High creatinine levels may do many negative influences on the body, and even put the life in danger. Fortunately, there are many ways to lower high creatinine levels.
Creatinine is discharge from body by kidneys and its levels can reflect renal functions. Once produced, it enters into bloodstream to flows through kidneys where it is mainly discarded. The amount of creatinine is determined by muscle mass and its amount is constant because of the constant muscle mass. Besides, kidneys can neither excrete nor reabsorb creatinine. Hence, the levels of creatinine can reflect how well the kidneys are working.
Then,what are foods that can be used to reduce the high creatinine?
1. Too much meat will not be recommended.Creatinine is the end product of meat in our body, including our muscles and meat taken by us during diet. We can not change our muscle mass, but we can eat less meat everyday to reduce the generation of creatinine as much as possible. Eating less meat is not a permanent method to lower creatinine level, but it is beneficial for controlling high creatinine level.
2. Foods with high protein. Beans, bean products, fish, milk, egg white and lean meat are high in protein, they need to be avoided in theory. However, to meet the physical demand, kidney disease patients can take some fish, milk and lean meat. They contain high quality protein and cause little extra renal burden. Therefore, they are available for kidney disease patients, but the intake of them need to be limited. Depending on the kidney function, the exact amount of protein intake will vary.
3. Foods with high potassium and phosphorus need to be avoided as well.Kidney disease patients are easily to suffer from high levels of potassium and phosphorus due to decrease kidney function. Therefore, if lad tests show that the amount of their potassium and phosphorus in blood is higher than the normal value, foods with high potassium or phosphorus should be restrict strictly.
If you have more questions, you can email to kidney-support@hotmail.com right now to get it.