
Watch out for Increased Urination at Night

If you do not have excess water before going to bed, but have increased urination at night, you should pay more attention to this abnormal phenomenon. Increased urination at night may be an early cause of Kidney Disease.

What is increased urination at night? It can be presented in three ways: the urine volume at night >500 ml; the urine output at night/urine output in the day> 0.8; urinating more than 2 times at night.

Physiological increased urination at night is commonly seen among the infants and the elderly people. The former is caused by exuberant metabolic activities and the kidneys’ regulation function is still not mature. The latter is associated with the declined antidiuretic hormone and renal concentration ability.

If young people or the elderly people (55~60 years old) have frequent urination at night, they should find out if it is induced by the flowing factors.

Kidney Disease

Kidney Disease, especially when renal tubular is damaged, it can impair the renal reabsorption ability leading to increased urination at night.

Poor control of blood sugar

If the blood sugar level is too high, it can cause osmotic diuresis and make the urine output increase at night. If someone has asymptomatic increased urination at night, he should figure out whether it is aroused by Diabetes.

Decreased protein level in blood

In liver dysfunction, the liver can not synthetize enough albumin. As a result, the protein level in blood decreases leading to leakage increased urination.

Prostatic hypertrophy

In prostatic hypertrophy, the urine output volume does not increase. However, the persons usually have frequent urination at night.

Decreased bladder capacity

For the persons with the diseases such as bladder stone, bladder neoplasm etc, they can cause the bladder capacity to decline. They will have frequent urination at night, but the urine output volume does not increase.


Primary Hyperaldosteronism is also a common cause of increased urination at night.

Sleep disorder

Severe sleep disorder also can cause increased urination at night. However, with the improvement of the sleep, the symptom will disappear gradually.

If you have increased urination at night, you should primarily to make clear about its cause and then receive relative treatment in time.

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