
Hydroelectrology treats chronic kidney disease

Hydroelectrology treats chronic kidney disease

Hydroelectronisation is one physical therapy in a clinic, and it is sometimes used to treat chronic kidney disease. However, this does not mean that all patients in the kidneys can undergo this therapy. To find out if you can use it, you can directly contact the Doctor online right now.

What can hydropower do for patients with kidney disease?

Kidneys are excretory organs. If they are damaged, there may be various symptoms and complications. This physical therapy can help alleviate the discomfort of patients and effectively improve the quality of life of patients. At different stages of this therapy, patients can receive various therapeutic effects.

After 3 ~ 15 days

If the patient has insomnia, poor appetite, hiccough and full stomach, they can get remission after two to three days of treatment. At the same time, patients can feel more energetic. However, this therapy can cause some discomforts, such as dizziness, fatigue, a bad smell all over the body, floating blood sugar, pain and so on. If one of these problems occurs, report this to the doctor in a timely manner.

After 1 ~ 3 months

If patients have a high blood viscosity or high blood pressure caused by high blood viscosity, hydroelectricization can help clear blood and control blood pressure.

In 3-6 months

The main effect of this physical therapy is to regulate blood circulation to improve arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood fat. At the same time, the complexion of patients can become good, and their cellular function can be improved.

After 6-8 months

At this stage, the key to this therapy is to restore the allogeneity of patients, while patients with kidney disease are usually at risk of metabolic acidosis. Therefore, this stage is very important for patients with kidneys.

In 8-12 months

After cleaning the contaminated blood, the patient's organs can be well adjusted. This can also improve their immunity.

Before determining which therapy is suitable for patients with kidney disease, they should consult with a physician in detail. Mail Asya.yue@mail.ru.

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