
A Letter Reply For Kidney Failure Patient From Saudi Arabia

I’m Elaine. I'm from Saudi Arabia. Now I am 60 years old. In March of 2009 I was diagnosed with Kidney Failure. When I was diagnosed the doctors all said that I have a severe situation and offered no hope. They said he had 2 years to live. It was so sad that I am on the way leaving me. After prayer eventually I found China which promised us hope, We know how hard this is and want to offer hope to others. So I write this passage to share how I treated my kidney failure.

We have visited many websites on the internet for finding a good therapeutic method, friends and relatives are worried about my illness condition, and they supply various kinds of methods, doctors and medicines. Because our doctor told me we only have a choice--kidney transplant. But I know renal transplant rejection may lead to failure with renal transplant. I don't want renal transplant. In the end, we find there, and we have taken 18 hours plane for receiving treatment.

The symptoms of my diseases are high blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen, blood creatinine is 718umol/l, a serious edema around my whole body when I came to China.

At first, we are not believed the Chinese Medicine, because there is no advertisement for their treatment and many people are not familiar about the hospital. After receiving the Immunotherapy, my husband feel very good and all the symptoms has alleviated obviously, we will take some Chinese Medicines for home treatment.

There are several ways to treat Kidney Failure. Many people who are diagnosed with Kidney Failure choose to treat their disease by receiving a kidney transplant before they need another form of renal replacement therapy (Immunotherapy or Micro-Chinese Medicine) I know several people who have gone this route with very successful results. Others, for personal, religious or circumstantial reasons that outright disqualify them for a kidney transplant (age, other health problems, etc.) never apply for a kidney transplant and instead choose stem cells and micro-Chinese medicine as a life-long, permanent treatment. Others, unfortunately, have no treatment options available to them and without treatment for kidney failure they pass away.

So we choose Immunotherapy in China, because it is of no graft rejection and side effect. Here I’d like to express my gratitude to China for my receiving immunotherapy and micro-Chinese medicine successfully.

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