
How to prevent further kidney damage with kidney atrophy

How to prevent further kidney damage with kidney atrophy

Atrophy of both kidneys means that the kidneys are badly damaged. To prevent further damage to the kidneys, patients should take rapid and systemic treatment, which consists of a diet plan, patient care, medicine and systemic therapy.

Before introducing these methods, we would like to talk about the symptoms of atrophic kidneys.

Shrinkage of the kidney indicates a serious loss of tissue functioning in the kidneys. Then a decrease in kidney function can cause the following symptoms and complications.

- Fatigue and weakness

- Nausea and vomiting

- Edema in the legs, feet, ankles or faces

- Itchy itching

- Backache

- High blood pressure

Effective methods of treating renal atrophy

1. Change the diet to ensure adequate nutrition: patients with atrophic kidneys also have malnutrition, while additional consumption of many other substances can strain the kidneys and easily worsen the kidneys. Thus, patients better consume more egg white, milk, lean meat and fresh vegetables in their daily lives and avoid seafood, alcohol, foods high in salt, incomplete protein and so on.

2. Take medicines and medicines in a timely manner: these medical procedures perform two roles: controlling problems caused by shrinkage of the kidneys and eliminating kidney problems, fresh and working again. For example, ACEI, ARB, treatment of erythropoietin, diuretic, etc. Can help atrophic kidney symptoms, while osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine is one of the effective treatments that can save damaged kidneys.

3. Child Care in Everyday Life: A healthy and scientific lifestyle can also do much to improve patient prognosis and prevent further damage to the kidneys. In this regard, patients should pay attention to the following aspects:

* More rest

* Prevent infections, especially those caused by streptococcus

* Do not use the medication wrongly

* Keep the skin clean

* Exercise regularly

* Stop alcohol and smoke

If you still have something clear or get a more detailed treatment plan, you can contact us directly. Our mail: Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp +8613292893707.

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