
Foods to Shrink Parapelvic Cyst in Kidney

Parapelvic Cyst originates from the renal sinus in close proximity to the pelvis and major calyces. These kinds of cysts are considered as originating from the lymphatic system instead of pelvicalyceal system.

For people with parapelvic cysts, a well planned dietary treatment can help not only ease their symptoms but also slow down the growing rate of these cysts. Here, kidney experts at PKD Clinic give the following suggestions.

1. Develop a low-sodium diet,excess sodium is more likely to cause swelling and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases especially high blood pressure.

2. Steer clear of oxalic acid,with the enlargement of parapelvic cysts, foods rich in oxalic acid can increase the burden on kidneys, resulting in some problems.

3. Drink cranberry juice regularly, it may rupture under the pressure of the surrounding tissues and organs. Too large parapelvic cyst or its rupture are two common causes of urinary tract infection. Drinking cranberry juice regularly can both prevent and treat urinary tract infections and preserve kidney function.

4. Control the intake of alcohol and coffee,alcohol and coffee can increase the growing rate of parapelvic cyst, these drinks may easily cause some healthy problems. Therefore, controlling the intake is good for overall health.

5. Take high-quality protein, low-quality protein can produce more waste products that may cause the overwork of kidneys, thus leading to further kidney damage. In addition, people with parapelvic cysts should also limit the intake of protein.

Words from kidney experts at PKD Clinic

Since the words here are limited, we can only introduce the basic requirements for the dietary treatment for parapelvic cysts. What’s more, a personalized diet plan should depend on patients’ specific condition. If you want to get a scientific diet, you can describe your condition and send it to kidney-support@hotmail.com, so we can share some suggestions with you in detail through email.

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