
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): Diagnosis and Treatment

When you have some symptoms of FSGS and doctor also suspect you may get this disease, doctors will order lab tests to help diagnosis. The usual tests for FSGS are:

Urine test. Only urine routine is not enough to estimate the damage in kidneys. Other new tests will benefit people to know what specific part of kidneys is hurt. These tests include U-amlb, U-TRF, U-IGG, U-NAG, U-GGT, β2-M,α1-M and other early indexes.

Blood test. In order to get an accurate GFR result, patients can take blood tests for Cyc C, BMG, HCY, IL-6 and PTH instead of BUN, CR and UA.

Tests of complement in blood serum can help to know the damage caused by disordered immune system. These tests can find C3, C4, CH50 and C3B etc.
Kidney biopsy. This test is considered as the accurate test to diagnose FSGS. However, this test will hurt kidneys and people would feel pain in kidney range in a bad weather.

Treatment for FSGS:

Doctor will suggest patients should keep a low-sodium and low-protein diet to assistant medication to protect kidneys.

Immunodepression is needed first to block renal inflammation and decrease protein in urine. The specific drugs are determined by the result of tests above.

Immune regulation is the fundamental method for the underlying disease. Immune system will become normal and the furious renal inflammation can be put off. So their kidney would not get any damage after immune regulation. In Shijiazhuang kidney hospital, Chinese herbs therapy can help you to achieve a wonderful immune system to avoid renal failure or then end stage of kidney disease.

For people who progress to kidney failure, treatment options are dialysis, kidney transplant and Immunotherapy. Our hospital offers state-of-the-art dialysis, including dialysis, hemoperfusion, immunoadsorption, plasma exchange, hemofiltration and so on. Another individualized treatment is Immunotherapy that can repair kidney tissues and return the kidney to normal. Patients with renal failure also have the chance to have healthy kidneys instead of dialysis and kidney transplant.

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