
Common Knowledge of Urea Nitrogen

What is Urea Nitrogen?

Nitrogen content in blood urea is called urea nitrogen which is the residue of protein in body. In Physiology, it is the same with urea. Based on Ammonia and carbon dioxide formed by amino acid, urea nitrogen is produced in liver.

Healthy value of urea nitrogen:

After filtrated by kidney glomerulus, urea nitrogen is excreted to urine. If kidney excreting function declines, urea nitrogen concentration in blood will increase. For this reason, urea nitrogen is usually considered as an important index of judging kidney function. The normal value of urea nitrogen should be in the range of 8-23mg/dl.

Sometimes, test result can change due to diet. For example, when glomerular filtration rate is 50% to 60% and there is a 120g high-quality protein intake, urea nitrogen can become 35mg/gl.

Urea nitrogen content of male may be higher than female who can have higher value before menstrual cycle and lower value in late stage of pregnancy. New born baby has the lowest value within 5 months after birth and the value will approach to adult value at the age of 1 to 6. When people is older than 50 years old, their urea nitrogen increases with age, which may mainly caused by renal function decline and general body fluid decrease which can affect kidney blood flow.
Besides, high urea nitrogen also appears after physical exercise, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. 20to 25mg/dl is a standard range. If the test result is out of this value, other points should be involved, including dehydration, fever, anemia or daily medicine intake. Under such condition, people should have a secondary test some days later. Meanwhile, other tests, like urine protein, urinary sediment as well as creatinine, etc, should be taken as reference tests.

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