
Patients with nephrotic syndrome diet should pay attention to what matters and issues related to the treatment

In cases of Nephrotic Syndrome, the patients are featured by massive proteinuria, hyperlipemia and hypoproteinemia as well as swelling. A proper diet aiming at supplying adequate protein supply to replace the lost protein is very essential to slow down the disease progression.
High-protein diets: High-protein diets are not recommended for the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome because they can result in aggravation of renal function and damage to renal tubule. The patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should keep moderate protein intake about 1 gram/kg per body weight to compensate the lost protein in urine.
High-fats diets: Diets low in saturated fats and cholesterol are recommended to the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome. The diets can keep help the patients loss excessive weight thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
High-salt diets: High-salt diets not only can elevate high blood pressure and aggravate swelling, but also can limit the kidneys to remove phosphorous from the blood. If the phosphorous level in blood is too high, it can weaken bones.
Meanwhile, for the massive loss of protein in urine, the body can not get sufficient energy supply. In order to make up for it, the patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should keep adequate calorie intake per day.
Autoimmunity plays the major role in Nephrotic Syndrome. For immune deficiency or disorder, when the foreign pathological substances invade into body, the immune systems can not function well to defeat them. As a result, the antigens encounter and bind to antibodies to form immune complexes and deposit in glomeruli. Afterwards, the immune cells remove the immune complexes. For immune deficiency or disorder, the immune cells not only are not able to remove the immune complexes, but also damage the renal tissues and cells. The glomeruli are impaired seriously and lose their normal filtration function. Consequently, a mass of protein leak into urine.
From nephrotic syndrome causes departure began, clearing immune complexes, repair damaged cells will become the key to treatment of nephrotic syndrome.
On one hand, the medical herbs can degrade immune complexes and make them dissolve in blood. Also, the herbs can dilate blood vessels and improve the renal ischemia and anoxia. Afterwards, the dissolved immune complexes will be excreted out of body through systemic circulation. Ultimately, the inducement of kidney inflammation is eliminated.
On the other hand, the medical herbs can provide some micronutrients for restoring the impaired glomeruli so as to improve the self-repairing of the impaired glomeruli. Moreover, the herbs can correct the abnormal immunity and correct the abnormal immunity. In this way, the medical herbs can improve the self-clearance ability of the body.
Medical herbs aim at relieving symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome from its underlying causes. Therefore, the patients can get a fundamental recovery without relapses.

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