
Treatment of Renal Failure with Immunotherapy

Is Kidney Transplant Really Helpful for Kidney Failure ?In recent years, the population of people with Kidney Failure keeps increasing drastically. However, the current treatment methods are inadequate and donor organs are insufficient. These factors have driven a search for new researches on the treatment of Kidney Failure.
Besides dialysis, Kidney Transplant is the only option for kidney failure patients in many countries. However, is Kidney Transplant really helpful for kidney failure?Recently, there is new  immunotherapy to treat kidney failure.The successful application of immunotherapy holds promise to the patients.
Immunotherapy is also suitable for patients with end stage renal failure. As an auxiliary treatment, immunotherapy will repair as more damaged nephrons as possible, thus protecting the remaining kidney cells and the renal function. At the same time, other treatment should as be used to reverse the nephrons undergoing pathological changes and prolong the intervals of dialysis, improve the complications, slow down the progressing of renal failure and improve the quality of life.
In a word, both kidney transplant and dialysis are not the best treatment for end stage kidney failure. As to the effective treatment, joint action of Tradition Chinese Medicine and Immunotherapy is the best choice, but it still can not help all the sufferers from end stage kidney failure avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. (for more information, please email to renalhealth@hotmail.com  or consult our consultant online)
End stage kidney failure is the last stage of kidney disease and once kidney disease develops into this period, it is very almost impossible for sufferers to get radical recovery, thereby, to avoid this bad condition, sufferers from kidney disease should receive effective treatment as early as possible.

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