
Immunotherapy for the Disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Significant efforts have been devoted in the development of Immunotherapy for the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease. In medicine, the application of Immunotherapy to treat some troublesome disease has had many years’ history. And with the maturation of this technique, it has been applied in to the treatment of kidney disease. However, in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the Immunotherapy for the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease has more characteristics.

As we all know, Immunotherapy has the following functions on treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease:

First, Immunotherapy have the strong ability of self-renewing and the potentiality of infinite differentiation. After having been transfused into the human body, they can target at the lesion tissues. Then they can regenerate new cells needed by the damaged renal tissues and replace the damaged or failed cells to maintain the normal renal function.

Second, after entering the lesion tissues, Immunotherapy can promote the repair and generation of the blood vessels in the renal lesions, which can improve the microcirculation of the kidney and provide enough oxygen and blood for the treatment and normal renal function.

Third, Immunotherapy can secrete nutrition stimulating factors in the patient’s body, which can activate the impaired intrinsic cells and recover their functions.

Except the above common effects of Immunotherapy transplant, we combine the Immunotherapy with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunoadsorpation-Focus Blood Purification Technology. On one hand, both Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunoadsorpation-focus Blood Purification Technology have the function of improving the inner milieu, which can provide a favorable therapeutic environment for the application of Immunotherapy. On the other hand, Micro-Chinese Medicine have the functions of dilating blood vessels, improving microcirculation, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes, which will lay a foundation for Immunotherapy. And there are guide drugs in Chinese medicine, which can guide the Immunotherapy access the kidney lesions more effectively, instead of going everywhere without any pertinence.

So the therapeutic effects of combining application of Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine are much better than just using Immunotherapy.

Refresh Your Learning About Polycystic Kidney Disease

In the past, our learning about the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease is usually from the histology. Now we need to refresh your learning about Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Through electron microscope and light microscope, we discover the kidney is constituted by only two parts, one part is renal inherent cells and the other is inherent extracellular matrix, and we have discovered that renal inherent cells can be divided into five categories, therefore we call them five categories of inherent cells. At the same time, we have discovered that all cells possess extracellular matrix and have different shapes except the inherent cells.

Therefore, we think, in fact, it is the two different substances that construct the special structure of kidney in different means. And a series of clinical symptoms caused by abnormal change of kidney function are the results of changes of normal condition of the two types of substance. And by analyzing this judging process, we have discovered that this process indeed is a judgment of the change of kidney function on the basis of cells. And then, on the basis of cells, we have discovered some regulars of change:

The damage process of kidney function is just the process of necrosis and decrease of renal inherent cells, the process of the development caused by hyperplasis of extracellular matrix, and the process of the whole kidney turn into the accretion of extracellular matrix.

As for the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease, the mechanism is the abnormal hyperplasia of kidney tubules epithelial cells is its outstanding feature. When the kidney tubules epithelial cells turn into cysts epithelial cells, they begin to have the function of secretion. The liquid they secreted become more and more but there is no normal approach to eliminate. So with the increase of age and the accumulation of liquid, the cysts will gradually enlarge and the cysts pressure will increase, then the cysts will press the surrounding renal tissues and the tension of cysts wall will increase.

Now we can know the causes and the process of the enlargement of the cysts. Then on the basis of this, we can adopt more effective therapy to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease.

What is the effective therapy? The effective therapy should aim at controlling the secretion of cysts fluid and the "the abnormal hyperplasia of kidney tubules epithelial cells", thus achieve the goal of contracting the cysts, controlling the enlargement of cysts and preventing the damage to renal function

How Can We Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease Without Operation

Once upon a time, I asked many patients that will you have a try if there is a way which can treat Polycystic Kidney Disease without operation. Most of them answered that they will. Some of them even didn’t ask what the method is. So we can know how urgent the patients are to get a treatment method to relieve their suffering and fear, how much they hope they can be free from dialysis and kidney transplant and how helpless they are.

“Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease without operations”, however, is not just a simple imagine. Now we have developed out an effective treatment method-the combining application of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy.
Although a complete cure for the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease is not available because of the genetic problem, we can effectively control the enlargement of the cysts. Then the patients may wonder: all the treatment methods are aim to control the enlargement of the cysts, which should we choose, Chinese medicine or Western medicine? The answer is to combine Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Why? As we all know, western medicine have the characteristic of controlling or removing the symptoms (such as proteinuria, hematuria, infections and so on) rapidly, which can block the further development of the disease for a period and provide a relatively favorable condition for the further treatment. However, as western medicine doesn’t remove the cause of the disease, at this time, we need to apply Micro-Chinese Medicine for the further treatment to remove the root cause (the abnormal hyperplasia of the kidney tubules epithelial cell). By this we can control the further enlargement of the cysts and then shrink the cysts effectively.

This is not the end of the treatment. Because our kidneys have been damaged, what should we do? Now we can use Immunotherapy to repair damaged kidney and rebuild the normal kidney function.

By all of these, we can achieve the goal of “treat the Polycystic Kidney Disease without operation”. If you have other doubt about this question, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult our experts online.


Do Not Wait for Symptoms Appearance

As for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients, no symptoms can be found in the early stage of this disease. For this reason, patients do not pay attention on this disease even though they know they are having this disease. Does ‘no symptoms’ equal to ‘no seriousness’? Is it really not serious? Actually, just because there are no symptoms in the early stage, most of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have missed the best treatment opportunity. When symptoms begin to appear, it usually means that cysts have already caused certain damage to kidney and kidney function has already been declines.

Most of Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have family history of this disease, so they know clearly what will happen if this disease progressed into end stage. Some of their family members may die from this disease; some may be accepting dialysis or waiting for a donor for Kidney Transplant; some may have already accepted Kidney transplant but now their kidneys fail again, etc. Even though they know so clearly about the harms of this disease, they seldom pay high attention on the disease they are having because they do not feel discomforts. They do not concern it seriously until symptoms, like high blood pressure, increasing creatinine, blood in urine, etc, appear. However, when these symptoms appear, it means declined kidney function. As we all know, symptoms always happen after pathological damage occurrence. So when patients feel discomforts, kidney damage has already been declined. Once kidney function declines, the difficulty of the treatment is greatly increased.

Actually, if patients can find this disease and accept effective treatment before symptoms appear and kidney function decline, Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled and stopped effectively. As a result, patients will not need dialysis or transplant. What’s more, the therapeutic effect is much better for patients who are still in the early stage of this disease. If you need more information about this, you can email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult us online.

Chinese Food Therapy Culture

When a Chinese uses the terms 'heaty' or 'heatiness' to describe the kinds of foods he/she would like to have or avoid, most Westerners would probably have no idea what those concepts are or find them strange.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the notion of heaty (yang)(as opposed to cooling or yin) is related to the balancing of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. To most people, especially the Chinese, in Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singaporeans, such concepts are very much part of the indigenous culture.

Excessive “cold” energy in the body, on the contrary, will make us feel weak, lethargic, tired and restless.

The constitution of each person is influenced by congenital factors as well as the acquired lifestlye (e.g diet, stress level, amount of exercise and sleep, living environment), and this varies from person to person. In other words, different foodsact upon the human body in different ways and affect our state of health. The body's metabolism, functioning of organs and organ structure all combine to determine our susceptibility to these heaty and cooling effects of foods.

Examples of cooling and heaty foods:

Cool (yin) Foods: bamboo shoot, banana, bitter gourd, clam, crab, grapefruit, lettuce, persimmon, salt, seaweed, star fruit, sugar cane, water chestnut, watermelon, lotus root, cucumber, barley, bean curd, chicken egg white, marjoram, oyster, pear, peppermint, radish, strawberry, tangerine, and yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, turmeric.

Neutral (balanced yin and yang) Foods: honey, corn, abalone, apricot, beef, beetroot, black fungus, carp, carrot, celery, chicken egg yolk, cuttlefish, duck, fig, kidney bean, lotus fruit and seed, milk, olive, oyster, papaya, pork, potato, pumpkin, radish leaf, red bean, plum, sunflower seed, sweet rice, sweet potato, white fungus, yellow soybean, brussels sprouts, snow peas, sweet potato, taro, dates, figs, raspberries, raisins, sage, rosemary, thyme, brown rice, apple.

Heaty (yang) Foods: pepper, cinnamon bark, ginger, soybean oil, red and green pepper, chicken, apricot seed, brown sugar, cherry, chestnut, chive, cinnamon twig, clove, coconut, coffee, coriander (Chinese parsley), date, dillseed, eel, garlic, grapefruit peel, green onion, guava, ham, leaf mustard, leek, longan, mutton, nutmeg, peach, raspberry, rosemary, shrimp, spearmint, sweet basil, tobacco, vinegar, walnut, jackfruit, durian, leek, shallots, spring onion, apricots, blackberries, black currant, mangoes, peaches, cherry, mandarin orange, grape.

Is There Anything to Stop the Progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Is there anything to stop the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease? As for many patients with this disease, they can develop a correct attitude towards the treatment of this disease. Since we can’t cure this disease because of the gene problem, the best way to treat this disease is to stop the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

While there are still some people can’t treat this disease with correct attitude. In their opinion, since this disease is incurable, so there is no need to take treatment and they just need to wait for dialysis and transplant. However, how should they bear the suffering before they have to take dialysis or transplant? And is everything right after the kidney transplant?

So kidney transplant is the last choice for us, and before that we should stop the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease positively. And is there anything to stop the progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Yes, the answer is yes. At present, we adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for the treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease, which has shown remarkable effects clinically. This is a brand new therapy developed out by our hospital independently on the basis of years of research and experiments. Based on the Li Shizhen’s patrimonial prescriptions for the kidney disease, we take advantage of the most advanced technology in the world to make the traditional Chinese medicine micro-processed, by which the active substance in the medicine can be activated and the effects of the medicine can be improved greatly. Then assisted by the unique penetrating liquid and osmosis device, the effective medicine can be penetrated into the kidney lesions directly by external application. That means that patients can treat this disease without surgeries, operations and oral-taking Chinese medicine.

Then you may wonder why other medicine has no good effects, but Micro-Chinese Medicine can make difference on this genetic disease. This is determined by the unique priorities of traditional Chinese medicine. The main therapeutic mechanism is as following: first step, expand the vessels of the cysts wall, which can accelerate and improve the blood circulation of cysts wall; second step, the improvement of the blood circulation can promote the permeability of cysts wall, decrease the inner pressure of the cysts and reverse the differential pressure caused by intravascular pressure higher than intracapsular pressure; third step, accelerate the vessels resorption of the cyst liquid and restrain the secretion of cysts wall epithelial cell, which can prevent the continue expanding of the cysts.

By this, we can stop the progression of polycystic kidney disease effectively and relieve the suffering of the patients. If you have other doubt about this disease, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult us online.


Be Vigilant: Six Early Warnings of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease, which, according to its genetic characteristics, can be divided into Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) and Autosoaml Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). Therefore, what are its early signs and how can we know if we have got the disease?

Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease is also called Infantile Polycystic Kidney Disease, which is rarely seen in clinic and babies with the disease die shortly after birth except few ones can live to childhood or adulthood. Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease, also named Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease, is quite commonly seen, which doesn’t show obvious symptom in the early stage but has augmented both in number and in size once it is found. Therefore, earlier treatment becomes quite important. How can Polycystic Kidney Disease be found?

Six early warnings are shown as following:

1. Polycystic Kidney Disease is often comes together with diseases such as polycystic liver disease, Hepatic Cyst, Splenic Cyst, Pancreatic Cyst, Cerebral Aneurysms, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and so on, therefore those with family members diagnosed to have the above-mentioned disease should pay attention of the occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

2. Those with repeated hematuria or slight proteinuria should take note of the possibility of its appearance.

3. Discomfort in the waist and abdomen or hypertension caused by uncertain reasons may also be signs of the disease.

4. People living in severely polluted environment or frequently dealing with poisonous chemical substances (including Nephrotoxic medicines) or radials have more possibilities of getting the disease than others who are not.

5. Overstrain, including excessive physical, physiological labor with lack of exercise or improper exercise method, excessive sexual intercourse can also give rise to the disease.

6. Emotional changes, especially long-term serious depression or fears.

In conclusion, Polycystic Kidney Disease is inherited but can be induced and exacerbated by acquired causes both from the body itself and the surroundings. Therefore, patients with the disease should avoid the inducing factors and pay close attention to changes of the body. In time of appearance of symptoms such as backache, abdominal pains, hematuria, hypertension accompanied by headache or dizziness, frequency of micturition, urgent urination, go for further examination and treatment to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Daily Care for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

The progression of Polycystic Kidney Disease is a result of various factors and inducements. However, according to scientific researches, all these factors can be well controlled, changed or even diminished if we can. Therefore, for patients with the disease, prevention and daily nursing becomes quite significant. So what should be paid attention to in daily life?

1. Build up your confidence of fighting against the disease. The importance of psychological health can never be neglected. A good state of mind can help you be faced up with your condition and take positive treatment.

2. Keep oral health, especially after breakfast and supper; get rid of bromopnea to avoid vomiting and hyperplasia of molds and bacteria.

3. Take proper and positive treatment timely. Hypertension often accelerates renal damages, does damage to cardio-cerebrovascular systems and induces other complications. Therefore, regular test of the blood pressure is necessary for patients with renal hypertension, and bed rest can be altered with the fluctuation of blood pressure.

4. Pay attention to skin care to prevent decubitus and infection. Uremic frost deposition is rather stimulating to the skin, which will result in pruritus, influence sleeping of the patients and easily induce infection. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin with warm water regularly, but remember not to use alcohol or soap while scrubbing.

5. Keep a good balance of rest and exercise. Avoid extrusion in the waist and abdomen to prevent rupture and bleeding of the cysts. Severe sufferers with obvious kidney swelling should stay in bed and use gallus instead of waist of waistband to avoid rupture of the cysts. Moreover, take a reexamination every half a year, including blood pressure, urinalysis, renal functions test, and B-ultrasound examination. Avoid all nephrotoxic medicines and take medicines under the guidance of experienced doctors.

6. Prevent urinary tract and cystic infections which are mostly seen in female sufferers. The methods are as follows: ①take shower bath instead of other methods ②avoid holding back urine ③wipe backward with the toilet paper after defecating ④take note of genital hygiene ⑤get away from examinations with catheterization equipment and other urinary apparatuses.

7. Proper control of the diet. Take insipid, nutritive food and have more fruits. Keep a low-protein diet. Take less raw, cold, fat, sweet, pungent, and stimulating food. Give up smoking and drinking. In time of swelling, restrict salt intake.

8. As is seen, it is likely to prevent the disease from going worse if we know our situation and take good care of it. In the early stage, the cysts are more likely to be controlled and diminished with good nursing and proper treatment.

If you have other doubts about this disease, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult the experts online.

Several Common Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease

We all know that Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a kind of genetic disease which is carried during fetus and can be induced by acquired factors. Common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease are shown below to help you better understand of your condition and slow down its progression:

1. Augmented kidneys

The amount and number of cysts will increase with time, but the progression of the two sides can be different greatly. Usually symptoms won’t appear until the cysts grow big enough and begin to press the kidneys. Cysts can be distributed on the surface of the kidneys, which makes the kidneys irregular in shape, concave-convex and quite hardened. In the early stage cysts may be found by imaging examination and severe ones can be found with abdominal palpation.

2. Pains in the waist and abdomen

It is mainly caused by increased tension of renal capsule or traction of renal capsule pedicle vessels and nerves as a result of the augmented cysts. Besides, sudden sharp pain may be resulted from bleeding in the cysts, secondary infection, combined calculus or blocked ureter caused by the clots after bleeding.

3. Hypertension

It is quite common in Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease and is in close relation to the pressure of growing cysts on surrounding tissues. Usually it appears before renal damages and directly influences prognosis. With the premise of normal renal functions, kidney volume is bigger in those with high blood pressure than those without it.

5. Changes of urine

20 to 40 percent of the patients from 20 to 40 years old may have proteiuria, in which the protein is often not more than 1g/24h. Besides, microscopic hematuria or episodes of gross hematuria appears in half of the patients, which is caused by rupture of blood vessels caused on cystic walls.

6. Polycystic Liver Disease

Generally it appears about ten years after the attack Polycystic Kidney Disease and is found in about half of the patients who get Polycystic Kidney Disease at their middle ages. The rate will grow to 70 percent after 60 years old. Liver cysts are developed from labyrinth cholangiectasis. Besides, cysts can also be found in pancreas and ovary.

It is advised to go for treatment if you have any of the above mentioned symptoms. And please contact our experts online if you have more questions.


Differences between Multiple Kidney Cysts and Polycystic Kidney Disease

As Multiple Kidney Cysts and Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) have many similarities, many patients treat the two diseases with the same therapy. In fact, although both them belong to kidney cystic disease, they have many differences.

1. Pathogenesis

PKD is a genetic disease caused by a abnormal dominant gene. However, Multiple Kidney Cysts is congenital (forming in the fetus stage) or caused by trauma, inflammation, tumour and other factors.

2. Family history of the diseases

The patients with PKD have family history of PKD. However, usually, the patients with Multiple Renal Cysts do not have people with the same disease.

3. Substance in the cysts

The substance in the cysts of PKD is urine. The cysts of Multiple Kidney Cysts contain body fluid that is similar to blood plasma.

4. Complications and harms of the disease

In most cases, PKD can cause hematuria, hypertension, edema and renal insufficiency. Generally speaking, patients with Multiple Kidney Cysts do not have hypertension or renal insufficiency and so on.

5. Prevention

For the patients with PKD, they can prevent the growing of cysts and eliminate the symptoms of the disease. However, the cysts of Multiple Renal Cysts can be prevented from growing or can be shrinked. What’s more, the small one can be eliminated.

Multiple Renal Cysts is a common disease and it can be found among people at any age. Usually, it occurs suddenly without any obvious symptom. PKD is genetic disease and has no symptom at its early stage. A majority of patients begin to have symptoms 40-50 years old. For the patients with PKD, their kidney is covered with lots of cysts and they will grow up as the patients become older.

It is very important for patients to know the differences of PKD and Multiple Renal Cysts. I can help them to get correct treatment based on their own disease condition.

Testing Methods of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Patients

People who have a family history of Polycystic Kidney Disease are suggested to have related examinations regularly in order to test out this disease as early as possible. An early diagnosis has a significant role in the treating this disease and getting a good effect. However, which kind of examination is available? Here is a general introduction as follows:

Routine urine test: no abnormality can be found in early stage, and microscopic Haematuria can be found in middle and late stage. Some patients may have protein in urine. White Blood Cells and pyocyte can be found when there is complicated by Stones and Infections.

Body Check: unilateral or bilateral kidneys can be touched in nodule shape through body check. Pressing pain can be felt when there is a infection. 50% patients have increased size of waist.

Urine osmotic pressure test: even in the early stage when there is only very few cysts, expressions of renal concentrating function damage can be observed. This means that this damage may not be related with kidney structure damage only.
Instead, it may also be related with renal insensitivity to antidiuretic hormone. Renal concentrating function decline happens before glomerular filtrating function decline.

Serum creatinine is increasing progressively with kidney compensatory ability decline. Creatinine clearance rate is a more sensitive index.

In KUB plain film, increased kidney image can be seen with irregular shape.
Through IVP, deformation tendency of compressed renal pelvis and renal calices can be found. Renal pelvis and renal calices can be found in strange spiderlike shape. Renal pelvis is plain and wide, while renal calices neck become longer and thinner, showing a curved shape.

Through Type-B Ultrasonic examination, a large number of shadows can be found in bilateral kidney region.

Bilateral kidney enlargement can be found in CT examination, with lobulated shape. Many cysts with thin cyst wall can be found inside fluid.

Since Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of genetic disease, people who have Polycystic Kidney Disease patients in their family should have a high cautious on their body health. If they can have regular body check, this disease can be tested out in the early stage, which is greatly helpful for patients to get a good effect, playing a very important role in helping patients avoid dialysis in the future.

How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Developing into Renal Failure

Renal failure is the severest result of Polycystic Kidney Disease. If it does not develop into renal failure, patients with polycystic kidney will live as normal people. Its clinical symptoms are relatively complex. Besides the normal symptoms of waist pain, belly tumor and hematuria, it also has many complications such as hypertension, polycystic liver, and kidney stone and so on. In its end stage, the symptoms of abdominal distension, breathing difficulty and urine infection, nausea and vomit and so on appear, which makes patients extremely pain. Patients with polycystic kidney should do regular inspection and pay attention to the early symptoms of renal failure. But how can we prevent polycystic kidney from developing into renal failure?

Prevent and treat the complication in early stage: Hypertension and urinary tract infection are the common factors that induce and aggravate damaged kidney, which should be treated and controlled timely. In the treatment, the effect of renal toxicity should be avoided.

Polycystic kidney has 60%-70% genetic tendency, and the rate of getting this disease between men and women is approximately equal. Therefore, there may be several people getting disease at the same time in a family with medical history of polycystic kidney. Patients with polycystic kidney usually have symptoms during 25-35 years old, and even some didn’t detect the disease until renal failure appear. Thus, people with medical history of polycystic kidney should do general investigation and regular follow-up visit to find the disease early and treat it timely. At present, the conventional means such as B ultrasound, CT and MRI all can diagnose polycystic kidney. And serum creatinine and urea nitrogen can reflect the level of damaged renal function and development stage of the disease, so people should do regular inspection. Gene diagnosis method can show the genetic situation of fetal in early pregnancy, which has some assistance to enhancing the rate of eugenics.

Besides finding this disease as early as possible, effective treatment is the key of preventing this disease progressing into Renal Failure stage. If you want more information about related information, you can email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult us online.


What Are Complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease characterized by the numerous cysts on the kidneys. In the early stage, it has no obvious symptoms. However, as the cysts enlarge, it will damage the normal renal function and cause a series of complications.

1. Hypertension

As the cysts enlarge, they will oppress the renal tissues thus causing renal anoxia. As a result, more rennin is secreted, which can cause patients’ blood pressure to rise. If patients can not control their blood pressure in time, it will cause much damage to their renal function. Moreover, it can increase the risk of suffering heart disease for patients.

2. Renal function declines

As the cysts enlarge, they will oppress the normal nephron thus causing the renal function to decline. Nearly half of patients with PKD will have Kidney Failure by age of 60. If patients have hematuria, proteinuria or hypertension, these factors can increase the risk of Kidney Failure.

As their renal function declines, their kidney loses their normal filtration function. As a result, much toxins and wastes that is produced by body will accumulate in body. If patients can not treat the disease in time, the disease will develop into end stage renal failure. At that time, the patients have to depend on dialysis or kidney transplant to prolong their life.

3. Growth of cysts in other organs.

Many patients with PKD will have cysts in other organs such as liver and spleen. This phenomenon is more common among women with the disease.

4. Aneurysm in the brain

The incidence of aneurysm is very high among patients with PKD, especially among patients with a family history of aneurysm. Moreover, if patients have hypertension, it can increase their risk of getting aneurysm greatly.

5. Loin or flank pain

As the cysts grow, the patients’ kidney will also enlarge thus causing the tension of the renal capsule increasing. As a result, the renal pedicle or the neighboring organs of the kidney is pulled by the tension. In addition, the fluid in the cysts make kidney much higher than before. So kidney will drop down thus causing loin pain. Usually, patients have dull in only one or both kidneys. However, if patients have infection, their pain will be exacerbated.

As PKD is asymptomatic in its early stage, many patients just neglect the treatment of the disease. As a result, it causes a series of complications as the above. Here experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital remind all patients with PKD that they should adopt treatment at once when they are diagnosed with disease so as to prevent its complications.

Can We Be Free from Dialysis or Avoid Dialysis

Can we be free from dialysis or avoid dialysis? In the common opinion, the common result of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is to take dialysis and kidney transplant. However, most patients who have taken dialysis know the suffering and pain of the dialysis. And many patients have heard about the suffering of dialysis. So many patients want to know: can we be free from dialysis?

As we all know that Polycystic Kidney Disease have the characteristic of slow progression, and the enlargement of the cysts is related with the age. With the enlargement of the cysts, they will compress the surrounding renal tissues and renal functional cells. When the renal cells are damaged to some extent, the kidneys can’t eliminate the toxins out of the body. And then the patients have to take dialysis to help the patients to eliminate the toxins out of the body.
If we want to be free from dialysis or avoid dialysis, we need to protect our renal functions and repair the damaged renal cells. Then how can we achieve this goal?

In order to help the patients to be free from or avoid dialysis, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital developed out Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy from years’ research and clinical practice.

Then you may wonder why other medicine has no good effects, but Micro-Chinese Medicine can make difference on this genetic disease. This is determined by the unique priorities of traditional Chinese medicine. The main therapeutic mechanism is as following: first step, expand the vessels of the cysts wall, which can accelerate and improve the blood circulation of cysts wall; second step, the improvement of the blood circulation can promote the permeability of cysts wall, decrease the inner pressure of the cysts and reverse the differential pressure caused by intravascular pressure higher than intracapsular pressure; third step, accelerate the vessels resorption of the cyst liquid and restrain the secretion of cysts wall epithelial cell, which can prevent the continue expanding of the cysts.

Therefore, we can protect the renal cells and renal function without the enlargement and compression of the cysts. And the patients can be free from dialysis or avoid dialysis. If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult the experts online directly.

Should Patients Feel Worried in Early Stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Most Polycystic Kidney Disease patients have a family history and they know clearly what will happen in the future if the progress of this disease can not be stopped. But nonetheless, patients do not pay enough attention on their disease because no discomforts can be felt in the early stage. However, is there really nothing to be worried about in this stage? Is it really not serious? Actually, the answer is 'no'.

Even in the early stage, there are still so many cysts growing in bilateral kidneys and the cysts keeps enlarging all the time. If patients neglect this disease in the early stage, they will lose the best treatment timing for this disease. The best treatment timing for Polycystic Kidney Disease is before symptoms appearance, which refers to before high blood pressure appears. We all know that when high blood pressure appears, it means the occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease and related symptoms will appear one by one after this. Actually, when high blood pressure appears, illness condition has already been aggravated and there is already kidney damage caused by cysts. If this disease can be treated effectively before symptoms appear, the prognosis will be much better.

On the contrary, if this disease can not be controlled in the early stage, it will progress further. The treatment difficulty will increase, but the treatment effect will decrease. It does not mean the aggravation, but also a worse prognosis. For this reason, even though it is in the early stage, patients should pay enough attention on this disease and try to find effective treatment on Polycystic Kidney Disease. Only in this, patients can have a healthier body condition and also a higher living quality in their future life. If you want to learn more about Polycystic Kidney Disease, you can email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult us online directly.


The Recent Developments of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy refers to a type of non-fully differentiated cell, which exists in early stage of embryo, marrow, umbilical cord, placenta and part of cells of adult people. Immunotherapy can be cultivated to muscle, bone, nerve and various human tissues and organs. It is regarded of consequence by the scientists to treat cancer and other various malignant diseases with tissues and organs cultivated from Immunotherapy, which has bring more hope to the patients with diabetes, senile dementia, parkinson’s disease and patients with spinal cord impairment. In recent years, researches on Immunotherapy have become the hotspot of the biomedicine community. From 90s of 20th century, the technology of hemopoietic Immunotherapyation has been at full speed of development. And this technology is safer and more effective, which has cured various benign or malignant blood diseases and has become one of the important methods to treat genetic diseases.

The recent development and significance of Immunotherapy

If we ask what the most noticeable science is in 21th century, undoubtedly, it is life science. It has been asserted by scientists in last century that the 21th century is the century of life science. Indeed, with the development of human science, more and more secrets of life have been revealed. And in the research of life science, a research direction has represented the most cutting edge, this is the research on Immunotherapy.

The significance of research on Immunotherapy

There are various superiorities of treatment of Immunotherapy: low toxicity or non toxicity, which means that this treatment can achieve good effects even the exact mechanisms of the diseases are not completely known. Autologous Immunotherapyation can avoid the generation of immunological rejection, and this method has amazing effects on those diseases on which traditional treatment methods have no good effects. With the development of research on embryonic Immunotherapy (ESC) and intrusion prevention system (IPS), there are more possibility to obtain the totipotent Immunotherapy from the cells of the patients and then differentiate into the needed cells and even organs. So it is not only a dream to obtain the cells and organs without any immunological rejection. And when our human organs begin to grow old, we may replace the old organs with the new organs cultivated from our Immunotherapy, by which we can achieve the goal of prolonging life for the human beings.

The recent developments of Immunotherapy.

At present, there are more and more scientists throwing themselves to the researches on the clinical application of Immunotherapy. There are more than 2100 registered project of researches on treating diseases with Immunotherapy. Especially in the recent years (from 2005), the number of projects on Immunotherapy rises sharply. And in January, 2009, the Geron company of America has obtain the authorization of the FDA to research on treating diseases with the cells differentiated from the human embryonic Immunotherapy (ECS).

And in china, recent years, the Immunotherapy research has become the most demanded field. From 1998 to 2009, more than 2000 pieces of papers have been published, which can indicate that more and more importance have been attached to the research on Immunotherapy, and the technology level has been improved greatly. And the ministry of science and technology of china has established significant special project to support the research on Immunotherapy.

In may f 2005, the first practice of using neural Immunotherapy to treat the child patient with cerebral palsy has been operated in the Immunotherapy center of Sanmenxia City Hospital. And this practice has broken the traditional thought that neonate cerebral palsy is not curable. And this is the first case in the world, which has indicate that the research and technology on Immunotherapy have paced into the first class in the world.

Immunotherapy on Treating Kidney Disease

The principle of Immunotherapy on treating kidney dieseases:

As we know, Immunotherapy have the proficiency of multiple-differentiation and “infinite proliferation”, and Immunotherapy have the characteristics of immune regulation and self-replication. Therefore, it can be used as “seed cells ” to repair the impairment or injuries of various tissues and organs. And in recent years, it has been discovered that Immunotherapy can differentiate into renal intrinsic cells and renal essence cells, so Immunotherapy have the function of repair and rebuild for the damaged kidneys. What’s more, Immunotherapy have the same effective mechanism of micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy, so the two therapies have the function of supplement each other.

The properties and puperiorities of Immunotherapy on treat the kidney diseases.
A, Immunotherapy have the strong proficiency of multiple differentiation and infinite proliferation. So Immunotherapy can regenerate large quantity of offspring.

B, Immunotherapy can restrain the proliferation and immune response of T cells by the interaction among cells and by generating cell factors, so Immunotherapy have the function of rebuilding the immune.

C, Immunotherapy have the superiorities of wide source and easy to isolate, cultivate, amplify and easy to purify. So, even after multi-generation of amplification, the characteristics of Immunotherapy are still obvious.

D, Immunotherapy have the characteristic of low immunogenicity. As the Immunotherapy are still in the original stage and it is not easy to be distinguished, so there is no need to worry about the immunological rejection issue and the issue of blood type matching.

E, the characteristics of Immunotherapy won’t change the biological characteristics after the long-term passage. And Immunotherapy can differentiate into renal intrinsic cells, muscle cells, liver cells, osteoblast cells, chondrocyte cells and various cells.

F, Immunotherapy have the characteristic of homing ability (target activity, which can target at the lesions). The impairment signals can stimulate the Immunotherapy to move towards the lesions, and then differentiate into the needed cells. What’s more, Immunotherapy can repair the impaired cells.

Due to these immunology properties and superiorities of Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy process extreme bright prospect on the treatment of various intractable diseases, including kidney disease.

Why do Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Feel Thirsty after Hemodialysis Treatment

Why do patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) feel thirsty after hemodialysis treatment? With the enlargement of the kidney cysts, they will compress the surrounding normal renal tissues and renal functional cells. And due to the decline of the kidney filtration functions, the creatinine level of the patients begins to increase. Therefore, patients have to take hemodialysis treatment when the creatinine increases to certain level. But why do patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) feel thirsty after hemodialysis treatment?

This problem mainly is mainly resulted from deficient and irregular hemodialysis treatment.

1, disorder of water and electrolyte: when patients are in the stage of renal failure or the end stage of renal failure, the retented water amount in the patient’s body is times of that of healthy people. Large amount of water permeates into the tissue space after passing through the blood capillary wall under the function of blood osmotic pressure and fluid static pressure, which will increase the extracellular osmotic pressure and lead to the dehydration state of extracellular fluid.

2, the relative insufficience of the blood volume: as for the patients in the stage of renal failure and in the end stage of renal failure, there are large amount of water existing in the tissue space, which result in the relatively insufficience of the effective circulation of blood volume. And then organism will stimulate the thirsty central of hypothalamus through the reflexive of the osmothic pressure receptor, then the patients will feel thirst.

3, affection of toxins: as the kidneys have been seriously damaged, they can’t eliminate toxins out of the body normally. Then the toxins, such as serum creatinine, BUN and uric acid, will retent in the body. In order to eliminate or dilute the various toxins and the high concentrations of sodium, patients have to take in more water, so the patients will have the feelings of thirsty.

4, psychological factors: these psychological factors exist among most patients who are taking hemodialysis treatment. Though the thirsty feeling is not so much strong, the desire for water still exists.

To resolve the problem: why do patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) feel thirsty after hemodialysis treatment, patients need sufficient and regular hemodialysis treatment. If you have other doubts about this problem, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult online directly.


How to Treat High Level of Creatinine of Patients with Polycysttic Kidney Disease

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have no noticeable symptoms in the early stage, so a lot of patients don't take any treatment for their disease. As a result they miss the best opportunity for their treatment. With the development of their disease, most of patients will have high level of creatinine. What does high level of creatinine mean? Appearance of high level of creatinine suggest that more than half of patient's kidneys have been damaged, and fibrosis of their kidneys has began. Then, if patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have high level of creatinine, is there any possible that their disease can be treated fundamentally?

Appearance of high level of creatinine means kidney tissues have been damaged seriously. If patients have Renal Failure or Uremia, there will be less and less effective nephrons in their kidneys, and their renal function will decline day by day. As a result, function of expelling of toxin will decline, so toxin will build up in patient's body. Then high level of creatinine will rise up. If the aggravation of disease cannot be stopped, varies of complications will appeared, and the disease will be out of controlled.

Some patients will choose dialysis to lower down the level of creatinine, but dialysis can only eliminate the symptoms temporarily. It can only play a role of expelling toxin temporarily, but it cannot repaired the damaged kidneys, and it cannot stop the progressing of the disease. So the key point of the treatment is protecting the remaining nephrons, blocking the progressing of fibrosis, and recovering the renal function gradually.

Then how to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease? Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can reduce the source of liquid by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, and degrading. Chinese medicine can inactive the epithelial cells, thus reducing the source of cyst liquid and stopping the growing of cysts. And the effective medicine can increase the permeability of the cysts wall, thus accelerating the excretion of liquid, and shrinking the cysts.

Then we can use Immunotherapyation to repair the damage of kidneys, then the kidneys of patients can play their full function. So that the function of filtration of kidneys can be improved, then the creatinine in the blood can be discharged into patients' urine. At last, it can be excreted out of body.

Why PKD Patients Should limit Alcohol Use

Researches have suggested that alcohol, especially the white spirit, so PKD patients should quit alcohol. As alcohol can activate the protein in the cysts, making them secrete more fluids and promoting their growth.

For PKD patients, their improvement of kidney function needs a favorable internal environment. But drinking alcohol can result in different complications.

Aggravating kidney condition:

1. drinking alcohol can elevate blood pressure, adding burden to kidneys of PKD patients.

2. drinking excess amount of alcohol can cause the cells to lose their bound water.

3. after drinking, the hypermetabolism of creatine would happen in the muscles of the PKD patients, elevating their serum creatinine.

when the alcohol is decomposed, many acidic materials would be produced, which could lead to metabolic acidosis, whose symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, deprementia and headache.

5. long-term habit of drinking would cause anemia and platelet disorder that can cause haemorrhage, can also cause malabsorption and malnutrition, leading to low use of vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid. Hyperlipemia and atherosclerosis can also be caused by this bad habit.

All the abovementioned situations would add burden to kidneys, lowering kidney function and affecting the whole body.

In light of the harms drinking alcohol can do, it is crucial for the PKD patients to quit drinking both for the patients’ own sake and their family members.

If you still have questions , feel free to contact our online experts who are ready to give you advice on your treatment based on your specific conditions.

Do You Know How to Analyse Urine Routine Test

Do you know how to analyse urine routine test? It is necessary for the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) to take regular medical test, such as blood routine test, urine routine test, renal function test and B-ultrasonic test or CT scan. However, patients usually learn their illness condition from what the doctor said. As patients need to take long term and regular tests, it is necessary for us to know how to analyse the urine routine test by ourselves, and then we have a more real cognition of our condition and know what we can do and what we can’t do.

A urine test checks different components of urine, a waste product made by the kidneys. A urineroutine test may be done to help find the cause of symptoms. The test can give information about your health and problems you may have. More than 100 different tests can be done on urine. A urine routine test often includes the following tests.

1. Color. Many things affect urine color, including fluid balance, diet, medicines, and diseases. How dark or light the color is tells you how much water is in it. Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow. Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, or blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown.
2. Clarity. Urine is normally clear. Bacteria, blood, sperm, crystals, or mucus can make urine look cloudy.

3. Odor. Urine does not smell very strong, but has a slightly "nutty" odor. Some diseases cause a change in the odor of urine. For example, an infection with E. coli bacteria can cause a bad odor, while diabetes or starvation can cause a sweet, fruity odor.

4. Specific gravity. This checks the amount of substances in the urine. It also shows how well the kidneys balance the amount of water in urine. The higher the specific gravity, the more solid material is in the urine. When you drink a lot of fluid, your kidneys make urine with a high amount of water in it which has a low specific gravity. When you do not drink fluids, your kidneys make urine with a small amount of water in it which has a high specific gravity.

5. pH. The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (basic) the urine is. A urine pH of 4 is strongly acidic, 7 is neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline), and 9 is strongly alkaline. Sometimes the pH of urine is affected by certain treatments. For example, your doctor may instruct you how to keep your urine either acidic or alkaline to prevent some types of kidney stones from forming.

6. Protein. Protein is normally not found in the urine. Fever, hard exercise,pregnancy, and some diseases, especially kidney disease, may cause protein to be in the urine.

7. Glucose. Glucose is the type of sugar found in blood. Normally there is very little or no glucose in urine. When the blood sugar level is very high, as in uncontrolleddiabetes, the sugar spills over into the urine. Glucose can also be found in urine when the kidneys are damaged or diseased.

8. Nitrites. Bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection (UTI) make an enzyme that changes urinary nitrates to nitrites. Nitrites in urine show a UTI is present.

9. Leukocyte esterase (WBC esterase). Leukocyte esterase shows leukocytes (white blood cells) in the urine. WBCs in the urine may mean a UTI is present.

10. Ketones. When fat is broken down for energy, the body makes substances called ketones (or ketone bodies). These are passed in the urine. Large amounts of ketones in the urine may mean a very serious condition, diabetic ketoacidosis, is present. A diet low in sugars and starches (carbohydrates), starvation, or severe vomiting may also cause ketones to be in the urine.

11. Microscopic analysis. In this test, urine is spun in a special machine (centrifuge) so the solid materials (sediment) settle at the bottom. The sediment is spread on a slide and looked at under a microscope. Things that may be seen on the slide include:

12. Red or white blood cells. Blood cells are not found in urine normally. Inflammation, disease, or injury to the kidneys, ureters, bladder, or urethra can cause blood in urine. Strenuous exercise, such as running a marathon, can also cause blood in the urine. White blood cells may be a sign of infection or kidney disease.

13. Casts. Some types of kidney disease can cause plugs of material (called casts) to form in tiny tubes in the kidneys. The casts then get flushed out in the urine. Casts can be made of red or white blood cells, waxy or fatty substances, or protein. The type of cast in the urine can help show what type of kidney disease may be present.

14. Crystals. Healthy people often have only a few crystals in their urine. A large number of crystals, or certain types of crystals, may mean kidney stones are present or there is a problem with how the body is using food (metabolism).

15. Bacteria, yeast cells, or parasites. There are no bacteria, yeast cells, orparasites in urine normally. If these are present, it can mean you have an infection.


Four Steps Healthy Care for Patients with Polycysctic Kidney Disease

A lot of people visiting our website want to know how to nurse patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. There are four steps healthy care for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Let's have a look.

Preventing Cold

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are very anguished, because this disease is not the same with other kidney disease. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of lifelong hereditary disease, and patients have to have it all their lives. Even if they are being paid much more attention, it can not stop the aggravation of their disease. Their cysts will grow larger and larger. With this condition, if they catch a cold, especially repeated cold will aggravate the damage of patients' kidneys. Cold will add insult to injury, thus speeding up the aggravation of renal function.

Preventing trauma

Enlargement of cysts will lead to pressure in cysts increasing, thus leading to patient's two kidneys will enlarge gradually and pressure in abdominal cavity increase. Internal pressure will be increased by slight trauma, such as sprain, bumping, falls and so on, thus leading to rupture or bleeding of the cysts, and this will induce infection easily. Or excessive external force will make the cysts rupture some times.

Controlling blood pressure

Before damage of renal function, most of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have high blood pressure. Once patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease being diagnosed with high blood pressure, they should pay more attention, because it is an early symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease onset. Appearance of high blood pressure will aggravate the damage of renal function, at the same time, high blood pressure will damage heart and blood vessels of brain. As a result, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will have some serious complications, such as apoplexy caused by rupture and bleeding of brain hemangioma. So it is very important for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to control blood pressure, so that aggravation of renal function can be lowered down.

Have a well controlled diet

It is very important for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to have a proper diet. The patient should take 2-3 grams table salt per day. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should not eat the food that contains potassium, phosphorus. They should have a low protein, low fat diet, and they should eat food that contains more vitamin and plant crude fiber. Make sure that they defecate unobstructedly.

If you have some questions about Polycystic Kidney Disease, you can consult us or you can email us by kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

How to Lower Level of Creatinine for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

When people are diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease, most of them don't take it seriously, because they have no ill symptoms at all. But when they are told that their level of creatinine is higher than normal, they begin to worried. So how to lower level of creatinine effectively?

In western medicine, when their level of creatinine is not very high, the patients cannot receive any treatment. Some of them are told to wait till level of creatinine is higher than 400, then they can have dialysis.

As for our treatment, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapyation to treat Polycystic Kidney Disease or Renal Failure caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease. but I can tell you that we can not lower down your brother's level of creatinine to the normal range. I think there is no medicine or treatment can do so. But we believe that our treatment is better than western medicine. If western medicine can treat your brother's disease, your brother will not have kidney problem due to diabetes. But we cannot deny the effect of western medicine, it can eliminate symptoms of patients quickly.

Different from western medicine, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is being used by external application. The effective medicine can ne permeated into kidney lesion with the help of osmosis devices and effective penetrant, thus achieving the goal of treating kidney disease. This treatment is a natural treatment, it has no side effect.

Fibrosis of kidneys has been stopped by Chinese medicine. But there are still some damged renal functional cells need to be repaired by Immunotherapyation. Immunotherapy are a kind of initial cells, they have the ability of differentiation and proliferation. It can differentiate into renal functional cells that the body needed. So that it can repair the damaged renal functional cells. But Immunotherapy cannot help the necrotic cells, so we cannot lower your brother's level of creatinine to normal level.

What we can do is make sure that your kidneys won't be damaged any more in the future, and repair the damaged renal functional cells. After our treatment, we can make sure that his renal function will be improved. You can have a test of GFR(glomerular filtration rate)before you come to our hospital, after our treatment, we can make sure that your GFR will rise up. It means that flitration function of his kidneys has been improved, so that the creatinine in blood can be discharged from your body. As a result, level of creatine will be lowered down.

If you have some questions about our treatment or about Polycystic Kidney Disease, you can consult us online, or you can email us by kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

The Prevention, Control and Regulation of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hereditary disorder where numerous cysts are growing in the kidneys. Because the modern technology is hardly to clear the cysts completely, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should pay special attention to the prevention, control and regulation of Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Three measures to prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease.

First, prevent from getting a cold.

Catching cold especially recurrent colds will bring further immune damage to the kidneys for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. Although Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can improve the body resistance, the immune damage that recurrent colds bring will prevent the efficacy of the active substances if patients make light of catching a cold.

Second, prevent from overstrain.

Do not overstrain both mentally and physically.

The normal operations of brain will be influenced if overstrain mentally. For example, the organs will work discordantly if the central command system is out of order, leading to other diseases and speeding up the deterioration of kidneys damage.

The metabolism will produce more wastes if patients overstrain physically. However, once the damaged kidneys can not discharge these wastes in time, the kidneys damage will be severer.

Third, prevent from injury.

The continuous enlargement of kidney cysts will cause the pressure in the kidney cysts increasing, leading to the enlargement of kidneys and the increasing inner pressure of abdominal cavity. The enlarging kidney cysts will be greatly stroke if the patients get an injury, which can probably result in the kidney cysts’ rupture, bleeding and rupture. If the cysts on the kidneys surface rupture, hemorrhagic peritoneal inflammation may occur. The surgery is necessary if this condition occurs, which can cause great damage to the kidneys. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should try their best to stay away from injury.

Control measures of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

First, keep good control of high blood pressure.

High blood pressure will present before the damage of kidney function, which will aggravate the kidneys. At the same time, high blood pressure can also be a cause of cardiovascular diseases.

Second, have a good diet.

Control your salt intake in 2-3g per day; Take less foods containing potassium and phosphorous such as maize flour, spinach, seaweed, soybean and so on. Keep low protein, low fat, high vitamin and high fiber diet to keep bowels open.
Third, control the occurrence of complications.

The main complications of Polycystic Kidney Disease are: rupture, bleeding, infection and stone. The cysts’ inner infection and urinary tract infection should be strictly avoided because either of them can result in horrible consequences.

One regulation

All in all, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should keep the above points in mind and set up the confidence to fight against the disease. You can get satisfactory efficacy if receiving proper treatment. Best Wishes to every patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease and hope you get better soon. If you have any other questions, feel free to send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.


Will Polycystic Kidney Disease Display Atavism

When people get Polycystic Kidney Disease, numerous cysts in various sizes will occur in both his kidneys. Some of the cysts are open to each other which will lead to the enlargement of kidneys. The swelling kidneys cause pressure on the kidney parenchyma, leading to the damage of kidney functions until Chronic Kidney Failure occurs. Polycystic Kidney Disease can be divided into Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD) and Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). The onset of Polycystic Kidney Disease is usually after middle age, which is often accompanied with cystic changes in liver, spleen, pancreas, ovary, bones and intracranial aneurysm.

The common clinical manifestations of Polycystic Kidney Disease are:

1. Pain in back or sides: it is the primary symptoms for most patients, sometimes persistent, sometimes paroxysmal. It will be severer after overstrain.

2. Hematuria: about half patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will present it, which is often gross hematuria without pain.

3. Abdominal mass: patients can feel them on both sides of the belly and they are in different sizes.

4. High blood pressure: it is often accompanied with dizziness and headache.

5. Kidney Failure: there is obvious abnormality after kidney function examination with low but fixed urinary specific gravity.

6. About 1/4 patients will present dull pain and even frequent urination and urgent urination. Patients can diagnose Polycystic Kidney Disease through X-ray, B-ultrasound or MRI.

Many patients are worrying whether Polycystic Kidney Disease displays atavism especially for patients who are prepared to have babies. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a hereditary disease, which will pass through the family of every generation and there is a equal chance for male and females to get it.

Experts recommend patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to receive conventional therapies of Chinese Medicine. The surgery can only release the complications such as intractable pain, block in pelvis-ureter and empyema. Although Polycystic Kidney disease can not be cured totally, it can be treated and prevented so that people can live a normal life with cysts in their kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treating Polycystic Kidney Disease has achieved great result. A lot of people have reduced their cysts successfully and are living a happy life now. Our online experts are always waiting for your questions about your illness condition and our therapies. You can also send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease with Immunotherapy

Nowadays, there are still a lot o patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease receive surgery to treat their illness, which is easy to relapse after the surgery. However, since the appearance of Immunotherapy in recent years, more and more people are adopting Immunotherapy to deal with Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Immunotherapy indeed achieves a great therapeutic effect in reducing the relapse of Polycystic Kidney Disease.

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a congenital hereditary disease and the cysts will grow as the time goes. The epithelial cells on the cysts wall can excrete fluids which is the main reason of the enlargement. Most cysts are bilateral, which present the symptoms of pain in back or sides, hematuria, swelling, high blood pressure, and usually accompanied with polycystic liver and kidney stone. The abdominal cavity can get infection when the cysts are large enough to rupture. If the cysts press the kidney tissues for a long time, kidney failure and even end stage renal failure will happen. At this time, the disease would be very tough to deal with. So, early detection and early treatment is necessary. At present, the western methods of top decompression and paracentesis are very common to be used, while through which the cysts are very easy to relapse.

Immunotherapy brings a new hope for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. All the Immunotherapy adopted in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital are picked up from the infancy’s cord blood and these Immunotherapy have the characteristic of homing. The Immunotherapy can speed up the blood circulation of the cysts through repairing the damaged intrinsic cells. What is more, the Immunotherapy will differentiate into various intrinsic cells the kidneys need, which can bring the kidneys function back to normal. The Immunotherapy can alleviate the state of ischemia and anemia of the kidneys; improve the kidneys microcirculation; bring the cyst pressure down when bringing away the fluids rapidly; prevent the epithelial cells from secreting cyst fluid. Finally, the cysts shrink and the pressure on the kidney tissues decrease.

Many successful cases have proved that Immunotherapy is very effective to shrink the kidney cysts. What is more, the Immunotherapy from the cord blood have no antibiotics, which are the original cells. So the Immunotherapy cause no side effects, there is no need for patients to worry about its safety. Please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or just contact our online experts directly.

Can the Cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease be Controlled and Shrinked

As is known to us, Polycystic Kidney Disease is an inherited disease which shows the highest incidence in those with family histories. However, at the early stage, the cysts are relatively small and may not be easily found before 20 years old; while from 30 to 40 years old, the cysts enter a fast development stage, during which traditional measures in western medicine are to keep close observation of the cysts and to take according methods in case of symptoms.

For the grown-up cysts, operations such as windowing decompression and pumping liquid and solidification surgery are often taken, which, on the one hand, can relieve the pressure of the cysts on the renal parenchyma and prolong the development the disease; however, on the other hand, the relieved pressure may offer an environment for the remaining cysts to continue growing. Therefore, traditional surgeries can't treat the cysts fundamentally. Then is there any method with which the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease can be controlled and shrinked without recurring?

The root of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease is to block the renal fibrosis process caused by the pressure of the growing cysts on renal parenchyma. On this respect, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which achieves its effects by penetrating the effective Micro-Chinese medicine into the renal lesions with penetrant and infiltration devices, has really done it successfully. In comparison with traditional western medicine, it can avoid the side effects of oral medicines and lead the effective composition of the medicines to the kidneys without bringing new traumas. More exactly, Micro-Chinese Medicine shrinks the cysts by blocking renal fibrosis with its four principle functions of vascular dilation, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degradation, which can be seen as follows:

1. Vascular dilation

It can expand all the renal arteries of Polycystic Kidney Disease sufferers, improve local microcirculatory disorders, increase effective renal perfusion, improve the hypoxia state of the damaged kidneys and fasten the repairing of damaged renal intrinsic cells; moreover, it can expand the vessels on vascular walls around the polycystic kidneys and increase the permeability of cystic walls; reverse the pressure difference between the intravascular pressure and the intracapsular pressure, therefore, the cysts can be shrinked gradually.

2. Anti-inflammation

Eliminate the inflammatory response caused by the damages of renal intrinsic cells as a result of the extrusion of the cysts on the kidneys.

3. Anticoagulation

Eliminate the micro thrombus activated by the coagulation mechanism as a result of the damages of renal intrinsic cells.

4. Degradation

The active substance of the Micro-Chinese Medicine can degradate and excrete the abnormal accumulation of extracellular matrix. Moreover, it can promote the excretion of accumulated immune complex, metabolites, and necrotic tissues.

Besides, the above four measures, the active substance can promote the phynotypic reversion of damaged intrinsic cells and provide necessary repairing substances for damaged renal intrinsic cells. Therefore, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can really achieve the goal of shrinking the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease and fastening the repairing process. Finally the symptoms such as hypertension and hematuria will also disappear with its roots diminished.


How to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease with a High Serum Creatinine

Serum creatinine is a kind of metabolic product of muscles. One milligram serum creatinine can be produced per 20g muscles. Serum creatinine needs to be discharged out of the body through the filtration of glomeruli. There are mainly two types of serum creatinines in the blood which are exogenous creatinine and endogenous creatinine. Exogenous creatinine is the product of meats after metabolism, while endogenous creatinine is the product of muscles after metabolism. Serum creatinine will be kept in a normal level if the intake of meals is steady.

As for Polycystic Kidney Disease, the elevation of serum creatinine is caused by the cysts pressing the kidneys for a long time which damages the kidney function. And the decline of the kidney function will make the decrease of kidneys ability to discharge wastes. As a result, the GFR (Glomerular filtration rate) declines. More and more wastes like serum creatinine will be accumulated in the body, causing the elevation of serum creatinine in the blood and the reduction of serum creatinine in the urine. At the same time, patients can present a series of symptoms like high blood pressure, severe swelling and so on.

Once we get Polycystic Kidney Disease with high serum creatinine, we should not be scared. The key is to control the growth of the cysts. Here we recommend Micro-Chinese Osmotherapy to treat it which can avoid the disadvantages of western surgeries, and on the other hand, it does not cause any side effects. The Micro-Chinese Medicines are super-finely shattered into powder, which can be permeated into the cysts directly. The following is how it works.

1. Dilate the vessels around the cysts and speed up the blood circulation around the cyst wall. Improve the permeability of the cyst wall and bring down the pressure inner the capillaries around the cysts. Once the pressure inner the capillaries around the cyst wall declines, the fluid in the cysts will be absorbed by the vessels because of the pressure difference.

2. The active substance of the Micro-Chinese medicine can prevent the secretion of the cyst fluid, which effectively stops the enlargement of the cysts. The shrink of the cysts will cause the reduction of pressure on the kidneys. What is more, the active substances of Micro-Chinese Medicine have the function of degrading the extracellular matrix (ECM).

When the damaged kidney function recovered, serum creatinine in the blood will be decreased.Polycystic Kidney Disease is not horrible as the medical technology has been greatly improved in the recent years. We should face and fight against the Polycystic Kidney Disease positively. Send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com if you need other help.

How Long can Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Live

How long can patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) live? Many patients feel very scared when they found they have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). As this is a kind of genetic disease, patients wonders how fast this disease will develop and how long they can live. However, they don’t have to worry so much.
Although Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a type of genetic disease and the complete cure for this is available at present, patients can live a normal life if this can be controlled well in the early stage. In clinical, there is no specific datum for this question, because the illness condition of patients differs very much and they may adopt different treatment methods. What’s more, their daily health care can be completely different. All of these factors may effects the progression of this disease and the life expectancy of the patients. So, if patients can adopt effective treatment methods and pay attention to the reasonable daily life habits to control the progression of this disease well, it is possible for patients to lead a normal and long life.

To achieve this goal, patients should pay attention to the following two aspects:
First, according to the progression of this disease, it can be divided into five stages. And the earlier it is treated, the better the effects are. This is because: with the enlargement of the disease, they will gradually compress the surrounding renal tissues and damage the renal cells and renal function. Once the renal cells and renal function is damaged, it is very hard to repair. So we advocate adopting methods as early as possible, instead of waiting the enlargement of the cysts and the damage to the renal function and dialysis. As for the early treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine is a rather good therapy.

Second, reasonable daily life habits are very important for patients to control the progression of this disease. The attack of this disease is the result of internal gene factors and the external stimulation factors. If we patients can control the external factors well, there is a great chance for them to lead a better life.

If you have other questions about Polycystic Kidney Disease, please contact us by email: kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult online directly.

Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease

Urinary tract infection is a common complication of Polycystic Kidney Disease which includes cystitis, pyelonephritis, cysts infection and perinephric abscess. The primary clinical manifestation is urinary tract infection for about 20% patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. 50%-70% patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will present urinary tract infection at least once and the females are more common to present it. It is very difficult to be cured and most of them will develop into perinephric abscess and sepsis. About 1/3 patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease who are under dialysis have the symptom of urinary tract infection. Although they are taking effective antibiotics to prolong the course of treatment, there are still some patients develop into perinephric abscess.

The clinical manifestation and imaging study

When Polycystic Kidney Disease is accompanied with cystitis, the clinical manifestations can be presented as urgent urination, odynuria and pain in bow area. If the infection occurs in urinary tract, the persistent fever and backache may appear. Clinically, it is difficult to differ pyelonephritis from cysts infection. If the urine culture presents to be positive, there is an increase of white blood cells in blood, and reacts quickly to common anti-infection therapy. While, if the blood culture presents to be positive and there is pressing pain in the local area, the cysts might be infected.

When patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease seem to have urinary tract infection, they should take examinations of imaging study and abdominal plain film (AP), through which the location, size, number of urolithiasis and perinephric can be seen. CT scan has a good sensitivity to perinephric abscess, while for those who have get urinary tract infection; the equipment inspection may increase the risk of getting sepsis. Therefore, the retrograde pyelography should be avoided if possible.


Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital adopts the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat urinary tract infection, which has achieved remarkable efficacy. It can inactivate the inflammation caused by infection; inhibit the growth of the kidney cysts; repaired the damaged kidney function.


Are Dialysis and Surgeries the best Therapies for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) is a genetic kidney disease which exists from birth. However, When cysts are small, it is not easy to test out this disease. After that, cysts will keep on growing and related symptoms such as waist pain, proteinuria, hematuria and blood pressure increase appear, which indicate that the cysts grow to a certain degree. But patients are rather passive since no effective treatment is suggested to take for them but to deal with the symptoms such as high blood pressure. Mostly they may wait for the cysts to grow big enough to take surgeries or renal supplant treatment such as dialysis. However, can kidney replacement supplant and surgeries treat the disease fundamentally?

Surgeries mainly include pumping liquid solidification surgery and decortication surgery. Both of the surgeries can help to relieve the pressure of the cysts on the renal parenchyma and save the remaining nephrons from further pressing and damage, for which it can improve the ischemia and hypoxia state, recover certain kidney functions and prolong the development of the disease. However, the cysts in the deep of the kidneys are hard to be eliminated and the surgeries may bring certain new traumas, so the cysts may recur in later times and kidney functions will still be damaged. Moreover, at the end stage kidney failure, the decompression treatment will be meaningless for the surgeries may add the severity of the disease.

For patients with rather high creatinine level, dialysis can help to reduce the level of creatinine in a short time, for which the life of the patients can be prolonged. However, simple use of dialysis can only reduce creatinine ostensibly, but it can only relieve the condition temporarily and kidney functions can't be recovered. Therefore the roots of the disease can't be treated. Then is there any better treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, characteristic therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, can function to treat the disease through the following aspects:

1. Activate blood and dredge collaterals, strengthen the blood circulation and the permeability on cystic walls, and improve the reabsorption of cystic liquid.
2. Inhibit the secreting function of the cells on cystic walls and decrease the secretion of cystic liquid.

3. Recover kidney damages caused by the cysts.

As can be seen, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can imorove the environment inside within the body by dispelling stasis and scavenging, which makes a good preparation for Immunotherapy—a natural therapy by taking advantage of the strong self-renewal, regenerating and differentiating abilities of the Immunotherapy to treat the disease. The illness condition can really be improved a lot by the combination of the two therapies. And in clinical practice, they have shown their strong treatment effects of treating Polycystic Kidney Disease in many cases.

Unveil the Mysterious Relationship between Polycystic Kidney Disease and High Blood Pressure

Many people have knowledge that high blood pressure can lead to Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke, while, few people know how it is related with Polycystic Kidney Disease. As a result, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease do not pay much attention to when they present high blood pressure.

The continuous growth of the cysts will press on the normal kidney tissues, which will lead to ischemia and anemia of the kidneys. At this time, the kidneys will secrete more renins; blood vessels will secret more angiotensin so the blood vessels will contract; finally the blood pressure will increase.

Once blood pressure increases, it will in turn aggravate the function of kidneys, thus forming a vicious circle between high blood pressure and kidney function. If patients have a high blood pressure for a long time, the kidney capillaries will be affected first. The kidney intrinsic cells will be damaged then.

If patients can not control their high blood pressure, pathological changes in the kidneys will be severer. Some patients might progress into Chronic Renal Failure or Uremia.

Therefore, Polycystic Kidney Disease patients with high blood pressure should have routine check, which includes urine routine, blood routine and kidney functions. What is more, patients should pay attention to their daily diet.

1. Patients with high blood pressure should arrange their diet properly. Do not eat too full. The dinner should be light.

2. The intake of the salt should be controlled in 2-5g per day.

3. Foods that contain potassium can resist the damage of the vessels caused by high blood pressure which should be taken regularly. The potassium can be found from beans, potatoes, fish etc.

4. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be taken everyday because they contain mass Vitamin B and Vitamin C.

Treat Proteinuria(protein in urine) of Polycystic Kidney Disease with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disorder where numerous fluid-filled cysts are formed in the kidneys. Many Polycystic Kidney Disease patients are very scared when they present proteinuria( protein in urine). The continuous enlargement of the cysts will press the kidney issues, especially the kidney tubules and kidney capsules. The occurrence of protein in urine is usually caused by the damage of the reabsorption function of the tubules. When the glomeruli are damaged greatly, mass proteinuria (protein in urine) will present.

If patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can not control their proteinuria, large amount of protein can lead to the damage of kidneys. As time goes on, kidney failure is likely to happen, which will be very difficult to be dealt with.

So, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should take regular check of urine to see whether proteinuria occurs. The common test can be Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (UACR) test. For a normal person, UACR is not more than 30mg/g. If it is more, patients should take a second test.

However, if you present proteinuria, you should not be scared. What you should do is to seek medical help positively. If the proteinuria is not well controlled, Polycystic Kidney Disease and Kidney functions will be aggravated further.

Experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommend the Micro-Chinese Medicine to treat proteinuria caused by Polycystic Kidney Disease. Because the proteinuria is caused by the damage of renal tubules, the treatment should start from the repair of the tubules.

The damage of kidney tubules is caused by the pressure caused by the cysts. So the shrink of the cysts is necessary. The Micro-Chinese Medicines can be permeated into the kidneys directly with the facilities of permeation. They can inactivate the epithelial cells of the cells, which would not be secreting cyst fluid anymore. What is more, the active substances of the Micro-Chinese Medicine have the function of dilating blood vessels so that the enough blood and oxygen can be provided to the kidneys. At last, the Micro-Chinese medicines can provide much nutritious substance such as Vitamin, microelements, organic acids, etc for the repair of the kidney intrinsic cells. Finally, when the damaged kidney intrinsic cells including glomeruli and tubules and they all back to work normally, the protein in the blood can not be filtered out. Then the proteinuria is effectively controlled.

From the above introduction, we can see how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy works in controlling proteinuria. If you have any questions about your illness condition, please send email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or just consult our online experts. It is our great pleasure if we can help.


Can Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients Give Birth to a Healthy Baby

Polycystic Kidney Disease belongs to hereditary diseases where numerous cysts are formed in both of the kidneys. If one parent has this disease, his or her children have a 50% chance to get it. Many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease who are newly married are wondering whether they can give birth to a healthy baby. Actually, they can be pregnant when their illness conditions are under control.

The new married couples should pay attention to the following points when they are going to have a baby.

1. Have routine checks about their illness condition.

B-ultrasound is the primary method to check Polycystic Kidney Disease before they deliver a baby. When they are pregnant for about 12 weeks, the B-ultrasound can present the babies’ kidney structures through vagina. They can have check every 2-4 weeks to diagnose the changes in the both kidneys so that the changes can be found timely.

2. It is more exact if diagnosing it with genes diagnosis.

It is a breakthrough in diagnosing pathological changes before they are pregnant for 2-4weeks. To have locus linkage analysis through chorion, amniocentesis, cord blood etc. Or they can take antenatal diagnosis such as genic mutation at certain positions. When abnormality is found through the following methods, they can make an end to gestation at a proper time.

3. The babies should have routine check about every half a year to make sure they are safe.

Experts here remind that patients should not take it for granted that their babies will not have Polycystic Kidney Disease since they did not present abnormality.

From the above, we can see that even if patients have Polycystic Kidney Disease, they can have a healthy baby.

Dietotherapy Plays an Important Role in Slowing down Renal Failure Caused by PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a genetic disease and can accompany patients’ whole life. If the patients do not receive effective treatment in an early time, all of them will end with Renal Failure. In order to slow down Renal Failure, dietotherapy plays an important role on this point. Moreover, dietotherapy can alleviate the complications of Renal Failure.

Dietotherapy for patients with Renal Failure before dialysis

(1) Protein intake

At the first and second stages of Renal Failure, the patients should reduce their protein intake to 0.8 grams/kg per day. After their disease develops into the third stage of Renal Failure, they should keep a low-protein diet and keep their protein intake within 0.6 grams/kg per day. In their total protein intake, haft of the protein should be obtained from quality protein such as lean meat, fish, and egg white and so on.

(2) Calorie intake

When patients keep a low protein diet, they should have enough calorie intakes so as to guarantee enough nutrition. They should have 125~146 calories/kg per day.

(3) Other nutrition

The patients should be supplied with various kinds of vitamins and folic acid. However, when patients have hyperphosphatemia , they should keep the phosphorus intake below 800 milligrams per day.

However, the patient with Renal Failure should make their diet schedule under their doctors’ guidance. Some patients think that protein can accelerate the kidney damage so they limit their protein intake blindly. As a result, it causes severe malnutrition to them so the patients are very likely to have fatigue, anemia and so on. Therefore, for patients with Renal Failure, if they keep a low-protein diet, they should have follow-up regally and adjust their dietary schedule based on their disease condition.

The doctors should help patients with Renal Failure make a scientific diet schedule according to different patients’ kidney condition, pathogenesis ( such as Diabetic Nephropathy, Hypertensive Nephropathy, Chronic Nephritis and so on), nutrition condition, absorption and digestion and so on).

Scientific dietotherapy is important for patients with Renal Failure to slow down their kidney damage, Therefore, they should make a proper dietary schedule under their doctors’ guidance.

Can Serum Creatinine Level Reflect Renal Function Accurately

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a chronic genetic disease. As the cysts enlarge with age, they will oppress the neighboring kidney tissues thus causing Renal Failure. As kidney has strong sufficient compensatory capacity, the patients do not have symptoms in the early time. Many patients think that if their serum creatinine keeps in the normal range, their renal function must be also normal. In fact, this idea is wrong. Although serum creatinine can reflect the kidney capacity in excreting metabolic wastes and toxins, but it is not sensitive. Only when more than half of patients’ renal function is lost, will the serum level exceed the normal level. The patients with Renal Failure can know their renal function better by the following formula.

Creatinine clearance rate= (140-Age)* body weight (kilogram)*88.4/72*serum creatinine level (umol/L)

If you are women patients, after you get the above result, you should use it to multiply 0.85 then you can get your creatinine clearance rate.

The normal creatinine clearance rate should keep within 80~120 ml/minute. The lower your creatinine clearance rate is, the worse your renal function is.

If your creatinine clearance rate is between 10~15ml/minute, usually your disease has developed into End Stage Renal Failure. It is not proper for patients with Renal Failure to judge their renal function just from their creatinine level. For example, if the two patients have the same creatinine level: 95umol/L, but other factors are different.

Women patient: 75 years old; 50kilogams

Man patient: 25 years old; 75kilogrmas

From the above formula, we can see that the former patients’ creatinine clearance rate is 36umol/L and the latter is 111umol/L. Although the former patient’ renal function has been damaged seriously, but the creatinine level does not reflect it accurately.

Therefore, the patients with Renal Failure should not judge their renal function from their creatinine level simply. They should take other indexes in consideration comprehensively so as to receive effective treatment in the fist time.

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