
Suffering of Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease

After seeing so much suffering of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) with my own eyes, sometimes I feel so anxious for them. Some of the patients are children. They can’t enjoy the pleasure of childhood because of this disease. They are suffering from the pain brought by this disease while other children are playing outside. Some of the patients are young men or women, for this disease, they may be tortured by the worrying of the attack of this disease and the worrying about transmitting to their children.

Yes, sometimes the suffering of the thought tortures the patients more than that of the body. Sometimes, however, what makes me very anxious is that the patients just didn’t understand the severity of their illness condition. In some cases, the patients naively believe good diets can cure their disease. Diets really do play an important role for the disease. But diets just can play external adjuvant function instead of treating the damaged kidney. As the disease of Polycystic Kidney Disease has the characteristic of slow progression, especially during the early stage. So, many patients make light of this disease even they have known they have this disease. During the early stage, the symptoms of this disease are not so obvious. So, people believe that there is no need treat it.

And this phenomenon is partly determined by the treatment measures and treatment practices. In most countries, for the kidney disease, the common treatment measures are hormone, immune agents, cytotoxic drugs. Then the following measures with the development of kidney diseases are dialysis and kidney transplant.

In fact, if the patients can treat this disease with correct attitude, they can avoid such suffering.

So first, treat this disease with correct attitude; second, pay attention to the symptoms and familial medical history of this disease so that you can find it as early as possible; third, take early and effective treatment measures in time no matter whether your condition is slight or severe.

I really hope every patient can avoid the suffering this disease, so if there is anything I can do for you or you have any questions, please send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com.

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