
Life Expectancy of Stage 4 Chronic Renal Failure on Dialysis

Chronic Renal Failure is long-standing, progressive deterioration of the kidney function. As it says, Stage 4 Chronic Renal Failure is a progressive process, and there are totally 5 stages of Renal Failure. In different stages, the symptoms are different. If the patients can get a proper treatment in the early stages, to prevent the severe deterioration of the kidney function, the life expectancy of Stage 4 chronic renal failure patients is still favorable.

However, what is the life expectancy of stage 4 chronic renal failure on dialysis?
Stage 4 Chronic renal failure without dialysis is a horrible way to go. It tends to make a particular person come to feel incredibly sick and nauseated all the time, and helps make it virtually unattainable to hold down any food. It might be a good thought to request him to reconsider the dialysis – just to make him a lot more snug.

Can dialysis prolong life expectancy Stage 4 chronic renal failure (kidney failure)?
First I would concentrate on treating my stage 4 kidney disease to the best of my abilities. You may not need a transplant or dialysis if you can manage successfull what disease has caused your initial renal impairment. However if your disease progresses, you will have an opportunity to survive by being on dialysis.Hence stage 4 chronic renal failure is the stage which treatment is very important to prevent end stage renal failure and prolong patients’ life expectancy.
In western medicine there is no effective treatment when people are in stage 4 at present. Doctors may tell you to wait for dialysis or kidney transplant, but if your damaged kidney function can be repaired in stage 4, dialysis can be avoided.

In China, a therapy is developed to repair kidney functions-micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will play its function to repair damaged kidney function by blocking kidney fibrosis, repairing damaged kidney cells and rebuilding kidney structure.
In 2011, about 6,000 patients with kidney diseases came to China and treated by this therapy and most of them can get better effects. So if you take active treatment, the life expectancy of stage 4 chronic renal failure on dialysis can be prolonged.

If you want learn more about "Micro- Chinese medicine for chronic renal failure treatment", you can visit this article "Chinese Herb Remedy for End-stage Renal Disease", I hope it can help you.

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