
Pathophysiology of Chronic Renal Failure

Pathophysiology of Chronic Renal Failure describes the functional changes during the course of the disease. Due to it, the kidneys can not work properly to maintain their normal functions.

Our kidneys are responsible for filtering blood. However, in Chronic Renal Failure, as the kidneys are impaired, they can not discharge the waste products and excess fluid from blood. As a result, it will cause a series of clinical symptoms.

The water and electrolyte balances are disordered and excess water builds up in body. Excess fluid builds up in body, which can cause swelling. In server case, the patients may experience anasarca. It can put much burden to kidneys and hearts as well as may cause difficulty in breath. Poor kidney function increases the risk of developing iron-deficiency anemia, which causes weakness and fatigue. Since more chemical renin is secreted by kidneys, it can stimulate more angiotensin to be secreted by kidneys leading to high blood pressure. The patients with Chronic Renal Failure are more prone to have infections since the disease weakens the immune system. Moreover, the loss of protein in urine is also an important cause of infections in the patients.

In the exams for Chronic Renal Failure, the blood tests can reveal the abnormal levels of sodium, chlorides and other electrolytes in the blood. For the leakage of protein into urine, the urine tests can present high levels of microalbumin and protein. Also in urine, there are also red blood cells.

If you are diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure, you will be recommended to follow up a low-protein diet and restrict the salt intake, potassium or phosphorus. A healthy diet can correct the water and electrolyte imbalances to some extent and delay the progression of the disease. Meanwhile, the patients should take effective treatment to repair the damaged kidneys so as to improve and even recover the normal renal function.

More: Indoor Exercises for Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Dialysis

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