
When do the patients should not take hypoglycemic drugs

Although most of diabetics control the conditions with hypoglycemic, they had better not take the drugs in many conditions.

The conditions include:

Diabetic acute complications: for patients with infections, DKA and hypertonic non ketosis coma, the drugs do not work well. people with infection,,,do not response to the medicines very well. Actually, the drugs may also aggravate ketoacidosis or even cause lactic acidosis. Therefore, such people must not take these medicines at all.

Other emergencies: when one meets with myocardial infarction, operation or trauma, he or she should replace it with insulin in a short term.
More serious diabetic chronic complications:Patients with kidney and eye diseases need replace the drugs with insulin, especially when the kidney disease progress to 3th stage or above.

For diabetic pregnant and lactation women, they must stop taking discontinue the drugs. If not, bad blood glucose control will cause fetal abnormalities, what’s worse; the drugs may be excreted via milk.

Insulin - dependent diabetics should not take hypoglycemic drugs separately alone, but it is effective to combine biguannides diabetes, glucobay and insulin.
Liver and renal insufficiency patients should not take it or take it with caution. The drugs should be metabolized by liver and excreted by kidneys. Thus, once they take it, they will get drug accumulation poisoning and hypoglycemia, and the liver and renal damage.

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