
Prevent from Stroke When the Temperature is Above 35 Centigrade

In the scorching summer, the attack rate of stroke is relatively high. Experts remind that when the temperature is above 35 centigrade, people must pay attention to prevent from stroke.

1, the hydropenia condition may cause the ischemic stroke: when the temperature is above 35 centigrade, the regulation of human body's temperature is achieved by the sweating. While the water of old people's body is relatively few, which means they are more likely to have symptom of hydropenia. And once there is hydropenia, the re will be hypovolemia and the blood viscosity and blood pressure will increase. Then the blood flowing to the brain is easily blocked and it will cause the attack of stroke.

2, old people should pay attention to the "alarms " of stroke: before the attack of stroke, there will be the symptoms of four aspects: ①, swirl, tinnitus, sickness, clouding of consciousness. ②, myasthenia of limbs or feelings of weak when you lift up heavy stuff. ③, the obstacle of speaking or a twist in one's tongue, and sometimes people may suddenly can not speak. ④, instant blindness or disorder of eyesight. All of these are the "alarms" of the attack of stroke, people should pay close attention to them in order to prevent from stoke in time.

3, prevention is important for the people with hypertension: especially for the people with hypertension, prevention is very important for them. In summer people should drink water with initiative, especially for old people, they should take in 2500 ml water at least everyday. Besides, drinking water before you go to bed may decrease the blood viscosity and prevent from stroke, but do not drink too much. At the same time, eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, eggs and sweet mung bean soup. In addition, eat more jealous and hawthorn and such kind of food can soften the blood vessels. And experts remind that people should use the air-condition properly, and the range of room temperature should not exceeding 10 centigrade.

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