
What Are the Stages of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a hereditary disease and accounts up to 5~10% of the total population with End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF). According to the disease progression regularities, PKD can be divided into 5 stags.

Stage 1 of PKD :emergency period

PKD is a genetic disease. Some people are born with cysts growing on their kidneys. When the cysts are small, the disease is hard to be inspected out. In most of the cases, the patients do not find the disease before 20 years old. However, if there is someone having PKD in the family, the other family members should go for inspection as early as possible to find if they have renal the disease in the first time and take some preventive measures to delay the cysts enlargement.

Stage2 of PKD : growth period

Between 30~40 years old, PKD develops into growth period. At this stage, the cysts enlarge at a very fast speed. In western medicines, there is no an effective therapy for PKD at this stage. The patients just receive some treatments focusing on its symptoms like high blood pressure. In fact, the patients should take active treatment aiming at blocking cysts enlargement and improving blood circulation so as to improve the life expectancy of the patients with PKD.

Stage 3 of PKD : enlargement period

After 40 years old, the cysts will enlarge further at a very fast speed. When the cysts enlarge than 4 cm, PKD develops into enlargement period. With the enlargement of cysts, the patients will have a series of clinical symptoms like back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, high blood pressure and so on.

Stage 4 of PKD : rupture period

If the cysts enlarge continuously, they are very likely to rupture. Once the cysts rupture, the patients should go to see a doctor at once and prevent infection effectively. Moreover, they should take effective treatment to shrink the large cysts and prevent the further enlargement of the cysts.

Stage 5 of PKD : uremia period

In this stage, the patients with PKD will have a series of serious symptoms like anemia, nerve disease, and bone disease and so on. At this stage, the patients should receive proper treatment to repair the impaired renal functional cells so as to improve the renal function. In this way, it is possible for them to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

The earlier the patients with receive PKD treatment, the better the prognosis will be. Therefore, if there is a family history in the family, the family members should do checks regularly so as to find if they are affected by PKD as early as possible.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Symptoms in Women

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common disease. Both men and women are at high risk of developing the disease. In fact, the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) symptoms in women and men are roughly the same. However, for women’s physiological characteristics, they also present some different symptoms from men. The common symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in women are as follows:

1. Abnormal menstruation

With the progression of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), the women may experience significant changes in their menstrual cycle or stop menstruating all together. It can affect their sexual function and fertility leading them infertility.

2. Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is more common in women than men. If uncontrolled, it can accelerate the disease progression. Besides the antibiotics treatment, the women should pay more care to their personal hygiene and keep pubes clean.

3. Edema

Edema is an early symptom of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). At first, it appears around eyelids and faces in the morning. In severe case, the women may experience ascetic fluid. It can burden their renal and heart function seriously.

4. Hypertension

Approximately one third of the women with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) will have hypertension along with a series of complications like headache, poor sleep, hypomnesia and so on. In return, hypertension can accelerate the disease progression. Therefore, it is very important for the women to keep their blood pressure within control.

5. Abnormal urine

As the renal function declines, the kidneys can not discharge the fluid from body normally. Hence, the urine output declines. Moreover, the glomerular filtration membrane is impaired so it can not prevent the protein and some red blood cells from leaking into urine. Therefore, the urine will become red or peak colored as well appear foamy.

If you or your loved one has one or several symptoms above, you had better go for further exams to find if you have kidney damage at the first time.

How Does Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome Occur

Nephrotic Syndrome is very common in children, especially in the preschool children. Its morbidity in boys is higher than in girls. It can lead to excessive protein leakage causing a series of complication and aggravating renal function decline. Therefore, it is very important for the parents to have their children treated as early as possible. Meanwhile, in order to decrease the incidence of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome, it is essential for the parents to know how Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome occurs.

In normal condition, the immune system plays an important role in protecting our body and keeping us healthy. When microorganisms invade into body, the antibodies in body are activated to fight against them.

However, in some cases, the immune system is disordered. When the foreign pathological substances antigens invade into body, the antibodies fail to defeat them. On the contrary, when antibodies encounter and bind to antigens in the circulation, they may form very large complexes that have difficulty staying dissolved in the blood. Afterwards, as there is special combination area for the immune complexes they will deposit in the glomeruli. When the antigen-antibodies complexes deposited in the glomeruli, the body responds by mounting an inflammatory response to remove them. As a result, the inflammation can cause even more damage and impair the function of the glomeruli leading to Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.

The conventional therapies for Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome mainly include hormonetherapy and immunosuppressive agents. After a period of medicine treatment, most of the patients can have obvious improvement. However, long term hormonetherapy and immunosuppressive agents use can bring enormous side effects to the children. They can slow their bone development and affect their fertility in their further. Therefore, hormonetherapy is not recommended to treat and prevent the relapse of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.

As disordered immune system is the major cause of Child Nephrotic Syndrome, immunotherapy has showed its dramatic effect in the treatment of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome.

If you are still worrying about the huge side effects of hormones on your children and want to find a better therapy, you can consult us on line.


Prognosis of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

FSGS stands for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. It refers to the scarring of the kidneys. FSGS is not an easy disease to treat. If left untreated effectively, most patients with FSGS will eventually develop End Stage Renal Failure and require dialysis or kidney transplant. In most cases, the prognosis of FSGS is poor and the patients will develop End Stage Renal Failure in a few years after diagnosis. At present, FSGS accounts for up to approximately 20% of diagnosis patients. Therefore, it is very important for the patients with FSGS to receive proper treatment to improve the prognosis of FSGS.

Generally, the patients with FSGS are mainly on medication that reduces the amount of protein in urine. These medications are called ACE-inhibitors and ARBs. Moreover, the patients should also receive routine cholesterol treatment to prevent blood clots.

However, these medications for clinical symptoms can not treat the root cause of FSGS at all. Therefore, it can not improve the prognosis of FSGS fundamentally.
In the advanced stage of FSGS, Kidney Transplant is necessary for the patients. However, the disease is very prone to come back after the transplant. The risk of FSGS returning in the transplanted kidney varies from 20~50%. Usually, a return of FSGS in the transplant occurs very soon after the surgery. Therefore, kidney transplant is generally not recommended to the patients with FSGS.

In FSGS, autoimmunity plays the main role in its incidence. The hypersensitive reaction due to the immune complexes in glomeruli is the underlying cause of FSGS. Immunotherapy has showed its unique effect in improving its prognosis and revering the kidneys function.

On one hand, the immunotherapy can suppress the hypersensitive reaction so as to stop further damage to kidneys. Moreover, the application of Chinese herbal medicines can clear up the immune complexes. In this way, it will eliminate the inducement of abnormal immune response.

On the other hand, Immunotherapy can differentiate into new renal functional cells to restore the totally sclerotic glomeruli. Also they also can release some growth agents to stimulate the self-repairing of the impaired glomeruli. In this way, the kidneys will improve and even recover their normal function.

Once the renal function is reversed, the patients will be able to avoid End Stage Renal Failure and improve the prognosis of FSGS dramatically.

Why Do PKD Patients Suffer From Hypertension

Hypertension is a common complication in Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). In some cases, it may be the primary signal for seeing a doctor. In return, hypertension also can accelerate PKD development. Therefore, controlling hypertension is very important for the patients with PKD.

Kidneys are important organs in body. They are responsible for filtering blood and keep fluid and electrolytes balance as well as secrete some essential hormones. Healthy kidneys can secret renine that can help maintain the blood pressure at a stable level. However, in PKD, if uncontrolled effectively, the cysts will enlarge continuously suppressing the surrounding nephrons. As a result, it will lead to renal ischemia and anoxia. When the kidneys can not get sufficient oxgen supply, they will secrete more renin than normal, which can stimulate the secretion of angiotensin. The blood vessels contract and blood pressure rises.

In addition, with the renal function decline, the kidneys can not discharge the fluid and keep the minerals balance normally thus leading to building up of fluid and sodium in body. It is also a common cause of hypertension in PKD.

Hypertension can quicken PKD deterioration and increase the risk of developing complications. Therefore, the patients with PKD should take effective treatment to low the blood pressure.

The patients with conventionally use ACEI and ARB and other medicines to control their blood pressure. In fact, they have mild effect in delaying the progression of PKD. However, they can not eliminate the root cause of hypertension at all. To treat hypertension effectively and fundamentally, the patients should shrink the enlarged cysts and prevent the small ones from enlarging as well as relieve renal ischemia and anoxia.

Chinese herbal medicines have showed its enormous effects in treating hypertension related to PKD.

On one hand, Chinese herbal medicines can inactivate epithelial cells of the cysts thus making them lose secretion ability. Therefore, the cysts will stop enlarging.

On the other hand, Chinese herbal medicines can dilate blood vessels. They can improve the blood circulation and increase the blood supply to kidneys. In this way, they can improve the renal ischemia and anoxia and inhibit the abnormal secretion of renin.

Moreover, once the permeability of cyst wall improves the differential pressure in and outside of the cysts is reversed. The cystic fluid will flow into systemic blood circulation and be discharged out of body finally.

Chinese herbal medicines treat hypertension in PKD from its root cause, so the patients can get a fundamental recovery.

If you or someone else is a PKD patient and can not deal with the troublesome hypertension, you can consult us on line and ask for more useful advices.

Indication and Contraindication of Renal Biopsy

Renal biopsy is an important exam in diagnosis of Kidney Disease. It has very important guidance meanings for the treatment and predicting the disease prognosis. Therefore, it is essential for the patients with Kidney Disease to learn the indications and contradiction of renal biopsy.

Indications of renal biopsy

1. Primary Kidney Disease

A: Acute Nephritic Syndrome

When the renal function aggravates sharply or the patients are suspected to have Acute Nephritic Syndrome, the patients should take renal biopsy at once.

B: Primary Nephrotic Syndrome

It is essential for the patients with Primary Nephrotic Syndrome to take renal biopsy. It can help them figure out the pathological types to guide its treatment.

C: Asymptomatic hematuria

The patients have asymptomatic hematuria, but can not get a definite clinical diagnosis. It is essential for the patients to take renal biopsy.

D: Asymptomatic proteinuria

Asymptomatic proteinuria lasts for one day, but the clinical exams can not give a clear diagnosis of the abnormal symptom.

2. Secondary or genetic Kidney Disease

In clinic, if the patients are suspected to have Kidney Disease, renal biopsy can help them get a confirmed diagnosis of the disease. In some cases, for the patients with confirmed diagnosis of Kidney Disease, renal biopsy has great significance in guiding treatment and predicting prognosis.

3. Acute Renal Failure

Clinical or lab exams can not give a confirmed diagnosis of the disease cause. In this case, the patients should take renal biopsy at once.

4. Transplanted kidneys

For the patients with transplanted kidneys, if their renal function declines for no clear reasons or they experience serious kidney rejection or are suspected to have the reoccurrence of the primary disease. The patients should have renal biopsy at once.

Contradictions of renal biopsy

Renal biopsy has enormous trauma to the patients. After the check, it is very prone to lead to bleeding, infection and other complications. Therefore, it is essential for the patients to know the contradictions of renal biopsy.

1. The absolute contradictions of renal biopsy

A: The patients have bleeding tendency.

B: Serious high blood pressure.

C: Solitary kidney

D: End stage contractedkidney

2. Relative contradictions of renal biopsy

A: Renal tumor or aneurysm of the renal artery

B: Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) or enlarged kidneys

C: Chronic Renal Failure

D: Obesity

G: Serious ascetic fluid

H: Active pyelonephritis, nephrotuberculosis, hydronephrosis or nephrapostasis

If the above conditions do not accord with your conditions, you can consult us on line to know if you can take renal biopsy.


How to Prevent Kidney Shrinkage

Kidneys are important organs responsible for filtering blood. However, in some cases of Kidney Disease, the patients may experience that the kidneys reduces in size, which are followed by a series of symptoms like the high blood pressure, anemia and so on. Then how does kidney shrinkage occur and how to prevent it? Please read on to this article.

Every kidney is composed of about one million nephrons. In Kidney Disease, once the nephrons are impaired or necrotic, the numbers of the healthy nephrons will decreases. As a result, it will lead to kidney shrinkage and the effective filtration area of the kidneys will also decrease. It is a common cause of kidney shrinkage.

In addition, in some cases of Kidney Disease, for the immune complexes deposited in kidneys, oppression to kidneys caused by cysts and so on, the blood supply to kidneys declines. The kidneys can not get enough oxgen and nutrients supply leading to kidney shrinkage.

Therefore, in order to prevent the further kidney shrinkage and recover the normal function of the impaired kidneys, it is the key to increase the blood supply to kidneys and repair the impaired nephrons.

Here the integrant application of Micro-Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy is recommended to the patients suffering from kidney shrinkage.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Moreover, the effective ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the some micronutrients for the self-repairing of the impaired nephrons. In addition, the metabolic wastes and excess fluid will be discharged out of body, which can provide a favorable environment for the application of Immunotherapy.

Nephrons are composed of the renal tissues and cells. Immunotherapys are primitive cells in body. In right condition, they can differentiate into new cells and tissues to replace the necrotic ones to function. Mover, Immunotherapy can release some growth factors to stimulate the self-repairing of the impaired nephrons.

Therefore, the atrophic kidneys will be able to improve and even improve the normal renal function.

Massage May Relieve Symptoms of Renal Failure

Massage is an important part in traditional Chinese medicine and dates back 4000 years ago. It can improve health by manipulating muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Based on some researches, massage has certain effect in reliving symptoms of Renal Failure.

For the patients with Renal Failure, as the metabolic products accumulate in body, it can lead to an array of symptoms. The patients will become fatigue and sleepy. However, when night comes, they often find it hard to sleep at night. If untreated, the patients will lose consciousness gradually. Moreover, certain minerals accumulating in body can lead to muscle cramp, itching and so on. Massage as a natural therapy may relieve theses symptoms of Renal Failure and ease their sufferings.

Particular massage techniques may either stimulate or calm the body’s muscles and tissues to create a desired effect. When massage is performed on muscles and soft tissues, some signals are transmitted both to local area and throughout the body. As a result, these signals can help relieve the symptoms of muscle cramp, stimulate blood circulation, clear wastes products as well as induce a claming effect. Therefore, massage can improve the patients’ sleeping quality and alleviate some symptoms.

In Taiwan China, a study is performed to find if massage is effective to alleviate fatigue and depression for Renal Failure patients on dialysis. To be excited, the results of the study revealed a significant decrease in perceived fatigue from the start of the finish of the study for subjects in the experimental group. This experiment actually proves the favorable effects on the patients with Renal Failure.

However, in some cases of Renal Failure, the patients should avoid massage for their special disease conditions. Therefore, before receiving massage, you should learn if you are suitable for it.

How to Treat Protein in Urine for Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is characterized with massive protein in urine that is followed by a series of symptoms like low protein in blood, swelling and so on. If uncontrolled effectively, the protein in urine will accelerate Nephrotic Syndrome. Therefore, it is very important to treat protein in urine for the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome.

To treat protein in urine fundamentally, it is essential for us to learn its underlying causes.

Autoimmunity plays the major role in Nephrotic Syndrome. For immune deficiency or disorder, when the foreign pathological substances invade into body, the immune systems can not function well to defeat them. As a result, the antigens encounter and bind to antibodies to form immune complexes and deposit in glomeruli.
Afterwards, the immune cells remove the immune complexes. For immune deficiency or disorder, the immune cells not only are not able to remove the immune complexes, but also damage the renal tissues and cells. The glomeruli are impaired seriously and lose their normal filtration function. Consequently, a mass of protein leak into urine.

To treat protein in urine fundamentally, it is the key to remove the immune complexes and recover the normal glomerular function. Here the latest immunotherapy is recommended to the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome.

Immunotherapy aims at correcting the disordered immune system and suppressing the abnormal immune response as well as clearing up the immune complexes.

In immunotherapy, the application of Chinese herbal medicines can degrade the immune complexes into dissolved substances and finally are discharged out of body. Meanwhile, Chinese herbal medicines can correct the patients’ immunity and improve the self-clearance ability of the body. Chinese herbal medicine can create a favorable environment for rebuilding the patients’ immune system and restoring the impaired glomeruli.

On one hand, Immunotherapy can help the patients rebuild their immunity system and avoid the recurrence of Nephrotic Syndrome.

On the other hand, Immunotherapy can differentiate into new cells to replace the impaired renal intrinsic cells thus improving the glomerular function.

Finally, the patients will be able to improve and even recover the glomerular function. Afterwards, the protein in urine will disappear.


What are the Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a medical disorder whereby kidneys leak abnormally amount of protein through urine. This is an immunological disease leading to altered function of the nephron (cells of kidney). While, what are the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome may include edema (swelling of face, abdomen and body), proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia (low level of proteins in blood), and hyperlipidemia (high amount of lipids in blood). However, you should know that symptoms may vary with different person. Generally, common signs and symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome are as follows:

① Edema: It is the major clinical manifestation and presenting symptom in about 95~99% of cases with Nephrotic Syndrome. Edema is always subtle in onset so few people take it seriously. In the early stage, edema appears in areas around the eyes, feet and hands, face. Gradually, swelling may present in the abdomen. Eventually, the edema may become generalized and can be massive (anasarca). In most cases, edema is usually worse on the face in the morning and is found mainly in the lower extremities later in the day.

② High blood pressure: Nephrotic Syndrome patients, whether young or elderly, have raised blood pressure.

③ Hematuria: This means release of blood in the urine. Occasionally, patient may present with gross hematuria.

④ Oliguria: The individual with Nephrotic Syndrome may appear reduction in the quantity of normal urine, so he visits lavatory less often than before.

⑤ Diarrhea: Patients commonly complain of diarrhea, which is secondary to edema of the bowel wall.

⑥ Susceptibility to infections: At times, children with Nephrotic Syndrome present with fever and a septic picture. For most of them, the peritoneal cavity is the site of the infection.

Besides, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may also suffer from loss of appetite, become irritable, fatigue and appear pale, respiratory distress (with difficulty in breathing or shallow, rapid breathing), thromboembolism, etc.

If you want to consult more information about Nephrotic Syndrome symptoms, please contact us online. We are always ready to help you.

Common Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is caused by damage to the tiny blood vessels in the kidney that filter waste and excess water from the blood. Many conditions and diseases can cause Nephrotic Syndrome. It should be also be pointed out that in vast majority of cases exact cause cannot be pinpointed. The most common causes can be listed as follows.

1. Local diseases (primarily affecting kidneys)

This group includes all those conditions, which directly and primarily affect kidneys and damage glomeruli. They are largely termed as nephropathies or glomerulopathies. Glomerulonephritis (GN) occupies peak position among glomerulopathies causing Nephrotic Syndrome. GN refers to a group pf kidney disease caused by inflammation of the glomeruli. Specific disorders that are associated with GN and hence Nephrotic Syndrome include Minimal Change Disease, Membranoproliferative GN, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), Membranous Glomerulonephritis, IgA Nephropathy, Goodpasture’s syndrome, Congenial Nephrotic Syndrome, etc.

2. Systemic diseases (affecting various symptoms of body)

This group categories all those disease which affect various organs and systems in the body, one amongst them being kidney. When they affect kidney, they impair glomeruli and make them leak proteins. These diseases include Diabetes Mellitus, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Henoch-Schonlein Purpura, Multiple Myeloma, etc.

3. Allergy

Nephrotic Syndrome is proven to be more common in individuals with family history or prior history of allergy. A few children have been reported with major food allergies along with Nephrotic Syndrome.

4. Infection

In some cases, Nephrotic Syndrome is considered to be result of or after effect of infectious conditions, such as malaria, hepatitis B and C, infective endocarditis, syphilis, streptococcal throat infection, etc.

5. Psychological factor

There is proven evidence that emotional stress can produce alteration in our immune system so as to increase the risk of Nephrotic Syndrome.

6. Drug toxicity

Certain medications like antibiotics, antihypertensive medicines, etc are known to induce Nephrotic Syndrome in sensitive individuals.

7. Malignancy/ cancer

Cancers of kidneys or lymphatic system (Hodgkin’s lymphoma) have potential of inducing Nephrotic Syndrome.

The above is a general introduction about common causes of Nephrotic Syndrome. If you still have any questions, please contact us online. We are glad to help you.

Common Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) occurs in association with a diverse array of primary and secondary glomerular disorders. Without effective treatment, patients with Nephrotic Syndrome may suffer from severe complications, which can even threaten patients’ life. Therefore, we should take the following Nephrotic Syndrome complications seriously and adopt prompt treatment accordingly.

● Infections

Constant and prolonged loss of proteins leads to low levels of proteins in the blood, which in turn lead to lowered resistance, making one prone to various bacterial and viral infections. Common infections usually happen to respiratory tract, urinary system, skin, etc.

● High blood pressure (hypertension)

Fluid retention in the body can be caused due to loss low levels of proteins, thus leading to high blood pressure. High blood pressure can hamper kidney functions.

● High blood cholesterol and elevated blood triglycerides

If the level of the protein albumin in the blood falls, the liver will make more albumin. At the same time, the liver releases mire cholesterol and triglycerides.

● Hypercoagulability or hyper-clotting

With loss of anti-clotting factors like antithrombin Ⅲ and plasminogen, blood looses its capacity to remain fluid. This can result in formation of abnormal clots in the blood and other organs such as veins. The clot may migrate to other parts such as lungs and may lead to pulmonary embolism, which is a severe condition.

● Acute Renal Failure

Due to massive loss of proteins in Nephrotic Syndrome, there is less plasma albumin, causing decreased colloid osmotic pressure. Besides, the application of diuretic and antihypertensive agent can lead to volume insufficiency of effective blood circulation, which further makes the glomerular filtration rate decrease, thus resulting in Acute Renal Failure.

● Metabolic disturbance and electrolyte disturbance

Electrolyte disturbances like hyponatremia, hypokalemic, etc can be caused by limitation of sodium intake and urination promotion. In addition, large amount loss of proteins can lead to malnutrition, reduced immunity, anemia and so on. Long-term hyperlipemia can lead to coronary arteriosclerosis and vascular disease.

If you still have any questions about Nephrotic Syndrome complications, please consult our online experts.


What You can and cannot Eat with Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome refers to a condition that involves damage to the kidneys, in which the kidney is unable to filter excessive water and wastes from the blood. This disorder is characterized by proteiuria (>3.5g/d), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and severe edema (anasarca or dropsy). Diet plays a very important role in the treatment and recovery for Nephrotic Syndrome patients, so you should know what you can and cannot eat.

Food that can be taken by Nephrotic Syndrome:

● As the kidneys are not able to work properly, large amount of protein from the blood leak into the urine. A healthier diet rich in protein can definitely help to prevent further kidney damage, so moderate protein intake (about 1gm/kg body weight) can preserve renal functions. You can compensate for protein loss by taking adequate amount of high-quality protein contained in food such as eggs, chicken, lean meat, egg whites, skimmed milk, salmon, sardines, etc.

● Sodium intake should be low, which may help with swelling in the hands and legs. Soups, sauces, chocolate drinks, juices, etc (but with low sodium content) are ok. You can also eat wafers, popcorns, chutneys which are prepared in less salt and noodles, spaghetti, pancakes, etc (low in salt).

Foods that should be avoided by Nephrotic Syndrome:

◆ Excessive intake of protein should be avoided as the kidneys may need to function more vigorously to filter surplus protein.

◆ High amount of fats should be avoided because Nephrotic Syndrome patients tend to suffer from high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels, so you should avoid the excess intake of oily food and saturated fats such as ghee, margarine, etc.

◆ Foods that are high in sodium content should be avoided, such as salted wafers and popcorns, canned meat, salted biscuits and snacks, salted pickles, chutneys, curry powder, salted cashew nuts, pistachio, walnuts, peanuts, etc.

If you still have any questions about the diet for Nephrotic Syndrome, feel free to talk with our online experts.

How to Diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, causing them to leak large amount of protein from the blood into the urine (>3.5g/d). In clinic, it can be divided into primary Nephrotic Syndrome and secondary Nephrotic Syndrome. Then how to diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome? You can find the answer in the following text.

Ⅰ. Health history

The doctor will ask about patient's medical history, through which he can gather more data about the symptoms, prior history or family history of allergy or related diseases. Generally, a detailed and precise history gives definite intimation to the diagnosis.

Ⅱ. Physical examination

More than 95% of patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have edema. Generalized edema is dependent and pitting in character. In children with marked ascites, mechanical restriction of breathing may be present, and the child may have fast and shallow breathing. Hypertension may appear in majority of Nephrotic Syndrome patients. Besides, other signs may also include a concurrent upper respiratory tract infection, abdominal tenderness, etc.

Ⅲ. Medical tests

Tests and procedures used to diagnose Nephrotic Syndrome include:

● Urinalysis

A urinalysis can reveal abnormalities in the urine, such as large amounts of protein, is you have Nephrotic Syndrome. In order to determine the exact amount of proteins in the urine, a 24-hour quantitative test may be ordered.

● Blood tests

A blood test often shows low albumin (hypoalbuminemia) specifically and often, decreased levels of blood protein overall. Loss of albumin is often associated with elevated blood cholesterol and blood triglycerides. The doctor may take a blood sample to see how well the kidneys are removing wastes. If the blood contains high levels of creatinine and urea, some kidney damage may have already occurred.

● Kidney biopsy

Your doctor usually perform with a long needle passes through the skin after the patient lies flat on his stomach. Then the doctor will use an ultrasound scan to find out exactly where the kidneys are and where to insert the needle. The sample is then examined under the microscope and it may take several days before the answer is available.

Early detection and prompt treatment are of great importance to Nephrotic Syndrome patients. If you need any help, please contact us online.

Treat Renal Failure with the Most Advanced Immunotherapy

After patients are diagnosed with Renal Failure, they always consider that there is no other choice but to undergo dialysis or kidney transplant. Actually, this is not true. With the development of medical technology, the most advanced immunotherapy is created to help Renal Failure patients get rid of dialysis and kidney transplant.

Immunotherapy has shown its surprising curative effects in dealing with Renal Failure and other immune diseases. It can treat immune-mediated kidney diseases from the perspective of immune regulation. Then how do you get Renal Failure? How to treat it with immunotherapy? The following are detailed information given by our nephrologists.

How do you get Renal Failure?

Generally speaking, most of the kidney diseases that led Renal Failure are caused by excessive immune reaction. In normal condition, there is no inflammatory response at all. Only when large amount of immune complexes deposit in the kidneys, the inflammatory response will start in order to remove them due to the repellency of human body. There are special epitopes in the kidneys which can attract the immune complexes, so it is very difficult for our body to remove the immune complex. However, our body will try its best to clear them up, and then inflammatory response becomes more and more intense, thus causing excessive immune reaction eventually. Over time, more and more renal inherent cells and renal functional tissues are impaired, kidney failure appears.

How to treat Renal Failure with immunotherapy?

From the above explanation, we can see that to avoid further deterioration of Renal Failure, we must stop the undue inflammatory response in the first place. Then through regulating the immune system, our kidneys can eliminate the immune complex gradually. Besides, we also need to repair the damaged renal function. If the kidney function recovers, patients can live a normal life with their own kidneys so they can get rid of dialysis.

The general treatment process of immunotherapy includes a systemic diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance stage, immune adjustment, immune protection and immune clearance. Integrated western and Chinese medicine is used to help us achieve the above goals. Our characteristic Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy play an essential role to treat Renal Failure from the root cause.

If you are suffering from Renal Failure and want to find better ways to deal with your illness condition, you can have a try about immunotherapy.


Do You Know the Symptoms of Renal Failure

Renal Failure refers to temporary or permanent damage to the kidneys that results in loss of normal kidney function. Kidneys fail to function normally, so there always presents series of symptoms. The following are the common symptoms of Renal Failure. Knowing the symptoms can help you recognize the problems and get proper treatment.

1. Swelling

With damaged kidneys, excessive fluid builds up in the body and can result in a condition known as edema, which is swelling in the hands, ankles, feet, or face (especially around the eyes in the morning). Fluid can also collect in the lungs, which may lead to shortness of breath.

2. Anemia

Anemia can be caused by integrated factors including decreased erythropoiesis, the increase of erythrocyte destruction, bleeding, etc. As kidney fails, toxin can shorten the lifespan of red blood cells and restrain the bone marrow hematopoiesis, thus causing anemia. In this case, patients may feel tired or weak, dizzy and have memory problems, trouble sleeping, poor concentration, etc.

3. Changes in urination

The kidneys make urine, so kidney failure can cause urine to change. You may suffer from urination problems such as foamy or bloody urine, more or less urine than usual, pressure or difficulty urinating, a change in how often you urinate. Some people have to get up at night to urinate.

4. Flank or back pain

Some people with kidney problems may have pain in the back or side related to the affected kidney.

5. Others

When kidneys fail, the buildup of waste in the blood can cause skin rashes or serious itching, and make food taste different or cause bas breath, which leads to a loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, and weight loss.

The above mentioned are the symptoms of Renal Failure. Once diagnosed with this disorder, patients should take your condition seriously and receive effective treatment as early as possible. Treatment in the early stage can help you reverse the disease. In China, we use the most advanced immunotherapy to deal with Renal Failure and other kidney diseases. If you need any help, feel free to talk with our online experts who are always glad to help you.

What are Causes of Renal Failure

Renal Failure or kidney failure is a condition in which the kidney fails to function adequately. There are two types: Acute Renal Failure and Chronic Renal Failure. Either of them may be caused by large number of other medical problems.

◆ Acute Kidney Failure causes

This condition is usually caused by a sudden interruption in the blood supply to the kidneys due to enough long-time of blood loss, a fall in blood pressure, severe dehydration or lack of salt.

Acute Renal Failure may occur with any serious illness or operation, especially those complicated by severe infection.

Drug overdoses, whether accidental or from chemical overloads of drugs, may also lead to the onset of Acute Renal Failure.

Sudden blockage to the drainage of urine from the kidney can cause damage, such as a kidney stone.

◆ Chronic Renal Failure causes

Whatever can cause chronic and progressive injury of renal parenchyma will eventually lead to Chronic Renal Failure. These diseases include Hypertensive Glomerular Arteriosclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Chronic Interstitial Nephritis and Chronic Glomerulonephritis, which is the most commonly seen.

 Besides, inflammatory conditions affecting the kidney tissue, as a complication of long-standing Diabetes Mellitus, chronic blockage to the drainage of the kidneys like Urinary Stone and certain inherited conditions such as Polycystic Kidney Disease can also lead to Chronic Renal Failure. Often, the cause has occurred many years earlier and cannot be identified.

Currently, the most advanced therapy of immunotherapy is used to treat Renal Failure and other immune defect kidney diseases. Immunotherapy can repair damaged renal cells effectively, restore renal function as well as regulate the immune system so as to treat kidney disease and restore health.

If you still have any questions about Renal Failure or want to know more about immunotherapy, please contact us online.

Complications of Renal Failure

Renal Failure, also known as kidney failure, is a serious medical condition in which the kidneys are not functioning properly or no longer work at all, so the kidneys are unable to filter wastes, produce urine and maintain fluid balances. This dysfunction causes a build up of toxins in the body which can affect the blood, brain and heart, as well as other complications. Common complications of Renal Failure are as follows:

1. High blood pressure

Through a complex network of hormones and feedback loops, the kidneys control blood pressure. Unfortunately, the dysfunction of this network many cause Renal Failure. In an effort to maintain blood flow through the failing kidneys, hormones trigger increases in blood pressure even when pressures are already high. High blood pressure will aggravate the kidney diseases, and the vicious cycle continues.

2. Anemia

Kidneys have function to produce a hormone called erythropoietin which can stimulate the bones to generate red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to every part of the body. In Renal Failure, the kidneys produce too little erythropoietin, causing reduced amounts of red blood cells. In this case, patients may suffer from anemia. They will always feel weak and fatigue.

3. Heart failure

Healthy kidneys can regulate the amount of potassium in the blood, but in Renal Failure they may lose that ability, causing dangerously high potassium levels. Actually, potassium plays an important role in regulating the heartbeat. With elevated potassium levels, patients may have irregular heartbeat, which may even lead to death.

4. Electrolyte imbalances

Every part of the body can be affected by Chronic Kidney Failure. Patients may have fluid retention which can result in pulmonary edema or swelling of the extremities and elevated blood pressure. Besides, elevated phosphorus and potassium levels may appear. A sudden rise in potassium levels can lead to heart failure.

5. Infection

Untreated, Acute Renal Failure can lead to infection as the body's immune system or immune response may be unable to function properly. Infection can also result in further complications like malnutrition.

6. Weak bones

Elevated phosphorus levels may lead to decreased calcium levels, so Renal Failure patients will suffer from weak bones and an increased risk for bone fractures.

The above are some complications of Renal Failure. Effective treatment for Renal Failure can help us prevent the appearance of these complications. Here are our online experts, you can consult them about any questions of kidney disease. It’s a pleasure to help you.


Proper Diet for Renal Failure

Renal Failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. Patients with either kinds of Renal Failure should pay much attention to the daily diet. Then what is the proper diet?

1. Patients with Renal Failure should limit the intake of protein. This will help you decrease the wastes in the blood and help the kidneys work better. High protein content foods include dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt), fish, meat or eggs. The specific amount of protein intake depends on your illness condition.

2. Patients with Renal Failure should restrict the amount of sodium in your diet if you have certain symptoms, such as high blood pressure and edema. Therefore, you should avoid table salt and salty foods including canned and processed meats, canned soups, French fries, sardines and salted snacks.

3. Patient with Renal Failure should limit the phosphorus intake. For patients with kidney failure, the kidneys are unable to remove excess build up of phosphorus in the body. Too much phosphorus can pull calcium from the bones resulting in weak bones. Foods that are high in phosphorus include dairy products, beans, peas and nuts. Avoid high phosphorus drinks like beer and cola flavored sodas.

4. Patient with Renal Failure should limit the intake of potassium. Too much potassium is dangerous for the heart, so high potassium foods like milk, yogurt, bananas, beets, peanuts, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, prunes, figs, dates, raisins, nectarines, apricots, melons and pears should be avoided.

5. Patients with Renal Failure should limit the intake of high fluid foods. The damaged kidneys fail to excrete extra water from the blood, causing edema and weight gain. Some foods are high in water including soup, gelatin desserts, popsicles, and ice cream, etc should be limited. Fruits and vegetables such as oranges, apples, grapes, melons, lettuce, tomatoes and celery should also be limited.

Without effective treatment, Renal Failure can develop into end-stage kidney disease, or even Uremia. Apart from arranging a proper diet, you should receive a comprehensive treatment in specialized hospital. If you still have any unclear things about Renal Failure, welcome to talk with our online experts or e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Tests Used to Diagnose Renal Failure

Healthy kidneys can get rid of the waste products that result from the body’s metabolism. In Renal Failure, the kidney function fails, so the waste products accumulate in the blood and the body. How is Renal Failure diagnosed? The following is detailed explanation.

◆ Blood tests

Blood tests are used to measure the buildup of waste products in the blood. Routine blood tests include BUN, creatinine, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). BUN and creatinine become elevated, and the GFR decreases. This is the rate with which blood is filtered through the kidneys and can be calculated based upon the creatinine level, age, race, and gender.

◆ Urine tests

Urine tests may be done to measure the amount of protein, detect the presence of abnormal cells, or measure the concentration of electrolytes. Protein in the urine is not normal and can be a clue that damage to the kidneys has occurred. Abnormal aggregations of red and white blood cells called casts can be seen in the urine with kidney disease. Comparing the concentrations of electrolytes in the blood and urine can help decide whether the kidneys are able to appropriately monitor and filter blood.

◆ Abdominal ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound can assess the size of the kidneys and may identify whether any obstruction exists.

◆ Kidney biopsy

Biopsy of the kidney uses a thin needle that is placed through the skin into the kidney itself to get bits of tissue to examine under the microscope.

Once diagnosed with Renal Failure, effective treatment should be adopted as early as possible to prevent further deterioration of kidney function. Immunotherapy is the best treatment for Renal Failure and other immune-mediated kidney disease. If you are interested in it, please consult our online service or e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Treatment Options

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. PKD cysts can profoundly enlarge the kidneys while replacing much of the normal structure, leading to decreased kidney function and leading to Renal Failure.

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease often suffer from increase of nocturia, lumbago, high blood pressure, etc. There is hematuria and little proteinuria in urine test. Then how to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease in western countries?

◆ Anti-infection mainly aims at treating kidney stones, high blood pressure and hematuria.

◆ Surgical treatment includes decorbicatiou, tapping, and laparoscopy.

◆ Kidney transplant or dialysis.

◆ Non-operative treatment including treating complications.

Though the above methods have obvious effects and can control the development of the disease after the treatment, Polycystic Kidney Disease will recur soon, because these methods only cure the symptoms but not the disease. It is wise for you to find other systemic treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Polycystic Kidney Disease in China
Basis on traditional Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy introduces high-technique devices in processing herbal medicines and makes the release of herbal effective ingredients even more complete. As a kind of natural therapy, it is applied externally, so no much pain will be caused and patients only need to lie on bed to receive the treatment.

After being permeated into patients’ body, these natural herbs can make cysts shrink gradually. Through promoting the permeability of cyst wall, cyst liquid will be reabsorbed into blood vessels, and then will be discharged out of body along urine. Moreover, Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate the renal blood vessels, so nutrition supply to the kidneys can be enhanced. Combined with the function of degrading the extracellular matrix, the renal ischemia and hypoxia can be improved and the perfusion flow of the blood to the kidneys will be increased, so the filtration ability of the kidneys will be improved. In this case, those epithelial cells of cystic wall can be prevented from further secreting, and small cysts won’t grow any more.

Based on the pathological mechanism of Polycystic Kidney Disease, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can take effects to restore the kidney function, repair the injured kidney structure, and simultaneously shrink the cysts and prevent cysts from growing. Sincerely hope this article gives you an idea on further treatments of Polycystic Kidney Disease. You can also send your specific condition to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com and our experts will help with analyzing your condition, and provide with suitable suggestion on treatments.


Detailed Introduction about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a characteristic therapy of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which has effective curative effects in treating kidney disease. The following text will provide you with information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in detail.

● What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?

You may have heard of Chinese medicine (Chinese herbs) before. Here only a simple affix “Micro-” is added before it, but it means a lot in treating kidney disease. Traditional Chinese herbs are oral medicine. Firstly, they may increase the burdens of the kidneys, because the kidney is the organ responsible for filtrating fluid. Secondly, most of Chinese herbs decoction is bitter to drink. Many patients cannot bear them. Lastly, the rate of sorption by kidneys is very low, for it arrives at renal lesions through many tracts, such as digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract.

However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese medicine above.

After being super-finely shattered into powder, Chinese herbal medicine is packaged in a sack. When used, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, patients just need to lie in bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can be efficiently permeated into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating kidney disease effectively.

● How dose Micro-Chinese Medicine work in the body?

The root pathological change of kidney disease lies in fibrosis of renal functional cells. Only when the fibrosis is prevented, can deterioration of kidney disease be stopped. Study shows that fibrosis is resulted from lack of blood and oxygen in the kidneys.

Rightly, Micro-Chinese Medicine has good curative effect in improving the state of lacking blood and oxygen. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can enlarge blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys. In addition, it also can decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrixes, both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing.

● Dose Micro-Chinese Medicine refers to one prescription of medicine?

As we know, kidney disease is various. So it is not possible that one prescription of medicines treat all kinds of kidney disease. Through many researches and clinical practices, Micro-Chinese Medicine is classified into many types. According to the kind and severity of one kidney disease, doctors will choose one of Micro-Chinese Medicine as major medicine and meanwhile give some other medicines as assistant medicine.

All above is the detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. If you still have questions, you can consult experts online.

Treating Kidney Disease with Immunotherapy

As an advanced treatment technology, Immunotherapy has been widely used in disease treatment and plays a more and more important role in treating diseases, especially for those refractory diseases.

What are Immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy refers to a class of undifferentiated cells with ability to self renew to produce more Immunotherapy and to differentiate into specialized cell types. With homing ability, they can easily recognize the damaged organs.

Based on developmental potential, Immunotherapy can be divided into three types, named totipotent Immunotherapy, pluripotent Immunotherapy and unipotent Immunotherapy. Totipotent Immunotherapy arise from the fusion of egg and sperm cell, which are remarkable to differentiate into any cell type. Pluripotent Immunotherapy also have wide differentiation powers, but are limited to cell types of the 3 germ layers (ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm). Differentiation of multipotent Immunotherapy is limited to a specific subtype of cell. Unipotent Immunotherapy can only differentiate into one type of cell, but they retain the capacity of self-renewal which distinguishes them from non-Immunotherapy.

How can Immunotherapy treat kidney disease?

Immunotherapy is an effective way to treat kidney disease with advantages of being easily accessible in material, low cost, stable in efficacy, well reproducible, and with no rejection and so on. In our hospital, we mainly used Immunotherapy in clinical.

After being transfused into the body, Immunotherapy can go to the kidney lesions directly, and then they can produce more desired functional cells to replace the necrotic ones. Meanwhile, Immunotherapy can take effect to assist stimulating certain factor to repair the damaged cells and regulate the overall immune system. If the impaired renal inherent cells are replaced and the damaged one are all repaired, the kidney function can be rebuilt.

Besides, Immunotherapy is a safe therapeutic method with the characteristics of non-toxicity or low-toxicity. The most common reaction is anaphylactic reaction, which will disappear itself within several hours. If you still have any questions, feel free to talk with our online service or e-mail to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Routine Western Methods in Treating Kidney Disease

The kidneys, a pair of bean-shaped organs, are located at the bottom of the ribcage in the right and left sides of the back. They receive blood from the aorta, filter it, and send it back to the heart with the right balance of chemicals and fluids for use throughout the body.

The kidneys control the quantity and quality of fluids within the body. Besides, they help to control important substances like sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate (HCO3-), pH, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. They also produce hormones and vitamins that direct cell activities in many organs. When the kidneys are not working properly, waste products and fluid can build up to dangerous levels, creating a life-threatening situation. Then what are routine western therapies for kidney disease?

Treatment varies depending on the type of kidney disease present. Generally, the earlier kidney disease is recognized, the more likely it is to be treatable. Dietary restrictions, drug therapy, and surgical procedures may be applied. For those patients whose kidneys can no longer effectively remove waste and water from the body, a dialysis can take over kidney filtration. Kidney transplant surgery is another option when kidneys fail. Let’s look at some common medical methods separately.

● Dialysis

Dialysis is a process that performs the work of healthy kidneys by clearing wastes and extra fluid from the body and restoring the proper balance of chemicals (electrolytes) in the blood. Patients may use dialysis for many years, or it may be a short-term measure while they are waiting for a kidney transplant.

● Drug therapy

Western medicines can treat kidney disease symptomatically. Antibiotics are usually prescribed by the doctor to deal with infection. Erythropoietin (rhEPO) therapy and iron replacement therapy are for anemia. Diuretics are used to treat fluid buildup caused by kidney disease. For those who have high blood pressure, medications like an ACE inhibitor or an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) can be used to lower the blood pressure and reduce the amount of urine protein. Pure western medicines often lead to the disease recur or can’t control the illness condition.

● Kidney transplant

A transplant is a treatment for kidney failure but is not a cure. It may allow patient a more active life and a longer life, but there are some drawbacks. The most common complications of kidney transplant include infection and bleeding. People who have transplants must take drugs to keep their body from rejecting the new kidney for the rest of their lives.


What are Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily with the kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid. What are symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

▲ Pain of renal area is a major symptom. It usually refers to constriction or dull pain, sharp pain, sometimes abdominal pain or tenderness. The pain may become serious after doing manual work, long-time work or sitting. The pain may also result from the internal haemorrhage of kidneys, kidney stones movement or infection.

▲ Nephromegaly. Due to inconsonant development of bilateral kidneys condition, their sizes are different. In the late stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease, the two kidneys can fill the whole enterocoelia. There are many cysts on the surface of kidneys, which are irregular in outline and solid in the texture.

▲ Blood in the urine (hematuria). Approximately half of children with Polycystic Kidney Disease present microscopic hematuria, and some have paroxysmal gross hematuria caused by the burst of cyst wall blood vessels. When kidneys are infected, there will be obvious pyuria, severe hematuria and back pain accompanied with fever.

▲ High blood pressure (hypertension). This is a common sign of children Polycystic Kidney Disease. Almost half of patients have high blood pressure before the serum creatinine increases, which is caused by the stress of cysts on neighboring tissues, inducing rennin, angiotensin and the response of aldosterone.

▲ Urinary tract infection. More than half of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients appear urinary tract infection, and is more prone to women than men.

Besides, other symptoms also include cysts in other organs, mass in abdomen, kidney stones and urine protein and do on. Patient should receive effective treatment to prevent the disease progress into Renal Failure.

Causes of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is genetic condition in which multiple fluid-filled sacs or cysts develop throughout the kidneys. There are two types: 90% of people with PKD have autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), or adult PKD. The remaining 10% have autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD), which affects infants and children. What are causes of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

① Genic mutation

Though many patients with Polycystic kidney disease get the ill genes from their parents, there are still some cases in which the disease is neither inherited nor a kind of congenital dyspalsia, but a kind of genic mutation in the formation procedure of embryo. It is very rare but still may occur.

② Infections

Various infections of the upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, skin, etc will lead to abnormal changes in the internal environment, which may conduce to the changes of cystic genes and increased activity of cystic internal factors, thus accelerating the growth of cysts. As a result, the renal function will decrease rapidly.

③ Toxins

Toxins can damage various cells, tissues and organs after they invade the human body, and there may present various diseases, some of which even threaten patient’ life. As for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, their illness can be easily aroused by somatic damage caused by retention of toxins. These toxins include pesticide, pollution, radioactive rays, and certain chemicals. In addition, some medicines which have renal toxicity may also impair the kidneys.

④ Diet

Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have abnormal genes within the body, and the disease may arise from improper dietary habits. Bad dietary habits include starvation or satiety, unhygienic diet (barbecue), food preference (spicy, salty, greasy food).

⑤ Imbalance between labor and rest

Overwork are harmful to our health and will certainly influence the changes of cystic disease. The disease can be affected by excessive manual and mental work as well as excessive sex without control. We suggest patients doing proper activities, which are necessary to their health.

The above are information of Polycystic Kidney Disease causes, so we need to take precautions accordingly so as to reduce the risk for cystic disease.

Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an inherited disease, which means that the disease is passed on from parents to children through genes. People with the disease can be asymptomatic and may become symptomatic usually by ages 30 to 50. The most common clinical manifestations of PKD include back or side pain, tenderness around the abdomen, or a feeling of fullness. With the development of PKD, there may appear some complications as follows.

Ⅰ. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

UTI is common among people with PKD, which include cystitis, pyelonephritis, infection of cyst and perinephric abscess. For female patients, urinary tract examination is one of the risk factors, because while doing it, equipments may lead to infection in urinary tract.

Ⅱ. Decline in kidney function

With the progressive growth and multiplying of cysts in the kidneys, the renal functional cells and tissues are damaged, thus causing gradual decline of kidney function. If the disease progress to end-stage renal failure, patients have to receive dialysis or renal transplant.

Ⅲ. High blood pressure (hypertension)

This occurs in about 60% to 70% of people with PKD and for many is the first sign of the disease. Due to the presence and gradual enlargement of multiple cysts, the normal kidney structure is altered. Consequently, the kidney function of monitoring blood volume is disturbed and more renin is secreted, causing elevated level of blood pressure.

Ⅳ. Kidney stones

About 20% to 30% of people with PKD develop kidney stones. They usually suffer from dull pain in the renal region. If there is colic or sharp pain as well as gross hematuria, it may indicate the appearance of kidney stones.

Ⅴ. Cysts in other parts of the body

Although the kidneys are the main site affected, cysts may also develop in other parts of the body, such as the liver, pancreas, seminal vesicles, and the arachnoid membrane (tissue next to the brain).

The above are some complications of PKD. Though the disease is asymptomatic in the initial stage, you should take your illness condition seriously and receive prompt treatment as early as possible. In this way, we can control the enlargement of cysts as well as prevent the complications.


Suggested Diet for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is one of the most common inherited diseases, and most of cases would end up in end-stage renal failure. However, with proper diet, patients can improve their conditions in a large degree.

Generally, patients with PKD should have a low-fat and high-antioxidant diet. It is said that plant proteins can help lower the blood pressure and slow the growth of kidney cysts. Studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and slow the progression of PKD as well; it also has anti-hypertensive and lipid lowering effects.

High-fiber foods, which can combat insulin resistance, are also recommended—high insulin levels have been linked with heart disease and may accelerate the progression of PKD. Unlike other kinds of kidney diseases, patients with PKD require higher levels of potassium.

Foods can be taken by PKD patients:

▲ Soy protein : tofu, miso, tempeh.

▲ Foods that have high omega-3 content: salmon, herring, mackerel , anchovies, flaxseed, walnuts, pecans.

▲ High-potassium content foods: papaya, prune juice, honeydew, cantaloupe melon, banana, raisins, mango, pears, orange, orange juice, sweet potatoes.

▲ High-fiber content foods: spinach, broccoli, cabbage, pomegranate, grains. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is recommended, since they are excellent sources of vitamins and fiber.

Besides, patients with PKD should also know foods to be avoided. Limit the intake of animal protein. Excess amounts of salt, caffeine, and alcohol should also be avoided. Below is a list of a sample of what not to eat.

▼ Foods that have high sodium content: corned beef, instant noodles, potato chips, cured ham, table salt, preserved foods.

▼ High-protein foods: red meat, chicken, groundnuts, corn, lentils, chickpeas.

▼ Food that have high sugar content: cola drinks, chocolates, artificial sugars, powdered juices.

A well balanced Polycystic Kidney Disease diet along with proper exercise, regular visits to the doctor and compliance of any medical management can help prevent kidney failure or prevent it from getting worse.

Learning about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Diagnosis

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease, which occurs when cysts form on the kidneys and interfere with normal kidney function. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no signs or symptoms of kidney problems, so the disease can go unnoticed. Physical checkups and blood and urine tests may not lead to early diagnosis. Once cysts have grown to about one-half inch, however, diagnosis is possible.

When making a Polycystic Kidney Disease diagnosis, the doctor may ask a number of questions associated with the medical history, other medical conditions you may have and whether you have a family history of any conditions, including PKD. Besides, certain tests can be performed to detect the size and number of kidney cysts as well as evaluate the kidney function.

● Other imaging tests

More powerful and expensive imaging procedures, such as computed tomography (CT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), can also detect cysts. Recently, MRI has been used to measure kidney and cyst volume and monitor kidney and cyst growth, which may serve as a way to track progression of the disease.

● Ultrasound examination

This a common diagnostic method, in which sound waves passes through the body to create a picture of the kidneys. Ultrasound imaging does not use any injected dyes or radiation, so it is safe for all patients, including pregnant women.

● Genetic testing

This test can help us detect mutations in the autosomal dominant PKD genes, called PKD1 and PKD2. However, its usefulness is limited by two factors; it cannot predict the onset of symptoms or ultimate severity of the disease, and no specific prevention or cure of the disease is available. On the other hand, this test can help a young person detect the gene mutation, so he may be able to prevent the disease through diet and blood pressure control.

Only with accurate diagnosis, can we treat Polycystic Kidney Disease accordingly, so patients had better make the above knowledge clear.

Immunotherapy: The Newest Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a common disease in children. In western countries, hormone therapy is widely used to deal with this disorder. Hormones have many side effects which can affect the growth of children, but parents have no other better choice. Immunotherapy, the newest treatment for children Nephrotic Syndrome, can help us solve this problem.

Traditional treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome

Conventionally, hormones, immunosuppressants, and cytotoxicity drugs are used to restrain the immune response in children Nephrotic Syndrome so as to remit the symptoms like urine protein, hematuria, etc. Although the curative effects can be seen within a short time and the laboratory tests become normal soon, the disease will come back if the child is affected by a cold, infection, or other stimulative factors. In this case, the illness condition will become more severe.
Actually, it is not wise for parents to do like this. They should choose a systemic and comprehensive treatment. Only the damaged kidney function gets repaired and the immune system is regulated, can we treat Nephrotic Syndrome fundamentally.

How does immunotherapy treat children Nephrotic Syndrome?

Immunotherapy is the newest treatment for immune defect kidney diseases including children Nephrotic Syndrome, which can treat diseases from the perspective of immune regulation.

In the process of immunotherapy treatment, immunosuppressive medications with little or no side effect are firstly used to inhibit the abnormal immune response so that we can block further damages.

Even though, the immune complexes produced during the course of former immune reaction still deposit in the kidneys, which can lead to further relapse of children Nephrotic Syndrome. Therefore, we resort to our characteristic Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to regulate the immune system and remove the immune complex effectively.

To achieve better therapeutic effects, we can utilize Immunotherapy to rebuild the renal function. After transfused into patient’s body, Immunotherapy can regenerate into desired renal cells to replace the necrotic ones so as to restore the renal function as well as regulate the immune system.

Children with Nephrotic Syndrome should be sent to receive proper treatment as early as possible. The earlier, the better.


Immunotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. Immune complexes deposit on kidneys and launch series of pathological changes in kidneys. Nephrotic Syndrome should be treated by immunotherapy.

Within our body, there are two sets of immune system, called innate immune system and adaptive immune system. Only when the former fails to defense against invaders of the body, the latter is activated to assist with protecting our body. If the body recovers to normal condition, the adaptive immune system will return to resting state. Nevertheless, an immune defect disease may appear due to the dysfunction of immune system.

Nephrotic Syndrome belongs to an autoimmune disease caused by excessive immune reaction. When the innate immune system keeps sending signals to stimulate the adaptive immune system to work, or the adaptive immune system loses self-control ability, excessive immune reaction may appear, thus causing damages to normal renal tissues and immune complex deposits in kidneys.

As the most advanced treatment for kidney disease, immunotherapy can treat Nephrotic Syndrome from the root cause. The general treatment process includes six steps, named systemic diagnosis, immune blocking, immune tolerance stage, immune adjustment treatment, immune protection, and immune clearance.

After the comprehensive and systemic diagnosis, we can have an accurate knowledge of your illness condition, so we can treat the disease accordingly. To prevent further renal damages, we can block the immune reaction rapidly with the help of advanced immunosuppressive technology. At present, there is still no technology which can remove the immune complex quickly, so it is necessary for our body to co-exist with them for period of time.

In the next immune adjustment stage, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to degrade and excrete the immune complex as well as repair the renal function in certain degree. Moreover, Chinese prescription is used to improve the overall immunity. Then integrated Chinese and western medicine such as Immunotherapy, glucocorticoids, etc is utilized to restore the renal function and regulate the immune system. Finally, based on patient’s personalized condition, immune clearance can help us clear up the immune complex thoroughly so as to eradicate the root cause.

Immunotherapy can treat Nephrotic Syndrome radically through regulating the immune system. For more detailed information, you can talk with our online experts.

Treat Kidney Failure (Renal Failure) Effectively without Dialysis

Chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages and Kidney Failure (Renal Failure) is the end stage. In general, if the serum creatinine level is higher than 707umol/l, patients have to start dialysis. Long-term dialysis can not stop further sclerosis and necrosis of remaining renal nephrons. Then is there any other way to treat Kidney Failure effectively without dialysis?

Dialysis cannot treat Kidney Failure (Renal Failure)

Due to the kidney impairment, patients have to undergo dialysis which can help them discharge wastes and toxins in the blood. It is true that dialysis can also help Kidney Failure patients to regulate electrolyte balance through removing excess mineral elements. In this way, they can maintain the normal dynamic balance of the body.

However, dialysis can’t help patients to secrete the EPO to produce the red blood cells. In addition, dialysis can’t help patients to secrete the special substance to maintain the balance of blood pressure, and absorb the useful substance from the renal tubules, etc. In conclusion, dialysis can only perform partial function of kidneys and do nothing to the damaged kidney function, so it cannot treat Renal Failure.

How to treat Kidney Failure effectively without dialysis?

In order to treat Kidney Failure, we must preserve the remaining nephrons, restore the renal function and regulate the immune system. Immunotherapy is just such kind of remedy.

Immunotherapy is an integrated treatment which combines the advantages of western medicine with Chinese medicine. Immunosuppressive drugs can help us block the further inflammatory reaction so as to protect the renal cells and tissues from being attacked again.

Then the herbal remedy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, is applied to improve the blood circulation, degrade the immune complex produced by excessive immune reaction, and provide nutrition for kidney function repairing.

Based on the curative effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the most advanced Immunotherapy can rebuild the renal structure. Immunotherapy have the ability of self-renewal and multi-replication, which can differentiate into desired renal cells to replace the necrotic ones. Chinese experts have accumulated a lot of experiences in this field because of enough sources.

Under the treatment of immunotherapy, Kidney Failure patients of different stages can be treated effectively.

Life Expectancy of Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Most patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) concern that how long they can live once diagnosed with this disorder. So, let’s discuss the life expectancy of PKD patients in detail.

Actually, guessing the lifespan of PKD patients is far control of science, because many factors make it changeable, such as patients’ physique, illness condition and the treatment which they adopt. However, knowing everything possible about this condition can help you make informed decisions about the treatment.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is passed down through families (inherited), usually an autosomal dominant trait. It is the most common life threatening genetic disease which attacks between 1 in 400 to 1,000 people throughout the world. This disorder is featured by fluid-filled cysts that form in the nephrons of bilateral kidneys. Most patients with PKD eventually progress into Renal Failure. Moreover, Polycystic Kidney Disease is the fourth most common cause of Renal Failure. Therefore, if you or your beloved has been diagnosed with this disease, it’s critical to find an effective treatment as soon as possible, which can help you prolong the life expectancy in a large degree.

Have you heard of Chinese herbal medicine? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an herbal remedy, which can save the life of PKD patients.

As a kind of conservative treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can treat PKD without pumping liquid. Through external application, we can shrink the cysts without any surgery, so patients suffer no pain. The medicine pads are applied to the bilateral renal area, and patients only need to lie on bed to receive treatment.

After being super-finely shattered, the effective medicine can permeate into the kidney lesions directly with the help of microwave. The medicine can improve the blood circulation and the active ingredients of the medicine have the effect of expanding blood vessels. In this way, we can increase the microcirculation and permeability of the cyst walls. Over time, the cyst liquid can be excreted through blood circulation and the cysts will be shrunk. Meanwhile, we can restrain the secretion of the epithelial cells, so the cyst is not easy to recur after being removed.

Besides, patients with PKD should also keep a positive attitude and set up the confidence to conquer the disease. Do not too much about the life expectancy. As long as you choose an effective treatment, you can live longer.


Mr. Li, an IgA Nephropathy patient from China

Mr. Li, 33 years old from Hubei province of China, in year 2009 he was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy (Lee Ⅲ~Ⅳ). He had received hormone therapy including prednisone, cyclophosphamide, diuretics, and lowing fat therapy for about half a year, but ineffective. He stopped the western medicine and transferred to take Chinese medicine orally for about 7 months, during which his symptoms has no obvious remission.

Through the internet, he got to know Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. After consulting our online experts, he came to our hospital in Feb 23, 2011. The doctors make a systemic check up for him and the concrete illness condition was as follows:

No edema in face and both lower extremities,

1. Bp 120/80 mmhg, 1.60m, 47kg.

2. B Ultrasound: clear outlines of bilateral kidneys, the size of right kidney 102x44x41mm and 103x39x40mm of the left kidney, rich blood flows in double kidneys.

3. Urine test: urine protein +3, occult blood +1, SG 1.020. Proteinuria 3.35g/24h. Urineβ2-MG0.31mg/l, ↑ NAG 50.37U↑, GGT .59U/g↑

4. Blood test: normal. K+ 3.32 mmol/L↓ , Cl- 106mmol/L CO2 15.6mmol/L↓,AG 21mmol/L.

Albumin 32.3g/L, Total Protein 60.2g/L.

Blood fat: CHOL 6.89mmol/,↑, L HDL2.98 mmol/L LDL 3.66mmol/L ↑TG normal.
Renal function: serum creatinine 145umol/l↑, Urea Nitrogen 6.61mmol/L UA 412mmoL , BMG3.12mg/L↑.

Diagnosis: IgA Nephropathy (Lee Ⅲ~Ⅳ), CKD stage 3.

Treatment method: immunotherapy including integrated western medicine with Chinese medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy.

April 8th, 2011, check up after treatment:

Serum creatinine 115umol/L, Urine Nitrogen 5.96 mmol/L, BMG 2.22mg/L. proteiuria 3.41g/24h.

Mr. Li was happy with the obvious curative effect of his illness condition. And he was discharged from hospital then. We will continue keeping contact with him and give him some useful advice in daily life.

Xiaoyu, a 5-year old patient with Nephrotic Syndrome

Xiaoyu, boy, 5 years old, from Henan province of China.

Major complaints: intermittent swelling in the eyelids and both lower limbs for more than one year.

Date of hospitalization: April 20, 2011

Primary diagnosis: Nephrotic Syndrome with normal renal function.

Diagnostic criteria: medical history of Nephrotic Syndrome for more than one year, urine protein 3+, swelling in the eyelids and lower limbs.

Xiaoyu had received treatment in local hospital in December of 2010. At that time, he was diagnosed with Acute Nephritis. Hormone therapy is used to remit the swelling after 10 days and the urine protein turned negative. However, three days later, Xiaoyu occur general edema. Then he was sent to the same local hospital again and was diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. After taking prednisone orally for ten days, the urine protein turned negative, and he was discharge from the hospital after 20 days.

Soon later, Xiaoyu present relapse again with symptoms of severe edema, flu-like symptoms and fever. This time, his parents come to our hospital for better treatment.

Check up before the treatment: body temperature 36.2℃,heart rate 88 bpm, breath 18 bpm, Bp 90/60mmHg, weight 19kg.pruritus, with ulceration, swelling in the eyelids and both lower limbs, hyperaemia in pharyngeal, mild enlargement of tonsil, serum creatinine 182.67 umol/L, Urine Nitrogen 13.89mmol/L, urine protein 3+.

Therapeutic schedule: 1. Low-fat and low salt diet, immunosuppressive agents to reduce leakage of protein; 2. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy 2 times per day; 3. Proper hormones therapy if necessary.

Check up after treatment: all index turned normal, negative urine protein and occult blood, serum creatinine 66.99umol/L, Urine Nitrogen 5.88mmol/L, good appetite, sleep, and mental conditions without vomiting and diarrhea.

Xiaoyu’s was discharged from our hospital in May 15, 2011. His families were very happy with the result and he will continue the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for other 2 months at home.

Diabetes Treatment: Can I Get Rid of Insulin Therapy with Immunotherapy

Diabetes is a currently incurable condition which occurs because the body can’t use glucose properly, either owing to a lack of the hormone insulin or because the insulin available doesn’t work effectively. Generally, insulin therapy is adopted by diabetics, however, can the latest Immunotherapy help you get rid of insulin injection?

Insulin therapy for people with Diabetes

Patients with Diabetes, especially Type 1 Diabetes have to rely on injecting insulin to control the high blood glucose level. Insulin therapy can help prevent Diabetes complications by keeping the blood glucose within target range, however, long-term insulin injection can lead to many side effects, such as hypoglycemia, weight gain, edema, allergic reaction, dermatrophia, etc.

Besides, you should realize that insulin is not a cure for your disease, nor can insulin therapy erase the potential for complications and increased risk for other autoimmune disorders that accompany the disease.

How to get rid of the above side effects of insulin? Is there any effective treatment for Diabetes? The most advanced Immunotherapy is just the answer.

Under normal circumstances, insulin is produced by the pancreas islet β cells. However, the damaged β cells fail to function normally. In this case, Immunotherapy are applied to generate nutritive stimulus which can not only stimulate the repairing of damaged β cells but also create new β cells to secrete more insulin to control the high glucose level.

As long as enough β cells get repaired and generated, Type 1 Diabetes patients will have more insulin in the body so that the glucose level is more likely to stay a normal degree.

With repaired β cells and reduced glucose levels, patient’s illness condition can be improved and the symptoms such as frequent urination and extreme hunger can be eliminated accordingly.

Besides, it is worth noting that Immunotherapy has no side effect, so patients need not to worry about that. Many patients with Diabetes and other kidney diseases have been treated effectively by this most advanced therapy.

Recognizing the curative effects of Immunotherapy, it has become the best treatment to help diabetics avoid the side effects of insulin or even get rid of insulin injection.

Moreover, in case of various complications caused by long-standing Diabetes, we attach the importance for an early treatment.


How to Treat Type 1 Diabetes with the Latest Immunotherapy 2012

Type 1 Diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes, is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas islet leading to insulin deficiency. It can be further classified as immune-mediated or idiopathic. Most cases are of the immune-mediated nature.

What causes Type 1 Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic autoimmune disorder associated, in genetically susceptible individuals, with the body’s failure to produce insulin, the hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells of the body to provide energy and fuel. Therefore, this type of diabetes is the result of an autoimmune process in which the body’s immune system attacks and selectively destroys the insulin-producing β-cells in the islets.

Without adequate insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of entering the cells, so the body's cells literally starve to death. Patients with Type 1 Diabetes must take insulin injections everyday.

How to treat Type 1 Diabetes by immunotherapy?

Immunotherapy is the latest therapy for Type 1 Diabetes and other immune defect kidney diseases. It can take effect to rectify the abnormal immune response and repair the damaged pancreas islet. Specifically, integrated western medical technology and Chinese medical method is used.

The herbal remedy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is applied to create a favorable internal circumstance for the repairing of pancreas islet. In addition, the effective Chinese ingredients can improve the overall immunity.

Besides, Immunotherapy can reset immune system in Type 1 Diabetes. With potential ability of self-renewing and multi-differentiating, Immunotherapy can repair the damaged beta cells and create new cells so as to restore the function of the pancreas. Moreover, the immune system can be rebuilt.

When the pancreas can generate insulin again and the immune system is reset, Type 1 Diabetes is treated successfully. The earlier you receive this treatment, the better curative effect you can get.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms in Children

Type 1 Diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes) results when the pancreas loses its ability to make the hormone insulin. In children with Type 1 diabetes, their own immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Once those cells are destroyed, they won’t ever make insulin again. The following are some common symptoms of children with Type 1 Diabetes.

◆ Excessive thirst

Since the child is losing so much fluid from peeing so much, he or she becomes excessive thirst, who drinks a lot in order to keep a normal level of water and avoid being dehydrated.

◆ Fatigue

The muscles and cells are deprived of glucose, so the child may become tired and lethargic.

◆ Weight loss

Even though kids who develop Type 1 Diabetes may eat more than usual to relieve hunger, he may lose weight-rapidly at times, because the body breaks down muscle and stored fat so as to provide fuel to the hungry cells.

◆ Bedwetting

In some cases, this is the first sign of diabetes in a child who has been dry at night.

◆ Frequent urination

As excessive glucose builds up in the bloodstream of children, the kidneys respond to high levels of blood glucose by flushing out it in urine. A child with diabetes needs to urinate more frequently and in larger volumes.

Besides, a vaginal yeast infection may also be suspected as a sign of diabetes if a girl hasn’t started puberty yet.

Type 1 Diabetes in children can be very dangerous simply due to they cannot explain fully what is happening in their body. If the above symptoms aren’t detected and treated early, chemicals called ketones may build up in the child’s blood, causing stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fruity-smelling breath, breathing problems, and even loss of consciousness.

Immunotherapy is the most advanced therapy for Type 1 Diabetes, and you can choose this best treatment for your child.

Complications of Diabetes Mellitus

For healthy people, the pancreas can generate the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into the cells. However, Diabetes Mellitus appears when the pancreas is unable to make enough insulin, or the cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly, or both. Consequently, the amount of glucose in the blood increases. Long-term high glucose levels may lead to series of Diabetic complications as follows.

◆ Owing to blood vessel damage in retina, lack of blood circulation occurs, thus lead to lack of oxygen to nourish retina. In this condition, Diabetic retinopathy will present.

◆ Diabetic Neuropathy may appear due to nerves damages caused by uncontrolled Diabetes.

◆ Heart disease, stroke, heart attacks are all results of blockage of blood vessels, which causes anoxia (lack of oxygen). In extremely severe case, destruction of blood vessels may appear.

◆ Diabetic Nephropathy may be the result of damages to small blood vessels of kidney due to long-standing high blood glucose levels.

◆ Diabetic gastroparesis is the result of damage to the vagus nerve, which controls the movement of food through the digestive system. This condition may appear if the stomach takes too long to empty its contents.

◆ Erectile dysfunction or impotence may appear due to over-all nerve damage, and may be nerves in penis.

◆ The prolonged high levels of blood glucose can also cause urinary incontinence, over active bladder, bladder problems, etc.

◆ Urinary tract infection is also the result of nerve damage, but it is not directly relating with a nerve cause. If Diabetic Gastroparesis occurs, there will be a delay in the food emptying, which in turn stimulates the growth of bacteria and causes urinary tract infection. Moreover, due to long-term Diabetes, the immune system of your body will loss its capacity to fight against the infection.

To prevent the above serious complications, diabetics should take effective treatment for Diabetes as well as develop a healthy lifestyle.


What Causes Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus)

Nowadays, Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) has become a problem for many people, but the causes are not clearly known. The following give the commonest causes of Diabetes, and we hope it may be helpful to you.

Types of Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes belongs to an autoimmune disease owing to the destruction of the insulin-producing (islet) cells in the pancreas due to abnormal immune system. This disorder can also be triggered by genetic factor, malnutrition, and environmental factors, etc.

Type 2 Diabetes, as the more common form of diabetes, may present when the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin it produces doesn’t work as well as it should (insulin resistance). This form is more prone to people that are elderly, obese, have a family history of diabetes, or have gestational diabetes.


Diet is one of the most important causes of Diabetes, especially Type 2 Diabetes, because any diet that contains sugars or carbohydrates may directly lead to increased blood sugar level. Foods that may develop and aggravate Type 2 Diabetes include honey, soft drinks, milk and milk products, oily foods, alcoholic beverages, etc.

Environmental factors

Diabetes may result from external factors including: 1) taking steroids or other medications that lead to imbalance of hormone within the body; 2) chemicals in certain vegetables like beans; 3) infections to the pancreas caused by some microbes.

Sedentary lifestyle

People with a sedentary lifestyle are more easily affected by Type 2 Diabetes, because the unexercised muscles and tissues can influence the overall action of insulin and decrease its ability to utilize glucose. It can also be caused by stress in cases of injury, surgery, infections, pregnancy, and mental tensions, and so forth.

Hereditary factors

People who have hereditary leukocyte antigen in the blood have a higher chance to get Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is also genetic but it is more prone to those who have high blood pressure and obesity.

Besides, obesity is a major cause of Diabetes Type 2. As people grows older, their risk of developing Diabetes increases due to less active and gain weight.

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