
Chinese Treatment for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

Chinese Treatment for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is an immune kidney disease with IgA deposited in the glomerular mesangial area. Here, we will recommend Chinese treatments to remedy patients with IgA nephropathy. As we know, not a single treatment can treat kidney disease to have some effective treatments. The treatment for kidney disease should be systematic and step by step.

1. Blood stasis that eliminates the therapy to eliminate the IgA deposited in the kidneys

IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease with IgA deposited in the kidneys, if we do not have treatment to eliminate immune complexes, patients will suffer some serious symptoms and the kidney will be damaged more seriously. And immune complexes can also damage some other tissues in the body with blood circulation. So, the first thing we should do is eliminate the IgA deposited in the kidneys. We use Chinese medicine and Western medicine to remedy IgA nephropathy. Western medicines can control the symptoms that will delay kidney failure. Chinese medicines can eliminate immune complexes and improve the immune system, which can prevent further damage to kidney function.

2. Chinese herbs compress therapy to improve blood circulation throughout the body and stop the inflammatory reaction in the kidneys.

This therapy uses traditional Chinese herbs to remedy kidney disease. There are some traditional Chinese herbs in medicines, and through the hot compress with a special instrument, the effective elements in the medicines can work directly in the kidneys, which will improve kidney function. Medications can also improve blood circulation and cause immune complexes to be eliminated from the urine. It can also stop inflammation in the kidneys, which will reduce the increase in immune complexes.

3. Immune protection therapy to protect and repair damaged kidney cells.

IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease due to immune disorders, so patients should receive treatment to improve their immune system, which can reduce inflammation in the kidneys and improve kidney function. Through improving the immune system, it will improve the self-healing capacity of the kidneys. By improving the immune system and kidney function, IgA nephropathy can be treated effectively.

Above is the basic Chinese treatment of IgA nephropathy, but the state of the disease may be different from one case to another, so patients may have different treatment in their kidney disease. Some therapies can be combined to treat kidney disease, which will have a great effect in patients with IgA.

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