
Health Care for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

IgA Nephropathy (Berger's Disease) is an autoimmune kidney disease that causes inflammation in the kidneys. Deposition of the antibody IgA collect in the kidney. One of the first symptoms seen is hematuria, or blood in the urine. This may progress to renal or kidney failure if untreated.

Then what should the patients with IgA Nephropathy do in their daily life? As follows:

1.Protect liver

The immune complexes are cleared out of body by liver. Therefore, the patients with IgA Nephropathy should protect their liver very well. Therefore, the patients should limit or even not eat food that contains caffeine such as soda, cocoa, chocolate, tea and so on. In addition, the patients should not drink excessive alcohol, which can do harm to their livers and also can aggravate the disease progression.

2. Quit smoking

Nicotine can contract blood vessels and cause high blood pressure, which can influence blood circulation. Therefore, the patients with IgA Nephropathy should give up smoking.

3. Drink more purified water

The patients with IgA Nephropathy should drink more purified water. Meanwhile, they should not drink drinks containing soda such as cola for it contains a large amount of phosphoric acid that can cause further damage to kidneys.

4. Avoid taking medicines containing renal toxicity

Some common medicines contain much renal toxicity that can do much harm to kidneys such as ibuprofen, acetaminophenol and so on. Therefore, when you ask for prescription for other diseases, you should tell your doctors that you are an IgA Nephropathy suffer.

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