
Do Dialysis Patients Ever Stop Needing Dialysis

To many people with renal failure, they think dialysis is addictive and once people start dialysis they would not stop needing dialysis. Can The Frequency of Doing Dialysis Be Reduced And Even Be Stopped? This question is one of the most concerned for people who are going to take on dialysis or have already taken dialysis. Now let us discuss it.

What does dialysis mean for people?
Dialysis is only one device which was invented to prolong the lives of people with renal failure. It is an artificial kidney for people to help discharge toxic substances and excess water. Some people are prone to addiction, because they feel more relaxed and comfortable after dialysis. Once other good therapy can clean the toxins, they will case off dialysis from their life. And for some other people, dialysis also brings them bad feeling because of the side effects.

Which therapy can make people cast off dialysis?
In order to put an end to dialysis, people have to seek a treatment to improve kidney function. For the people who have taken dialysis for not long time, they have the chance to leave dialysis. They still have urine and some kidney function, which means that some cells are working for filtering. Immunotherapy is a good method for them to retrieve some kidney function. Once the new cells repair kidneys, they can help to filter toxins and excess fluid from the body. Some people’s GFR is only 15 and it can be improved above 20 and even more. So the higher GFR can help to put end of dialysis. The higher your GFR is, the more the therapy can help you.

For the people who have dialysis for a long time, people would have less kidney function and the survival kidney cells are less too. Some patients extend the interval time from 3 times very week to 1 or 2 times every two weeks. A few people have 1 time every three months, which can greatly improve his life quality.

Learn More: How Long Will Kidney Failure People Live with Dialysis

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