
How to Choose Cold Medications for Patients with Kidney Disease

For weak immunity, the patients with Kidney Disease are more likely to catch a cold than normal people. In return, colds can aggravate the deterioration of renal function. Therefore, it is very important for the patients to take cold medications. However, some medicines contain renal toxicity or might interact with the prescription medications. The patients with Kidney Disease should avoid the following cold medicines.


The common analgesic- antipyretics include indometacin, ibuprofen and so on. These medicines can cause serious kidney damage. Especially for the elderly people, they are very sensitive to these medicines so the incidence of kidney damage is very high among them due to irrationally using medications. Therefore, it is very important for us to know the indications of medicines and should not take blindly.


Gentamicin, kanamycin, amikacin and tobramycin are common antibiotics with strong renal toxicity. These medicines can increase the incidence of Kidney Disease greatly for the elderly people and Diabetics. Long term (over two weeks) and large dosage of using these medicines can lead to serious kidney damage. Penicillin antibiotics like amoxicillin also can impair kidneys.

For the patients with Kidney Disease, they should avoid the above two kinds of medications ingredients. So it is necessary for them to know the ingredients which can be toxin to kidneys.

If you want to know more about the contraindications of colds medications, you can consult us on line.

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