
Anemia of Chronic Disease and Renal Failure

Anemia in Kidney Disease and Dialysis Anemia is common in people with kidney disease. Anemia of CKD is one of the first signs of kidney dysfunction, yet it often goes undetected because of its insidious onset.
The NKF defines anemia in CKD as an Hb level <13.5 g/dl in men and 12.0 g/dl in women (13). This definition is based on the fact that these levels are outside the 95% CIs of the mean for normal men and women.
Anemia in chronic disease and renal failure patients may result from one or more mechanisms, but one of the major pathogenetic factors is inadequate production of erythropoietin from the diseased kidneys,causing an inappropriately low level of red cell production.

Treatment of Anemia of Chronic kidney disease

Patient with Chronic Kidney Failure is just like a withered tree. If people supply enough water and nutrition to the tree root the leaves and branches will turn green gradually. The best way to treat Chronic Kidney Failure is to treat the cause of disease. According to the above factors people can understand that treating Kidney failure is the key to treat anemia. Then how to treat Chronic Kidney Failure?

As for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease, there are mainly two different methods. Patients with chronic kidney disease can on one hand receive erythropoietin injection through vein. However, this process should be maintained for a long time, which can adjust anemia in a rapid speed. It is especially suitable for those who have been suffering from serious anemia. But in the blood injection process, chronic kidney disease patients are more likely to get infection. In addition, they may also have some reaction due to the blood circulation.

Now here a piece of good news for people who get Chronic Kidney Disease, that is our special therapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Anemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Not on Dialysis, because Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair the damaged intrinsic cells, and supply enough nutritious materials to kidney, improving the insufficiency of blood and oxygen. After that, erythropoietin can be produced normally.

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