
Diabetes: Sudden GFR Reduction Is Not a Good News for You

"I have type 1 diabetes. Three months ago my GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is 40 ml/min. however, now my GFR reduces to 36 ml/min. what happens in my kidneys? What should I do to reverse this condition?" my patients are distressed by these questions recently.

Sudden GFR reduction
Do you know GFR? GFR is short for glomerular filtration rate. Kidney is the main organ to filtrate blood in order to discharge the end products and excessive water through urine. Among kidney tissues, glomerular is the most important tissues to filtrate blood. So GFR is one test for kidney disease so as to tell patients how much kidney function they have and about how many glomeruli are working for them.

According to GFR, kidney disease can be divided into several stages which are the five stages of CKD (chronic kidney disease). Although 40ml/min or 36 ml/min (GFR) both are in the three stage of chronic kidney disease, patient’s condition is reduced too quick. Only in three months, her GFR have reduced by 4ml/min. This symptom means that her condition is in the progressive period. With this rate of reduction, her kidney function would lose much more.

How to block the GFR reduction for patients with diabetes?
For this type of patients, an effective treatment is helpful to reverse their bad condition. Otherwise, kidney function will be lost much and their condition may develop into renal failure. What is the effective therapy for them?
Immunotherapy has been used in clinic for many years. In most cases, their GFR can be increased after Immunotherapy. You can email to renalhealth@hotmail.com for more details of Immunotherapy.

Learn More: Early Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy

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