Patients with Polycystic Kideny Disease (hereinafter called PKD) discharge
Hematuria in most cases. Hematuria can be divided into gloss Hematuria and
microscopic Hematuria. The former type can be visible by naked eye and it
presents flesh-washing-water color or blood color. The latter type can be
detected under microscope and usually each high power field has three or more
erythrocytes. Moreover, they may also present other adjoint symptoms as below,
and knowing these adjoint symptoms can help patients judge the pathological
agent rapidly.
1. Renal colic stands for renal stone or ureter stone.
2.Urine suspending or urine difficulty proves bladder stone or ureter
3. Frequent urination, urgent urination and odynuria usually suggest Cystitis
and Urethritis; lumbago, hyperpyrexia and chilly usually means
4. Adjoint Edema, Hypertension and Proteinuria often occurs in Nephritis.
5. Renal lump in single kidney, usually happens in tumor, Hydronephrosis and
renal Cyst; renal lump in bilateral kidney, usually happens in congenital PKD;
movable kidney often emerges in nephroptosis and migration kidney.
6. Bleeding in skin mucous membrane or other area indicates blood disease and
some infectious diseases.
7. Chyluria mainly result in Filariasis and Chronic Pyelonephritis.
Certainly, it is helpful for us to judge some pathological reasons by these
adjoint symptoms. But patients are still necessary to make pertinent examination
to ascertain the ultimate pathological reason because some symptoms may appear
due to several disease.
Any confusion about Kidney Disease, you can consult me at