
What Are the Specific Diagnostic Criteria of Type 1 Diabetes

In our life, we can find more and more people get Diabetes. But there are few people know about Diabetes further. Actually, Diabetes can be divided Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. What is Type 1 Diabetes? What are the specific diagnostic criteria of Type 1 Diabetes?

Lesions will occur when fasting insulin is lower than 5μIU/ml and fasting blood glucose is more than 6.8mmol/L, which will influence the role of insulin. Type 1 Diabetes means that fasting blood glucose is more than 6.8mmol. In the following, we will introduce the diagnosis criteria of Type 1 Diabetes.

A. Type 1 Diabetes is more common in adolescents. The onset of this disease is before 35 years old, accounting for less than 10% of all the Diabetes patients.

B. Patients of Type 1 Diabetes are prone to have ketoacidosis which is caused by serious shortage of insulin. The main symptoms of ketoacidosis are fatigue, anorexia, vomit, nausea, extreme thirst, more urine than of usual, dizziness, headache, indifference, drowsiness, irritability and rapid breathing. Some patients exhaled gas with rotten apple. If the illness condition gets further deterioration, symptoms will occur, such as decreased urine output, dry skin, eye subsidence, decreased high blood pressure and cold extremities.

C. Type 1 Diabetes patients may have the phenomenon of blurred vision or missing. If the patients are diagnosed to have Type 1 Diabetes, more attention should be paid to. Especially, five years after adolescaria, patients should have their eyes checked at least once every year to avoid blindness.

What mentioned above is the relevant introduction of Type 1 Diabetes. I hope it will be helpful. If patients are diagnosed to have this disease, they should choose an effective treatment, which is important. Only with effective methods can patients have the hope of recovery.
If you want to know more about Type 1 Diabetes, you can email to renalhealth@hotmail.com or consult our experts online. We will do our best to help you. Wish you have a good time!

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