
How does Traditional Western medicine treat PKD

On the treatment of PKD, Western medicine has many years' clinical experience. There are various methods to treat PKD for Western medicine, including dialysis, laparoscopic renal cyst decorbicatiou (LRCD), pumping fluid hardening operation and kidney transplant.

Then do you know how do these methods treat PKD?

1, laparoscopic renal cyst decorbicatiou (LRCD) and pumping fluid hardening operation: the mechanism of the two method is that: when these cysts grow up to several centimetres, Western medicine adopts the two methods to get the liquid out of the cysts by operations, thus they contract the cysts and then harden the cysts wall to prevent the regrow-up of the cysts. But the result is that: although the larger cysts have been contracted, the smaller cysts will grow more quickly after the contracting of larger ones for the decrease of pressure. Then the smaller cysts will grow up to press the surrounding kidney tissues and damage renal function. Therefore, the two methods just can relieve the suffering of patients temporarily, and the patients' condition even may aggravate during the repeated recur of cysts.

2, dialysis: dialysis is one of the most common method of treating kidney disease. There is another name for dialysis-"artificial kidney", which means: when the renal function has been damaged to certain level, the kidney could not eliminate the toxins and waste and immune complexes in the blood effectively, which will lead to the disorder and unbalance of the human body. Then by dialysis, we can get the toxins and waste and immune complexes out of our bodies. That is to say dialysis can replace the kidney to maintain the balance of human body. But our kidneys are still can't work normally. Therefore, dialysis is just an adjuvant therapy for kidney disease and just can postpone the aggravation of kidney disease. It has no the function of treating.

3, kidney transplant: as for the end-stage of kidney disease, kidney transplant may be the first choice to prolong the lives of patients. However, as we all know, it is not very easy to find a matched kidney and the operation expense is relatively high, which is out of the ability of some patients. In addition, after the kidney transplant, patients have to take anti-rejection medicines all their lives.

These are the methods adopted by traditional Western medicine. What do you think of them?

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