly less than 15 years after onset). Causes of
Diabetic Nephropathy can be listed as follows.
■ High blood sugar
Elevated blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys. The damage impairs the kidney's function to filter wastes and extra fluid from the bloodstream. Finally, protein and glucose leak into the urine, and the kidneys can not excrete fluid from the body, resulting in swelling.
■ Genetic factor
In some cases, the genes or family history may plays a role. However, not all
person with Diabetes develop this condition.
■ High blood pressure
High blood pressure or hypertension contributes most directly to Diabetic
Nephropathy. Research have shown that high blood pressure can be both the cause,
as well as the result of damage that is created by Diabetic Nephropathy. With
kidney function declines, physical changes in the kidneys usually cause
increased blood pressure.
Moreover, persons with Diabetes who have the following risk factors are also
more likely to develop this condition:
▪ African American, Hispanic, or American Indian origin
▪ Poor control of blood pressure
▪ Poor control of blood sugars
▪ The more obese you get
▪ If you are male
▪ Family history of kidney disease or high blood pressure
▪ Smoking
Recognizing the causes of Diabetic Nephropathy, we can take precautions
accordingly. Intensive management of Diabetes and its symptoms, including taking
medicines to reduce high blood pressure can slow the onset and development of
Diabetic Nephropathy. Have a good control of the blood sugar level and keep your
body weight in check will decrease your risk of developing Diabetic Kidney
Disease in a large degree.