
Polycystic Kidney Disease from Greece

Niko is a Polycystic Kidney Disease patient, from Greece. His cousin Mr. Smith accepted treatment at first and then Mr. Smith introduced Niko to come to our hospital for treatment.

Chief complaints: patient was found to have polycystic kidney disease 30 years ago, accompanied with increasing serum creatinine in the past 10 years. Patient was first admitted to the hospital on the 11th of June. When patients came to our hospital, the test results are listed as followed:

Blood test and urine test results showed: HGB 124.0g/l; WBC 86.1*10^9/l N 63.2%; PRO +-; GLU -;BLD+1; WBC 1-2/HPF;RBC 2-4/HPF;CREA 537umol/l; BUN 32.4mmol/l; URIC:555umol/l;BMG 12.81mg/l; K 3.88mmol/l; Na 140mmol/l; Cl 110.7mmol/l; Ca 1.94 mmol/l; Co2 16.5mmol/l; PO4 1.81mmol/l; Mg 0.55mmol/l; protein in 24Urine 0.77g/24h;

Ultrasound impression: the left kidney measured as 154*95mm, the right kidney measured as 189*85mm, the blood circulations in both kidneys have decreased. Both kidneys are not shown normal renal parenchyma echo.

After 45 days of hospitalization, patient conditions have improved. The Osmotherapy and Immunotherapyation have helped to delay the deteriorations. Blood circulations have been increased in both kidneys. Renal intrinsic cells have been repaired, GFR have been increased as well.

Test results before he left our hospital: K 4.76mmol/l; CO2 27.1mmol/l; CREA396umol/l; BUN 19.5mmol/l; URIC 375umol/l; BMG 12.94mg/L;

Doctor suggestion:

Take blood test every month to check the potassium level, avoid diet that is high in potassium.

Keep a healthy diet with lots of vegetables and maintain at a stable weight.

Check your blood test every month, including kidney function. As well as the 24 hour urine test on a monthly basis.

Please avoid the cold and flu and prevent yourself from depression and keep positive.

Insist on long-term treatment and medications to be continued for the next three months.

If you need more information about this, you can send an email to kidney-treatment@hotmail.com or consult our doctors online.

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