
Matters Needing Attention for Dropping Blood Pressure

Hypertension is not just a symptom of the disease of Polycystic kidney Disease (PKD).if it can’t be controlled well in time, it will aggravate the condition of this disease and then the hypertension will be aggravated as return. Thus a vicious circle takes its shape. While, during the dropping of the blood pressure, there are some matters needing attention of the patients:

First, avoid dropping blood pressure blindly: before the dropping of the blood pressure, we must make clear whether the hypertension is caused by polycystic kidney disease or other factors, such as pheochromocytoma, hypercortisolism, toxaemias of pregnancy, disease of main artery and so on. Only by knowing the real cause of the hypertension can we adopt effective treatment methods.

Second, don’t refer to other patients’ medicine dose and prescriptions: patients must adopt reasonable and scientific medicine prescription according to your own illness condition. and pay attention to the individual difference.

Third, except the slight or the new-appearing hypertension, patients had better not just adopt a single medicine. Patients had better adopt drug combination and multiple-therapy in order to reduce the dose of every kind of medicine and decrease the side-effects of the medicine.

Forth, insist on long-term and reasonable taking medicine and test the blood pressure regularly, so as to adjust the dose of medicine according to the change and consolidate the therapeutic effects. And avoid stopping medicine suddenly to prevent from the relapse of the blood pressure.

Fifth, avoid the fluctuation of the emotion; have a good rest and keep a happy mood. Besides, regular daily life and proper exercise are good for the treatment of the patients

Sixth, patients with hypertension must stop smoking and drinking. And don’t eat too much and take in food that is too greasy.

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