
FSGS cure: Is It an Immunological Disease

If some of your symptoms conform the usual symptom of FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis), your doctor will review your medical history and arrange lab tests to assess kidney function and also estimate which part is destroyed by renal inflammation. The usual tests are:

Urine test. Only urine routine is not enough to estimate the damage in kidneys. Other new tests will benefit people to know what specific part of kidneys is hurt. These tests include U-amlb, U-TRF, U-IGG, U-NAG, U-GGT, β2-M,α1-M and other early indexes.

Blood test. In order to get an accurate GFR result, patients can take blood tests for Cyc C, BMG, HCY, IL-6 and PTH instead of BUN, CR and UA.

Tests of complement in blood serum can help to know the damage caused by disordered immune system. These tests can find C3, C4, CH50 and C3B etc.

Kidney biopsy. This test is considered as the accurate test to diagnose FSGS. However, this test will hurt kidneys and people would feel pain in kidney range in a bad weather.

Many types of hormone or immunosuppressive agents are used to decrease the protein in your urine. These drugs can protect kidney cells from the damage of renal inflammation. This treatment is main for remit the symptoms of FSGS.

In many countries or regions, these therapies for FSGS are believed as the good ones. However, all of these do nothing to repair kidney tissues, so FSGS reoccurs frequently. Only kidney tissues recovery can treat this disease from the root. How to repair kidney tissues?

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