
How to Treat It Anemia in Renal Failure

How to Treat It Anemia in Renal Failure

The patient with kidney failure will experience types of symptoms and complications, anemia is one of them, will make people feel weak and tired. Therefore, the treatment of it is related to many patients with kidney disease. So, how to treat anemia in kidney failure?

What is anemia?

Anemia is a condition in which the body has fewer red blood cells than normal. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body and allow them to use the energy of food.

What causes anemia in chronic kidney disease?

Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin (EPO). A hormone is a chemical produced by the body and released into the blood to help activate or regulate particular bodily functions. EPO drives the bone marrow to produce red blood cells, which then carry oxygen throughout the body.

When the kidneys are diseased or damaged, they do not produce enough EPO. As a result, the bone marrow produces fewer red blood cells and causes anemia. When the blood has less red blood cells, it deprives the body of the oxygen it needs.

How to treat anemia in renal failure?

From the above, we know that anemia in kidney disease is caused by kidney damage, so if we want to treat anemia in this disease, we must take measures to repair damaged kidneys. But you may need to take some times, therefore, before that, you should take some medications. Iron pills can help improve iron and hemoglobin levels. Vitamin supplements can treat low levels of vitamin B12 or folic acid and help treat anemia. If a patient's hemoglobin concentration is too low, a health care provider may prescribe a transfusion of red blood cells.

As for the treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy is one of the best ways, can solve the kidney problem from its root by improving kidney function.

If you have other questions about kidney failure or if you need help treating it, do not contact our doctor online, we will do our best to help you.

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