
How to Know Your Child Has Nephrotic Syndrome or Not

Kidneys are important organs in body. They can filter the metabolic wastes and extra water out of body and preserve what the body need in blood. However, in Nephrotic Syndrom, the kidneys leak protein, which normally stay in blood into urine. For the protein in urine, the patients will have a series of symptoms. If your child has the following symptoms, you should pay more attention to their kidneys’ condition.

1. There is much foam in his or her urine and persists for a long time. If your child has this abnormal symptom, it is very likely to be caused by protein loss in urine.

2. The protein level in blood is lower than the normal level.

3. They have swelling around his or her eyes, faces, ankle or feet. This may be caused by the retention of water and sodium in body. In this case, his or her body weight increases obviously.
4. She or he has increased urination at night for no specific reasons.

In your child has the above abnormal symptoms persistently, you should doubt if she or he has Nephritic Syndrome and do further examination.

1. Urine test: Usually, your child needs a urine test for protein. If the first test shows a high level of protein, it can not prove your child certainly have Nephritic Syndrome. The doctor needs to test the urine again so as to get a definite diagnose.

2. Blood test: The child also needs a blood test to look at the levels of electrolytes, protein, creatinine level and blood urea nitrogen in his or her blood. These tests can tell whether your child Nephrotic Syndrome or the symptoms are caused by other causes.

3. Renal biopsy: Sometimes, the doctor may ask your child to take a kidney biopsy. It can help show which type of Nephrotic Syndrome your child has.

If your child is diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, you should choose an effective therapy for them at once for it can cause serious renal damage. In the conventional therapies, the children only use hormone to alleviate the symptoms. Although the children can recover for a short time, it is very likely to relapse even they has a mild infection such as colds. What's worse, hormone has too many side effects to the child. It can cause hypoevolutismus, high blood sugar, and renal high blood pressure and so on. Therefore, for your child' healthy growth, all children should avoid using hormone.

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