
Nine Common Misunderstands of Kidney Disease

Recently, the healthy, a Taiwan magazine, has an interview with Dr. Yang Wuchang, director of Kidney Department of Taibei RongMin Hospital, and has made a summary and clarification of nine kinds of misunderstandings of the Kidney Disease
Ⅰ: Urine accompanied with foam is Proteinuria. When the concentration of urea in the urine is a little bit higher, there may also exist foam. One simple way to distinguish the proteinuria is: the proteinuria is covered with foam, which is wee and sticky and hard to melt.

Ⅱ: Kidney deficiency means kidney function insufficiency. Kidney deficiency is a term of Traditional Chinese Medicine, while the kidney function is referring to the ability of kidney to eliminate the wastes of metabolism, to regulate the balance of electrolyte and acid-base in the body. They are not in same meaning.
Ⅲ: frequent micturition. In the early stage of kidney disease, for the decline of kidney concentrating function, there will need more water to eliminate the metabolin, therefore it does lead to the frequent micturition. However, other reasons may also lead to frequent micturition, such as psychologically frequent micturition , urocystitis, urethritis and so on.

Ⅳ: Muddy urinate means kidney deficiency. The most common reason for muddy urinate is one has been intake of too much protein, which will increase the amount of phosphate and uric acid in the urinate. And other reasons may include chyluria , bacterial infection etc.

Ⅴ: Eat an animal kidney to tonify the man kidney. The main component in animals or poultry kidney is protein, so the nutritive value of animal kidney is similar with that of the meat of other part.

Ⅵ: Hematuria must be the problems of the kidney. Hematuria is not always kidney disease, it may be the symptom of hemorrhagic urocystitis or even malignant tumor. Once you have caught the Hematuria, you must to visit the doctor to determine the pathogenesis.

Ⅶ: Kidney diseases are not hereditary. Most of kidney disease are not hereditary, however, polycystic kidney and kidney tubules congenital anomaly etc. are exceptional.

Ⅷ: Edema of shank is the symptom of kidney disease. Most edema has noting to do with kidney disease. Scorching whether, pressure and long-time sitting or standing all can induce the edema. Even the pathologic edema may be caused by varicose veins of lower limbs, dysfunction of thyroid and other disease.

Ⅸ: Soreness of waist is the representation of kidney disease. Most soreness of waist is not caused by kidney disease, except the cases of kidney infection, stones or edema, or there will not be soreness of waist. And the soreness of waist is related more to problems of bones and muscles. Besides, pancreatitis etc. can lead to soreness of waist.

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