
What Is the Specific Test and Check-up for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients

Firstly, urine routine test

There are no abnormal symptoms in early stages. But Hematuria appears and even Proteinuria occurs in some sufferers in middle and final stage. Pyocyte and leucocyte can be detected when stone and infection happens.

Secondly, urine osmotic pressure test

The damage of kidney concentration filtration can present even there is only several cysts in the early stage of lesion. This implies that the lesion does not relate with damaged renal structure totally, it may be caused by the bad response of kidney to diuretic agent. The decline of renal concentration function is prior to that of glomerulus filtration rate.

Thirdly, serum creatinine

Serum creatinine rises progressively with renal compensatory ability failure. Creatinine clearance rate is a sensitive indicator.

Fourthly, kidney ureter bladder (KUB) plain film presents the shade of kidney enlarge and irregular kidney outline.

Fifthly, intravenous pyelogram (IVP) presents deformation signs of renal pelvis, renal calices; they have strange shapes like spiders. Kidney pelvis is flat and wide and calices neck is extended, curled-shape seemingly.

Sixthly, Type-B Ultrasonic examination shows many dark spaces in bilateral kidney areas.

Seventhly, computed tomography (CT) shows that bilateral kidneys enlarge, the external shape appears lobulated and numerous cysts with thin wall are full of liquid.

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