
Indication of Renal Biopsy in Nephrotic Syndrome

When people suffer from nephrotic syndrome, the physician may suggest you should get a renal biopsy in order to determine what therapy is suitable for you according to the test reports. However, we do not suggested patients to take this test easily and we have our own standard for indication of renal biopsy.

Who should take renal biopsy?
We have many advanced tests to help physician for a clear diagnosis, such as the tests for cystatin c, various microglobulin, immune microglobulin, U-NAG, U-GGT and so on. Through these tests, physician can know the detail information about nephrotic syndrome that can direct the treatment exactly. However, when patients’ illness condition cannot be exactly diagnosed, our doctor would advice biopsy.

In the other aspect, patients’ condition can be examined well and the according treatment is adopted for them. However, their symptoms cannot be alleviated as the normal course. In this way, renal biopsy is needed.

Except for the two conditions above, we would not recommend them to use renal biopsy for nephrotic syndrome really brings about many sufferings to people. Biopsy is an invasive examination which means that the test need to cut a piece of kidney tissues. It may break the blood vessels and cause bleeding for several day. So most people would have blood in urine and renal inflammation.

Furthermore, people often complain that they have a pain in back in the rainy day. It may vary in different people, so some people would endure this pain for several years when they encounter the rainy day. Besides, renal biopsy may hurt other organs due to the improper operation.

So experts alert patients had better to choose other tests for nephrotic syndrome to avoid the damage in kidneys. You can try the tests instead of renal biopsy.

Learn More: Risk Factors and Prevention of Nephrotic Syndrome

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