1. Limit fat content in the diet, especially for reducing the high-fat meat intake, such as beef, mutton, pork etc.
2. Avoid eating fried food. Inflammatory lesions in the gastrointestinal tract of Lupus Nephritis patients lead to poor digestive and absorptive functions. The fried food is not easy for patients to digest and increase burden of stomach and intestine, which leads to dyspepsia and aggravate the illness condition.
3. Avoid eating greasy and stimulating food. Greasy food is rich in fat, which will increase burden of vessel for Lupus Nephritis patients. It is advisable for patients to take lighter food, because eating too much salt will increase the renal burden and water-sodium retention. 5-8g salt intake will be proper.
4. Avoid eating dairy product, soya-bean milk, loose dried fish, broad bean, soybean etc.
Lupus Nephritis patients should pay more attention to proper diet which can protect renal function of patients.
Different diet depends on different illness condition of patients. If you want to know more information about proper diet, please email to renalhealth@homail.com, we will supply the best therapeutic method for you.
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