
Four Steps Healthy Care for Patients with Polycysctic Kidney Disease

A lot of people visiting our website want to know how to nurse patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. There are four steps healthy care for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. Let's have a look.

Preventing Cold

Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are very anguished, because this disease is not the same with other kidney disease. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of lifelong hereditary disease, and patients have to have it all their lives. Even if they are being paid much more attention, it can not stop the aggravation of their disease. Their cysts will grow larger and larger. With this condition, if they catch a cold, especially repeated cold will aggravate the damage of patients' kidneys. Cold will add insult to injury, thus speeding up the aggravation of renal function.

Preventing trauma

Enlargement of cysts will lead to pressure in cysts increasing, thus leading to patient's two kidneys will enlarge gradually and pressure in abdominal cavity increase. Internal pressure will be increased by slight trauma, such as sprain, bumping, falls and so on, thus leading to rupture or bleeding of the cysts, and this will induce infection easily. Or excessive external force will make the cysts rupture some times.

Controlling blood pressure

Before damage of renal function, most of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have high blood pressure. Once patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease being diagnosed with high blood pressure, they should pay more attention, because it is an early symptom of Polycystic Kidney Disease onset. Appearance of high blood pressure will aggravate the damage of renal function, at the same time, high blood pressure will damage heart and blood vessels of brain. As a result, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will have some serious complications, such as apoplexy caused by rupture and bleeding of brain hemangioma. So it is very important for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to control blood pressure, so that aggravation of renal function can be lowered down.

Have a well controlled diet

It is very important for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to have a proper diet. The patient should take 2-3 grams table salt per day. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should not eat the food that contains potassium, phosphorus. They should have a low protein, low fat diet, and they should eat food that contains more vitamin and plant crude fiber. Make sure that they defecate unobstructedly.

If you have some questions about Polycystic Kidney Disease, you can consult us or you can email us by kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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