
Why Do Patients Have Joint Pain with IgA Nephropathy?

Why Do Patients Have Joint Pain with IgA Nephropathy?

Why do patients have joint pain with IgA nephropathy? IgA nephropathy is an immune disorder that causes kidney disease with the IgA complexes deposited in the glomeruli. When the glomeruli become inflamed, the kidneys become damaged and the kidney function is gradually reduced.

In this condition, patients will suffer some symptoms and serious complications, which will cause patients to live in a life of poor quality. Among these symptoms, joint pain is a common complication caused by kidney damage. So, why do patients with IgA nephropathy have joint pain?

Joint pain is often an annoying discomfort for patients with IgA nephropathy, which will cause many pains in their daily lives. Renal osteopathy is the main cause of joint pain for patients with IgA.

The kidneys have the function of helping to produce calcitriol from vitamin D, calcitriol can help stimulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and bones. Once the kidneys are damaged, kidney function will not work well and excess phosphorus can not leave the body. The high level of phosphorus will remove calcium from the body, so patients will suffer from renal osteopathy, which will cause joint pain.

In addition, high levels of uric acid in the body can also cause joint pain in patients with IgA nephropathy. When the kidneys are damaged, you can not filter out excess uric acid, which will accumulate in the body. Over time, uric acid can form crystals, and if crystals accumulate in the joint, it will cause inflammation in the joint. Then the patients will suffer joint pain.

How to treat joint pain for patients with IgA nephropathy?

From above we can understand that the main cause of joint pain for patients with IgA nephropathy is kidney damage. So, if they want to relieve their joint pain, they need to remedy their kidney damage, which will help them to regain joint pain in a fundamental way. Here we recommend Chinese medicines to repair damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function. We also recommend clear therapy of blood contamination, which can help eliminate complexes in the kidneys and blood, and prevent inflammations in the kidneys. The two therapies combine to help patients improve their kidney function.

Only kidney function is improved, the kidneys can do a good job, which can help filter phosphorus and uric acids from the blood, and then the joint pain will gradually disappear. If you would like detailed information on joint pain treatments, you can send your test reports to chronic-nephritis@hotmail.com. Our experts will make the most appropriate systemic treatments for your condition.

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