
How to Reduce Creatinine Level

High level of creatinine indicates declined renal filtration function. Creatinine is the metabolin of muscles and is mainly discharged by kidney with urine. So a high level of creatinine in blood indicates the problem with renal filtration function. In addition, in a normal condition the creatinine level in blood is usually stable and will not be affected with diet, because the general muscles and the metabolism of muscles are usually steady. Then, how to lower high level of creatinine?

Different types of people have different normal creatinine levels:

● 0.5~1.1 mg/dl for female;

● 0.6~1.2 mg/dl for male;

● 1.8~1.9 mg/dl for people with only one kidney;

● About 0.2 or more for infants.

Elevated creatinine level may be triggered by different underlying conditions such as dehydration, side effects of some medicines, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. However, if one person's blood creatinine keeps in a high level permanently, it is more likely to indicate the decline of kidney function.

How to Reduce Creatinine Level

Some treatments can be used to reduce Creatinine level.


Dialysis, often called artificial kidney, can be used to reduce creatinine levels. But please notedialysis can't repair the kidneys. As it's mentioned above, high creatinine level is caused by the loss of th kidney function. Dialysis can merely filtrate creatinine out of the body. It cannot completely replace the kidneys or repair the damaged kidneys, so dialysis only can reduce Creatinine level in a short time.

·Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can repair your injured kidneys, Creatinine level will reduce as long as the kidneys are repaired. Through dilating blood vessels, digesting extracellular matrix, and repair the kidneys, more nutrient will be brought to the kidneys, so the kidneys will get enough nutrient to heal itself. If you want to learn more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, please email to kidney-support@hotmail.com

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